Large Scale Central

Pepper's Ice Co. - Devon's 2020 MIK

Devon Sinsley said:

I am just so used to pouring myself …

Devon: given the state of your squirter, I’d avoid talking about pouring yourself into anything :-). Advice from a friend…

Good one Jim,

Maybe be some unintended brain juice

Well Devon, you may feel this is not some of your best work, but I like it and apparently so do several others here, so your out voted(


the results are looking very nice


Devon, I’m gonna shoot straight with you and not try to make you feel good about yourself, I absolutely do not like it …


Working lights, operable ramps, a replica of Pepper … how many details do you want. You did a fine job. The cedar really looks good.

Thanks everyone for the kind words. Don’t get me wrong I am happy with it, just see potential for so much more in it. But weather is harsh so how much of that potential can and should be realized is still new to me.

Like they all said, Great looking building and some nice modeling work… (

Okay so I am officially done and pictures are taken. I still have internet issues at home so final shots will be posted tomorrow.

I spent about 10 dollars. All I bought was a tube of liquid nails, some dollar store super glue, and a solar light.

Fun project and I will begin work on the actual part of the layout where it will be put. Right now that is just a temporary track. I need to build up some log cribbing and make tunnels over existing track which will all set up the platform the ice house will be placed on. I did photograph it on the layout just not in the spot it’s going.

As always it’s been a gun project. I learned stuff which is always good, the lighting was a new thing to me. So added to my skill set. And I have enjoyed all the other builds and have lots of ideas to try from stone work, 3d printing, playmobil, and so.much more that inlearn from you guys.

Anxiously awaiting the “glamor shots”. But it looks durn good from here!

If you really, really don’t like it, you can send it here! Great finish!

Okay so I am dumb. I am blaming it on my brain. I declared this thing done days ago and moved onto another project. Only to realize today that I forgot one of the most important details; signage. The decals have been made since the first week just forgot to make the sign boards and apply them. So I will submit the final shots without them but will update soon when I get them made. So here is Pepper’s Ice Co.

The front (track side)

I did add some ice blocks made from clear resin.

North Side


South Side

Ariel view

and finally Pepper and friend relax and approve of their new digs.

I am happy to say I left this out all day and night yesterday. So the battery charged up and when i went to look at it in the pitch black it was all nice and lit up. So that part was a success. In addition to the lighting I tried a few other things I hadn’t tried before. The sand paper roof worked out okay once I learned how to glue it down well. I think the self adhesive traction tape would be better. For the base I used PVC boards glued together for an 1 1/2" thick platform. I think this should hold up fine in the elements. I also did a little different weathering than I had before on the metal; I dusted the whole thing with flat black. Then used my regular oil paints and dabbed them on but then I drug them down to get more of a streaked effect.

All and all its a neat building, the first I have built for the outdoor RR, and I think it will look great once I get a permanent place for it. But that is going to be quite a project in its own right. I have to make a dowel making jig and then cut a bunch of cedar dowels to make a whole bunch of cribbing. Stay tuned for that part of the project. My goal is to have that done no later than June as that is when I host the club meeting.

Devon that is one great looking build

Another great build Devon. Only you could come up with a believable use for a chimney at an ice house … let that sink in for a minute … the one place where heat is your sworn enemy and you make the chimney work. I love your sculpted rendition of Pepper and the ice blocks just make it real. Again, great job.

A couple shots of the lights

You need to splash some water on those blocks to simulate melting ( add another level of detail

Beautiful build, keep raising the bar!

Even your grizzly scat kinda looks like a rock! Amazing(

Devon, of all the times I have been to train meets and see all sorts of layouts with people running wood sided refrigeration cars that take ice, your building is by far the first ice house I have ever seen, very different and very needed building. Excellent build, Bill

Dan Hilyer said:

You need to splash some water on those blocks to simulate melting ( add another level of detail

Make a Lucite puddle around the block and evaporating to an ink stain farther away … easy peasy.

Dan Hilyer said:

You need to splash some water on those blocks to simulate melting ( add another level of detail

This is Pepper’s “never melts” ice

Devon Sinsley said:

Dan Hilyer said:

You need to splash some water on those blocks to simulate melting ( add another level of detail

This is Pepper’s “never melts” ice

Pepper’s Ice Co., “where the ice never melts and its always cold” (