the older amongst you might remember, that i partook in the first two challenges.
the first was a little outhouse car for my MOW train.
the second was a never finished hotel.
when we had the “Back to School Challenge” last year, i actually got some space on my workbench cleared, and did find some of the partially done pieces.
while you other guys finished some old projects, i had a three week vacation in hospital and a drugged christmas.
after that my energy was just enough for bull-$-ing in the forums, but not for doing much.
now, after this year’s challenge, with its many nice buildings, i decided, that it is time, to finish my 2011 challenge build!
i got the front finished, most corner posts added and am building the third side now.
(while my printer is busy to make 16 pieces of balcony railings)
hopefully, in one or two years this build will be done…