Large Scale Central

Not getting my hopes up but. . .

I am not getting my hopes up but I may have an opportunity to purchase all the track I need for the outdoor layout sometime this summer. I played with some rough track plans and estimated a cost and there maybe a window of opportunity.

regardless I want to get started on the layout; Iknow a lot needs to be done before track gets screwed down. So I am trying to determine a logical order of work.

First is to completely clean the area so I have a blank slate,

then it makes sense to me to install all of the ladder system,

then bring in rock and timber to form the beds,

then make at least the rough landscaping,

then lay track.

Is this a logical progression of work?

Any water features? Some (1) club requires it to be a real RR (

Too orderly for me! I’d be laying out rocks and obstacles as well as visual blocks … but then I never drew a plan either. No flex was offered when I bought mine. With sectional, the plan is limited by geometry. I had to try different configurations to get it connected and then revisit to swap switches and re-align ROW for smooth flowing lines. Then 'cause I like them in Stainless, I torque down the joiner screws as I align the rail heads …

I’m happy for you.


Devon Sinsley said:

I am not getting my hopes up but I may have an opportunity to purchase all the track I need for the outdoor layout sometime this summer. I played with some rough track plans and estimated a cost and there maybe a window of opportunity.

regardless I want to get started on the layout; Iknow a lot needs to be done before track gets screwed down. So I am trying to determine a logical order of work.

First is to completely clean the area so I have a blank slate,

then it makes sense to me to install all of the ladder system,

then bring in rock and timber to form the beds,

then make at least the rough landscaping,

then lay track.

Is this a logical progression of work?

Good to start with a plan.

Are you going to do an article like Ken has done?

Do not forget to take many many photographs!

We wish you lots of luck !

You should have a construction kit near the work site!

This should include: Bandages, aspirin, kneeling pads, gloves, hat (to keep from frying the brain any further), bug spray, cooler, long handled shovel (fiberglass handle required), pick, long pinch bar, chair , small trowel, weed block, sharp utility knife, scissors , camera (tripod optional ) Bandages … (

I have plan although I am revising it as we speak. I had a revelation that if I keep the elements I want but rearrange them a bit I might eliminate some of the need to walk over (or through) the track. It think its working out. The problem is I need to stop planning and start building. I could come up with a 100 track plans for this space and never lay any track. besides as just about everyone here has said once I am outside the plan will change again and again. So I think I am done farting around with the plan and am ready just to start getting some work done.

As for a water feature. I want one but It is not a must. In fact it is low on the totem pole. If one happens it would be a very small creek no pond. Just not enough room.

I will take tones of photographs and of course add a log or article or something to keep you folks entertained.

If you have even a thought of a water feature, even a small creek, put that in first, before anything else, or you will be tearing out everything, just to install your water feature. You need not install the water, pump, pond, et. al., but put in the creek, to include the liner and rocks, or you will regret it later.

Besides, a dry creek always looks good.

Steve Featherkile said:

If you have even a thought of a water feature, even a small creek, put that in first, before anything else, or you will be tearing out everything, just to install your water feature. You need not install the water, pump, pond, et. al., but put in the creek, to include the liner and rocks, or you will regret it later.

Besides, a dry creek always looks good.

The dry creek idea is a great one. Putting in the liner and the waterline wouldn’t be very easy to do firt and work around. I even have a spot where it might go.

Devon, I have a dry creek for rain run off, so that my track doesn’t wash away in a heavy storm.

So you may want to consider drainage and plan for that too.

But like you said, you need to get at it. Spring is here, and you want to have trains running before the first snowfall.

That should have read would be easy to do.

The dry creek is an interesting idea. Yours looks good
Drainage at my place and especially in this location won’t be an issue. I will need a rain gutter and down spout to direct roof run off away but our soil has no standing water ever and no slopes to run off from.

I don’t know if you have a Lowes in your area, but I have gone through 1 fiberglass handled shovel so far and that is just removing … or trying to remove a plant that will be in the way of my layout… and Lowes offers them with no hassle free replacement. mine started to come loose at the head, and they just said go get another if you want. Cool!

Devon Sinsley said:

First is to completely clean the area so I have a blank slate,

then it makes sense to me to install all of the ladder system,

then bring in rock and timber to form the beds,

then make at least the rough landscaping,

then lay track.

Is this a logical progression of work?

do you call that planning, or dreaming?

Korm Kormsen said:

Devon Sinsley said:

First is to completely clean the area so I have a blank slate,

then it makes sense to me to install all of the ladder system,

then bring in rock and timber to form the beds,

then make at least the rough landscaping,

then lay track.

Is this a logical progression of work?

do you call that planning, or dreaming?

Well I really hope it is planning and not just dreaming. That still remains to be seen. What should be a reality is the surveying and grubbing, those contracts appear to be in the final stages of being awarded. I believe without issue the contract for grading including material (ladder system, landscape rock, and fill dirt) should be awarded and completed this year. If the investors come through I believe we can release the track laying contract in late summer with work maybe carrying through until spring. Finalization of the project hopefully will be before the 3rd Saturday in July 2017. Much of the finalization will have to take place after, such as bridge work and further sidings.

Its a big chunk of change. But there maybe a unique opportunity to have the excess cash all at once and its kinda one of those things where you better strike when the iron is hot.

just don’t do all the ladders, before laying track and test-running.

if i’m not mistaken, it is your first layout. so you will have to redo a lot of things, before you get the right compromise between wishes/plans and doable.

Korm Kormsen said:

just don’t do all the ladders, before laying track and test-running.

if i’m not mistaken, it is your first layout. so you will have to redo a lot of things, before you get the right compromise between wishes/plans and doable.

I hear you. I will have experienced help with people in my club who have built their layouts using the exact method I will be using. I will be leaning heavily on them to at least advise me along the way. Not sure how it will all play out yet. Stay tuned.

Edited to say looking at the track plan I can see how it can be done in stages as you suggest Krom. I could build the right hand loop, wye, and yard in the first stage. That would give me some running track to mess with and a base to build from. Half would be bench work half would be ladder. and then i could have an operational switching layout to play one and experiment with.


I have been giving much thought to your suggestion of building a section at a time and not building all of the ladder at once. I think your right and I with layout I currently have in mind it lends itself to being built in two separate pieces. The yard,wye, and right hand loop could be built first and even becomes a working switching layout. I then can build the rest in a second phase. So good idea.


When are you actually going to build this … Hmmmmm (

I will be looking in the article area for your start! (

Rooster you can not ask if it’s done yet until he actually starts!

Sean McGillicuddy said:


When are you actually going to build this … Hmmmmm (

I will be looking in the article area for your start! (

Rooster you can not ask if it’s done yet until he actually starts!

I think what you’re trying to say is, “Quit aimin’ and start shootin”! (

Sean McGillicuddy said:


When are you actually going to build this … Hmmmmm (

I will be looking in the article area for your start! (

Rooster you can not ask if it’s done yet until he actually starts!

We are moving much closer to a transition from pipe dreams to ground breaking. The big hang up has, and still is, the financing. $1500 bucks in track alone not counting wood and any other materials I might need is a bit of a non starter for me. Dreams are cheap. But I think it looks as if I am going to get a green light.

I think you will see some progress this weekend. I am hoping to strip the area to its bear bones and kill some lawn.

I opened my big mouth, when someone in my club asked when my layout would be done and we could have a club meeting at my house, I said July 2017. The president of the club scheduled me. (

Devon, nothing like a deadline to light a fire under one’s ass behind.

The prospect of being hanged in the morning wonderfully focuses the mind. Samuel Johnson, 1777.