Large Scale Central


This weekend has been a flurry of activity trying to get Oakhill ready for TrainOps. Taking a break for lunch, I took a few photos of progress. Track starts going in after lunch.

hmmm, cool…

Looking Great!
That is going to be one exciting spot for railfans and operators.

I was a bit disoriented there for a minute trying to figure out where this was till I saw the garden in the back ground and then the arrow pointing to Majestic.

Good place for a wye, right there in the middle of the layout.

I was trying to figure out where it was also!

Yep, up in the back at the top of the hill.

Some trackwork done, but its started to rain…




Looks like progress is being made. Jon will be glad to see the larger end of track device on the industry track. :wink:

It is nice to see that Bob has lots of rocks to line his RR with! Must be fun digging in the yard!


All the broken white granite is the last ton or so of 40 I had delivered two years ago. Most of what comes up out of the ground is rounded from glacial grinding during the last ice age, and darkened with age.

Couple yards of fill moved to bring ground level up to the bottom of the spline



That’s enough for one day.


Dave, N.B., Marconi said:

Looks like progress is being made. Jon will be glad to see the larger end of track device on the industry track. :wink:

Ken won’t be there this year, so there is no worries or running off EOT!

Nice addition. Just when I thought I knew the RR there is more stuff to learn.

Jon Radder said:

Dave, N.B., Marconi said:

Looks like progress is being made. Jon will be glad to see the larger end of track device on the industry track. :wink:

Ken won’t be there this year, so there is no worries or running off EOT!

Nice addition. Just when I thought I knew the RR there is more stuff to learn.

Well, this is the last area that is getting track. Oakhill is about half the trackwork I have planned for there, the rest will probably happen sometime in the fall, or next spring. So not too much more to learn!

Great to see other railroads under construction or getting extended. Just looking at the work makes me break out in a sweat. (

I guess the Train Ops visitors will enjoy working the new sections.


Looks great

Can’t wait to operate the new trackage at TrainOps. Should be great fun.


Got some time at lunch to put some more track down. One and a half sidings, and the third leg of the wye. Just need to finish the siding, the second tail of the wye, and a switchstand. Then put the walkway in.



hey! you recreated the bridge from the movie “the general”!

that looks like a lot of serious work. isn’t it supposed to be a hobby?

Trackwork for Oakhill is done. The tail end of the wye on the left will go to the 28th Street benchwork trackage. Im betting I dont have the time to get THAT done by TrainOps this year. :slight_smile: But I get another town with three industries out of this.


Cool. Good thing Ken won’t be there this year. That rock on the wye tail looks to have his name on it.

Good work Bob!