Large Scale Central

Piney Creek & Goat Hill Junction Railroad

Hmm. All good suggestions, however, my little 4 year old boy may have questions after looking through the book. Still thinking about the motion sensing sling shot. Might also deter that nosy neighbor who called the code cops on me.

Try using moth balls. Cats really detest the smell and they won’t hurt plants in the garden.

Ron Spencer said:
Try using moth balls. Cats really detest the smell and they won't hurt plants in the garden. Ron
I've heard that too. Can you crush them or do you use them whole. Would take a lot of balls (careful) to cover my area. It seems that when I fix one area it just moves on to another bare spot on the layout. Really p!$sing me off. I spend more time cleaning up after it then actually working on areas that I would like to. My nephew thought I should call the mountain Cat Scratch Mountain. I'm more inclined to call it Cats Kills. I bought more plants and ground cover, so if the weather permits, I will get those down tonight.
Rick Hill said:
Hmm. All good suggestions, however, my little 4 year old boy may have questions after looking through the book. Still thinking about the motion sensing sling shot. Might also deter that nosy neighbor who called the code cops on me.
I had a County "Code Enforcement Officer" show up on his own........tried to enforce a code from a municipality 20 miles away that had nothing to do with the town I live in, Ne'er mind I know the mayor, the city council, and the Clerk....after a quick call to City Hall I suggested he was trespassing and should get out of my yard before I paddled the little snot with a 2x4....he took it as a threat and called for back up.....Funny the Deputy Sgt that showed up (whom I also know) told him he WAS trespassing (Something to do with he had to open a closed gate, thus plainly designating a property line) and escorted HIM off the property...and stayed for a cup of coffee........the Code Enforcement Officer wasn't employed by the County too much longer....

Great story Bart. I wish I had the contacts you have. Unfortunately the anonymous neighbor, who I suspect who, has more influence with the authorities, being involved with the city planning commission. Just one of the drawbacks of living in the suburbs of Southern California. All that over a pile of dirt. Now I’m fighting cats.

Rick you can get moth bals in flake form and put it all around. Also, you could check into a motion active water sprinkler. I saw one of these and thougth it funny. seems if a dog or cat trips it the sprinker sprays them with water. there is also a bare wire hooked up to a car battery and just kind of there about a inch or so off the ground other then that there is a pellet gun. might wont to change yur sign from Goat Xing to Cat Xing.

Hey Rick,

Trap the fur ball in a safe cage and then call the “Code Guy” to take care of it. There is a leash law in Calif even for peskie fur balls. Hopefully the fur ball belongs to your peskie neighbor and he’ll have to pay a fine. It all comes around in the end.


I would love to do that, unfortunately the “Code Guy” is a gal and doesn’t even live on my street. I thought of trapping it but was afraid of hearing howls in the middle of the night. I’m afraid too that it might be too smart for the trap.


The cat is only pushing rocks aside from your statement…so let it ride and keep on doing what ya’ do?
RR looks good!

As your groundcover spreads the cat will find “softer” territory. You can always spread some bigger rocks he can’t push around.

Here Kitty Kitty Kitty

It pushes the rocks out of the way to do it’s business if you know what I mean. That’s what I have to clean up every night. I did plant more ground cover tonight and spread some moth ice around. Will find out tomorrow.

When I used them I just scattered them whole around the garden, probably something like one every couple of feet and that seemed to keep them away. Eventually the moth balls lose the smell but by then hopefully the cat has found a new potty room.

With the recent rains, the ground will be nice and soft for a day or two. I hope between the moth crystals, the new plantings and some more scattered rock will keep it at bay for a while.

Rick you could try a BIG dog. I have one I will rent to you for a week or so. I call her Runt and she weights in at 150 Lbs. very sweet Newfoundland. My Avatar shows a picture of her when she was 6 months old.

That might work… She is a beaut. I can see where she gets her name. Actually we do need to replace our dog who we lost to old age a several months ago. A very sweet Corgi named Maggie. She wasn’t much of a threat to cats unfortunately. Thanks for the offer. Bit of a drive to and from St. Louis though. :slight_smile:

The mine at “Cat Dump” on the KVRwy is so named for the neighbor’s cats. Garden railroading sometimes means you learn to live with nature.

…I will always like that name. “Cat Dump”…!!!

Too true Ric. With nature, there is no loss for what to name things. I guess too as I mature as a garden railroader and as my railroad matures I will learn to take what nature dishes out. I should be thankful that I don’t have moles, groundhogs, dear, etc.

Ok, done with the complaining. Now on with the building. Here kitty kitty.

Well Rick rightnow me and my dogs are still in La Quinta, CA. that is untill tuesday when I start back home to St. Louis. Good luck with the cat and the Railroad looks great.