Large Scale Central

Pissed off




“Each year I have to replace so many bulbs in my Christmas lights. Good thing the neighbors use the same kind.”

Why would someone take just the hardware off the tanks when they can just lift the entire tank?
It seems that during an op session, it would take some time to remove the hardware.
It also had to be some stranger that showed up for ops. I’m sure none of your regular pals would even think of doing this.
Very strange, indeed.

John Bouck said:
Why would someone take just the hardware off the tanks when they can just lift the entire tank? It seems that during an op session, it would take some time to remove the hardware. It also had to be some stranger that showed up for ops. I'm sure none of your regular pals would even think of doing this. Very strange, indeed.
Because lifting the whole tank would have been too obvious, he was hoping no one would notice the loss of the detail parts, to me its clear the thief has the same tank or tanks sans all the gear that was stolen. Thats why it got lifted, see if anyone's layout suddenly sports a Pola watertank complete with all that rigging that he just happened to recently "won" off Ebay. :(
Curmudgeon said:
EVERYbody gets shown the 12GA. If they don't believe that, they get shown more.
I can vouch for that. And for the .45 ACP. One of my club-mates acquired a boxcar from me at a show. I didn't even get kissed.

That is really disgusting that a fellow hobbyist would do that. I’ve usually found most are really great people.

Welcome to the “REAL WORLD” as we know it today!! and it’s getting “WORSE” as we speak! I would guess. It’s best NOT to trust anyone, and be suspicious of everyone!


I’ve never lost anything on the railroad, however I did have a couple of tools taken out of the garden shed a year ago. It really gives you a sour taste. It makes you look at people with suspicion and I just don’t like that style of living.

Drats! Bastards!

Humour on:

Reassemble the group in a reasonably confined space - windows and doors closed, no escape - then have them smoke your “choice” cigars until the “climate” gets stuffy enough and someone breaks.

Cruel and unusual punishment? Nah, not too bad compared with water boarding.

Humour off!

Sure makes me wonder what makes those bastards tick! GRRRRRRRRRRRRRR!

A couple of times things have “disappeared”, and when I loudly squawked, one or two operating seeions later, miracle of miracles, the parts were found on the floor where there had been NOTHING prior to the ops session.

Last batch was a baggie of Climax gear/plate/u-joint/plunge joints.
Made of un-obtainium.
Had to do a repair, and I tore the place apart.
I let it be known I wasnt happy, and two weeks later, there they were.

Like they were stuck to the freaking ceiling and just “fell down”.


When the Shay got stripped, the main steam lines (small one off the top of the clyinder cover, long one to the bottom of the smokebox behind the air tank) were GONE, as were the air lines and valves into both ends of the air tank.

The air lines are now brass with Trackside valves, and boy, was it fun getting the steam lines out of Bachmann service.

This happened during an ops session.

TOC - I just find this whole thing hard to comprehend … Do you know the people who come over for your op sessions? Are there so many that you don’t know them all? I just don’t get it. I guess I’d be looking for a new group of folks to hang out with. But then again, I’m sure many of them are close friends. Just one scumbag that has to screw everything up for the whole bunch!

This stuff must not be happening to actually steal something. Someone is just messing with you, or trying to settle a score, or something.

Whatever the case may be, I would be extremely upset as well.

The longer I think about it, the closer I am to abandoning the railroad in place.
Stop all ops.

Had a couple of guys over today, showed them the tanks, they could not believe it.

I KNOW 99.9% of the folks, and newbies generally have a seasoned operator with them to show them the ropes.

I gotta go get my blood pressure meds refilled.

I still seriously suggest a Malibu light transformer and some model T coils hidden in various structures with real thin wires connected to the spouts. When you hear a sharp snap followed by a yelp, just look to see who is sitting down massaging his hand…

Vanishing tools? Sometimes just painting the handles a loverly shade of pink or lavender seems to deter them from wandering off by themselves… or always lock the tool room when you aren’t actually IN it.

On the closed circuit vid cameras, they’re a good idea – if you can afford them. Make 'em obvious if you just wanna deter the bums, or hidden if ya wanna catch 'em in the act. Either way, turn the date code on for evidence purposes. They’ll also come in handy should the ‘FRA’ need to investigate a bad wreck.

As for the guy who doesn’t like people asking for stuff free or cheap. I simply suggest he try living on what I make for a couple of months… If I have something somebody else needs, and I have no use for it, they can usually have it… just send a couple bucks for postage. Unfortunately, most of the stuff in my junkbox nobody else wants either… Not even Vic

Ric, are you sure your ballaster didn’t just mistakenly put those in the garage when he was done?

Tom Ruby said:
Ric, are you sure your ballaster didn't just mistakenly put those in the garage when he was done?
Tom, I'm not talking hand tools that "the Ballaster" would use. I'm talking battery powered hedge trimmer, plus a leaf vaccuum. Ya'd think somebody would notice that in their back pocket, ya know?

Fake video cameras at Harbor Freight - $6

50 lb. fishing line attached internally to any buildings with a 10’ line – they walk away the line grows taught and whatever is hidden isn’t.

do you have a picture of the parts. I have a water tanks that is for looks only and not very visable to most. I’m willing to remove the parts and ship them to you if they will work for you. Let me know. you have helped me out in the past I welcome the chance to help you if I can.

I think my tank is piko will they work?

Man, that’s rotten. (I’m being polite). “Weird” doesn’t begin to cut it. I hope you keep your ops sessions going. Keep the pressure on your operators to keep their eyes open. I do have to wonder how it could happen during the ops sessions with that many people, but history says that’s when it’s often easiest…

I have to admit, I feel somewhat left out though–I missed the shotgun viewing. But then that could have been due to you surpressing your otherwise uncontrollable desire to take a shot at the Chevy I parked on your driveway. (Enterprise thanks you.) Just reach back into that ability to surpress your rage, and I think you’ll be fine.

Hang in there…



I’m extremely fortunate. Being the owner of the host railroad for the OVGRS; we have never had any problems.

The guys and gals that come over here have always been as trustworthy as my own brothers.
I am truely thankful for having them as friends.

When I hear of occurances such as yours, Dave; I know how fortunate I am.

Please don’t close up…you would only become miserable and reclusive…we all would miss you as a friend.
I would send you replacement parts if I had them. They would be of no value to me if you are in need, except as a gift.


Are they showing up on evil bay?
