Rick -
I’m hoping to encourage you to keep posting pictures of your amazing models. I decided to try and document picture posting with the new editor the best I can. I use Firefox. All other browsers can do the same but the command wording may be just a bit different.
Method #1 - Freight Shed
Click Freight Shed button and navigate to the photo you want to post.
Right Click on the link to the picture and select Copy Link Location
Click on the Insert Image icon…
then paste in the Image URL box…
- Click Insert.
Method #2 - Image stored on Web
In another tab; open the image you wish to post
Copy the URL from the browser’s address bar.
Click on the Insert Image icon then paste in the Image URL box…
Click Insert.
The images will show in the editor which is agreeably is a little cumbersome in the small editor widow. Perhaps someday in the future the edit window can be made sizable.