Large Scale Central

Not mik 2024

if i would have participated, i most likely would have built a lineside-hotel.
(just because i got one or two bits of my failed greenbuck hotel from jan 2011 left over)

but i knew it! the developing company that should level the building site will never be ready before april or may.
when they promised to flatten the lone mountain till end of january, they didn’t mention which year.


What did I miss Korm? Is your RR being dismantled?

not very clear yet, if we build a new playroom (planned 65 by 20ft)
or if i will landgrab the generalstore building (65 by 48ft), when we close the store.
but two things are clear 1) we will close the store in 2 or 3 years (getting too old to like being working)
2) it will take me at least 2 more years to sort out all my modeling materials (junk, she says) and toys for a move (without getting stuck from day one in the new place)
i know, you, Devon, will never understand, but the different health issues slowed me down somewhat.

Oh, I know more than I wish to admit. I am blessed right now to be feeling decent as the hardware is working pretty well. So right now I am pretty well full steam ahead. And it is the reason I am doing all the things I am doing because health has made me realize I have fewer days ahead of me than behind me and those days become increasingly more difficult. Life and health have a tendency to catch up with us. So I do understand and I am sorry they have caught up to you.

Your RR has always been one of my favorites because it show cases that Large Scale can be done indoors and there is NOTHING wrong with breaking the “rules” and compressing things and fudging tolerances. Between your RR and Vic’s pizzas I am inspired to build a small indoor layout someday. But like most things it is getting Devoned to death. I hope your health and transition from work to retirement allows you to build a new empire for you to enjoy.

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seriously it doesn’t matter, if my next layout gets built, or not. - the way is the goal.

i prefer to die with a bucket full of unfinished projects and unstarted plans, and not to die after i bored myself to death.

hmmm… - that gets me thinking. perhaps we could use a thread about armchair modeling and Devoning… ?


I actually really like that way of thinking about it Korm. As one who spends far more time dreaming and scheming, and starting and stopping, than finishing. . .I like that thought process. This is a hobby and there is no right or wrong way to enjoy it. As long as what I am doing is bringing me joy then so be it. I love the attitude of dying with a 1000 unfinished projects than dying bored because my bucket is empty.

Thank you for that insight.

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Touche! (Words added for count purposes…)

I keep seeing Devon the noun, an adjective and as the verb to Devon being conjugated.
What is the definition of Devoning?
And if you deviate from the devoning process is there a term for that?

Devoning is the act of dreaming about, planning to death, starting on a project only to abandon it because you started dreaming about something new.

If you deviate from Devoning its simply called “finishing”

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Damn, I was hoping it was going to be devonating

well, for you and all the other newer members:

when a certain member (i woun’t mention his name) joined up, he sprayed the forum with posts and themes.
planning this and that, wondering about possibilities - but without any hint of any realisation of these dreamcastles being realised, a nasty member (again not to be named) let fall the expression of “Devoning” in the context of the activities of armchair modelers.
well, that certain, not named member turned out to be a very good and multy active modeler!
but the word “Devoning” for armchair modeling stayed.

disclaimer: any similarities to existing persons should be treated as coincidential…

ps: so i, for example, now being between two layouts (the last real and the future possible one) am now in full Devoning mode.

Korm, that’s a brilliant explanation. I had to really laugh out loud not just “lol” because I still remember the original dreamcastle as you put it and just the other day looked at my first attempt to scratch build a working locomotive and thought, with my new found CAD ability and 3D printing technology I bet I can build a working chassis and make that sucker run.

But I digress. While this starry eyed new comer came with my grandiose ideas and dreams, I was accepted and found a family. I am not sure at this point if I even remember who coined the term Devoning. But my harshest critic was John C. I remember he pretty much wrote me off as a flash in the pan, here today, gone tomorrow guy. May he rest in peace, he became one of my favorite people. But at the end of the day whatever good or bad I have brought to LSC central its been a blast and I am glad that most of you have accepted me and my starry eyed ambitions and deep deep bucket lists of builds I want to make. BTW did you see the tank wagon. . . Squirrel!

Glad to know my name hasn’t been turned into a verb yet.

Devon has had a long hard history with LSC and one that has many twists and turns, holes in his head, pipes in his brain (he grew so many new ideas he has to drain his brain juice?) And most of all a online family.

I think besides the local Spokane peeps that post here, myself and Pete are the only folks that have had the fine pleasure of meeting the man behind the tinfoil hat.

If Devon’s the guy known as over thinking, I’m the guy that’s over analyzing minut details. I’m not a right counter but rather a weld bead counter. But unlike Devon I can play the excuse card for not getting projects done because I have 3 small wild things around me 24/7.

This whole conversation could be turned into a grammar lesson. Devon dreamt of a model that he devoned to death and then he realized it into a beautiful half finished devoned project before devoning his way to the next devonable project.

Don’t let Craig fool you. His inability to finish things has nothing to do with being a scatter brain (i didn’t say splatter brain) like me nor is his zoo ( his wife and kids are awesome) to blame. His problem is involuntary paralysis caused by perfectionism that makes OCD people look sloppy. Craig can’t finish a project because he can’t find 1 mm of wire that is less than 10 thousandths of an inch from scale.

but i do. and don’t blame John, it wasn’t him.

although your eternal project could bring you in danger… but your name saves you.
“Craiging” doesn’t even come near to the elegant ring of “Devoning”. :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:

Since I am the sacrificial lamb on the alter of all projects unfinished dont keep me guessing. . . Was it Greg?

And I am sure any minute now the keeper of the foil hat picture will chime in ( Sean its been awhile).

I don’t think it was John either…

David “ROOSTER” Russell?

I feel like I was somehow involved but I don’t remember the exact circumstances…

I recall looking for 7x7 stranded wire for a certain project that would be .023" thickness and got frustrated when I found 7x1 stranded wire in .023" thickness. Or something like that.

Hey, at least I’ve finally learned my lesson that handlaid track is probably not the most productive use of my time and am slowly getting commercial track down.

I can neither confirm nor deny the existence of exact scale parts in this workshop.

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Rooster is to much of a chicken to pick on me. . . Another guy I have come to love. In all seriousness its been a fun ride. You guys never gave me a break and I’m glad because it inspires me to prove you all wrong and every decade or so finish something.