Large Scale Central

Pissed off

That’s such shoddy behavior I can hardly believe it. Are you sure it’s not some clever animal like a raccoon?

I feel for you–what a terrible thing to have happen, and thae thought that some jerk pilfered while a guest is even worse than the loss.

Steve Featherkile said:
Curmudgeon said:
EVERYbody gets shown the 12GA. If they don't believe that, they get shown more.
I can vouch for that. And for the .45 ACP. One of my club-mates acquired a boxcar from me at a show. I didn't even get kissed.
Ain't me! I got no use for "standard" gauge stuff :) :)

OK, now it is time to start watching others very carefully! You have to work at removing the items in question as I have a Pola Tank and have had some repairs to make. You can NOT remove all of that with a wide Engine cab or car! I will investigate replacement parts. I now have an idea where my GN Gon has gone to! Can’t find it any where.

TOC please get your Blood Pressure Med refilled and takem! I would miss you! Also, please consider very hard a complete shut down.

Thank you.

Steve, my back up system for security is by Berrtta, Model 9mm, it works just great!


E. Paul Austin said:
OK, now it is time to start watching others very carefully! You have to work at removing the items in question as I have a Pola Tank and have had some repairs to make. You can NOT remove all of that with a wide Engine cab or car! I will investigate replacement parts. I now have an idea where my GN Gon has gone to! Can't find it any where.

TOC please get your Blood Pressure Med refilled and takem! I would miss you! Also, please consider very hard a complete shut down.

Thank you.

Steve, my back up system for security is by Berrtta, Model 9mm, it works just great!


With a .45, there is a bigger hole, more stopping power.

Steve; Ya YA but first you have to be able to hit the “target” to get the big hole, me I like multiple smaller holes, the “target” bleeds out quicker!

For a BIG hole that’s easy to control where, put away them autos… Go for a .44 mag Ruger Super Blackhawk with Pacmyer presentation grips… It doesn’t kick, it ‘rolls up’. so you can even fire it one handed.


You said - “more stopping power”.

See different thoughts for different situations. You want to stop him, I want him to crawl away slowly, in a lot of pain, making a lot of noise and leaving a great example for many people that may share the same ideas of taking something. I know, your idea would leave a bigger impression for the number of people close to the incident.

E. Paul Austin said:
Steve; Ya YA[b] but first you have to be able to hit the "target" to get the big hole,[/b] me I like multiple smaller holes, the "target" bleeds out quicker!
I've never had a problem hitting the bull, even with a worn out pistol from the armory's qual box. All you have to know is where the bullet goes, then adjust. Besides, when the magazine is empty, you can always throw it at him. The .45 makes a bigger impression on the head than does the 9mm.
Ric Golding said:

You said - “more stopping power”.

See different thoughts for different situations. You want to stop him, I want him to crawl away slowly, in a lot of pain, making a lot of noise and leaving a great example for many people that may share the same ideas of taking something. I know, your idea would leave a bigger impression for the number of people close to the incident.

Yo might have a point there, Ric.

I thought gun-fighting went out in the 1890’s.
Youse guys sound tough!
Key word is “sound”. :slight_smile: :slight_smile:


I don’t ever want anyone to think I’m tough, I don’t mind people thinking I’m crazy and unstable. :wink:

Ric Golding said:

I don’t ever want anyone to think I’m tough, I don’t mind people thinking I’m crazy and unstable. :wink:

No problem there, Ric. :lol: :stuck_out_tongue:


Here’s what I use get’s em everytime!! HAH LOL The Regal

Ric Golding said:

I don’t ever want anyone to think I’m tough, I don’t mind people thinking I’m crazy and unstable. :wink:

Not a bad idea, that way they stay away and don’t take things that don’t belong to them! Paul

Ric Golding said:

I don’t mind people thinking I’m crazy and unstable. :wink:

I want people to think I’m perfectly stable and sane.
You can’t always get what you want :wink:

Enough talk about guns and hate…
More important; What are we going to do to get Dave out of his depression.

To start with, could someone get over to his place with a good $50 ceegar…I’ll put $10 towards it.
Then, can we try to find some parts to replace the ones lost ? I’ll put a few dollars towards that too.

Let’s celebrate the good times…there are more of them than the bad ones. We just have to try to be more vigilant, and keep our friends aware of the “Bad Guys”

Fred Mills said:
Enough talk about guns and hate......
I personally find this petty considering what I have been through and still going through in the past 2yrs. I still play with trains and build my dollhouses and only ever freaked out once on the public board when someone tried to ruin a perfectly good spring picture thread. Other than that I have never complained to our community. Sorry Dave... for your anger and perhaps being a Jaguar guy a Lucas Pacemaker is in order. I'm more interested in my adopted dad Andy right now and not gun toteing over petty BS (BlueStone) Thanks Fred! ;)

I’ll make sure to invite my sister-in-law to my open house. She’s a retired Marine and a good shot!

David Russell said:
Fred Mills said:
Enough talk about guns and hate......
I personally find this petty considering what I have been through and still going through in the past 2yrs.

I’m more interested in my adopted dad Andy right now and not gun toteing over petty BS (BlueStone)
Thanks Fred!

I am very concerned about Andy.

I have no idea what you have gone through for the last two years.
Myself, I’ve had a very serious situation to deal with for the last five years. That’s life. I don’t discuss it here.

However “petty” you think TOC’s beef is…it is a legitimate beef.
And this forum is the ideal vehicle to “vent” about this paticular problem.
Better to get it out of one’s system…than to keep it bottled up and festering.
It is not so much about the few dollars worth of parts, but rather being betrayed by people you have invited to your home.