Large Scale Central


I’ve been asked to “Verify” my PayPal account, so I can spend more money. Can anyone tell me about this? Is it real, or is someone on a phishing expedition. They want to “link” to my checking account.

If it came in an email, it’s a phish – DO NOT click on any links it contains.

You can also forward any questionable email to [email protected]. They will confirm whether or not it’s legitimate.

Contact paypal at 1-402-935-2050 they may re-direct you to another state number. Also If the email is authentic, it should show up also in your ebay MY SUMMARY at the same time. The Regal

just a note I get on the average two of the sales reports are available through my email, and have forwarded them to [email protected] for the last two years, and they seem to keep coming I guess its just the annoyance of using or buying and selling on ebay, as they don’t seem to be able to stop or catch the offender or offenders!!! But I keep on a helpin em by sending the info that they request you do for them. The Regal

But yes, if you verify your account you can spend more money. Log into paypal through your web browser NOT the email sent and check it out. Normally if you have an account linked to your paypal account it shows paypal that you are “responsible” and they let you spend more. I used a free checking account for it and only put what i need to cover paypal costs into it. Usually paypal will tell you to log in through your browser not by email.

That is kinda what I thought. I sent the email to PayPal ([email protected]) Haven’t seen any answer, yet.

Film at 11

I get them too and I don’t do Pay Pal.


TonyWalsham said:
I get them too and I don't do Pay Pal.


Why not?

I’ve only used it this once, and I’m not happy that it is not as secure as they claim.

You answered your own question.

TonyWalsham said:
I get them too and I don't do Pay Pal.


I used to and stopped after their first GIGANTIC screwup. Of course they would still like me to reactivate my accounts and whatever. Hell will freeze before that happens! GRRRRRRRRRR

I realise there has to be some form of monetary exchange capability for trading on E Bay.
I have used E Bay once. I will never ever use them again either. Especially as they mandate the use of Pay Pal.

TonyWalsham said:
I realise there has to be some form of monetary exchange capability for trading on E Bay. I have used E Bay once. I will never ever use them again either. Especially as they mandate the use of Pay Pal.
I got quite a few items off eBay, but after the PayPal screwup I always insisted that it was a MO or forget it.

Did the “PayPal screw up” cost you mony?

Ric Golding said:
HJ, Did the "PayPal screw up" cost you mony?
No, just lots of time! One can always make more money, one can't make more time! Add to that my low tolerance level for incompetence. :)

Cancelling the PayPal accounts - I certainly wouldn’t subject our customers to a similar experience! - along with avoiding eBay to a large extent, solved the problem for me. :confused: :slight_smile:

So far I’ve only had one Paypal screw up. It worked out in the end but I’m not a real fan of their services. Or lack of service in the event of a mishap…

I am not verified with them either. Honestly, there’s no reason to get verified. The amount of personal information you give them is ridiculous.

You can do online transactions just as easy and still be fairly safe without them. Actually, to be as safe as possible you should avoid using any computers running Microsoft Windoze too. Far too many security issues in all the versions they make.


I’ve been using PayPal for over 4 years now. I’ve never had a problem. I know there are horror stories out there so I do keep the account at a very low balance. There are problems with credit cards too, but I use mine daily.

Me too Del. I’ve had a PayPay account for 7 years or more. Never a problem. I buy and sell on eBay and have yet to have a problem there either. I bank on-line with Windoze. I use my sky miles credit card instead of cash for all transactions over $10 and never had a problem with that either. In fact, using the card to make purchases has enabled refunds for bad products/services that I probably would never have got with cash.

I guess I’m ripe for a problem :smiley:

Gentlemen, when it comes to business transactions on the Internet, one screw-up is one too many. When support reads me the same script over again - different people each time - and the supervisor at domestic tech support is as dense as an oaken railway tie and the international tech supervisor admits two days later, that yes, they have a problem and no solution … then, Gentlemen, yours truly will bail, pronto!

For me it’s as simple as that. :wink: :slight_smile: :wink: First hand experience is a swift teacher!

I’ve used PayPal without an impact. Even transferred money to Bob here on LSC through Paypal. I’m sorry anyone has had problems. I realise I’ve been warned. I wouldn’t do the verification thing.

I’ve been verified with PayPal for years. Never had a problem.
I once had my identity stolen and a CC misused. But it was because of a crook at a major online retailer.
I hadn’t used the card in over a year, so it was not difficult to figure out where the problem originated.

My mother is terrified of any “electronic” payment method…Credit Card, online banking, etc. She’d never heard of, nor would she use PayPal. She misses out on many things because of her refusal to do business in this century. I am one of the millions upon millions who use e-payments daily. PayPal for me is a very convenient way to buy and sell. Hundreds of transactions in both directions without issue. Of course there may be a problem in my future but if I dropped every business that made a mistake or everyone that gave me a problem I wouldn’t eat out, drive a car, buy any brand of model train, heck, doubt I’d be married! I appreciate the fact that when I use PayPal my credit card number is kept secure from the recipient of the payment. Life ain’t perfect, neither is PayPal but I prefer to keep both!