Large Scale Central

Not getting my hopes up but. . .

Yes it does add motivation. In fact I think this is the way the presidents layout got finished last year. He finally just set a deadline for a club meeting.

Well I started clean up and tear down of what is left of the play area. I am going to move forward. I think we are in a go mode now.

Glad to see you’re moving forward, Devon. Can’t wait to see some progress photos.

Devon Sinsley said:

Yes it does add motivation. In fact I think this is the way the presidents layout got finished last year. He finally just set a deadline for a club meeting.

That’s exactly how it got finished. Truth be told, that’s how it got started.( (

Dan Hilyer said:
Glad to see you’re moving forward, Devon. Can’t wait to see some progress photos.

I can’t wait either. I will be on the edge of my seat waiting as well. . .oh wait. . .that won’t work will it.(

Steve Featherkile said:

Devon Sinsley said:

Yes it does add motivation. In fact I think this is the way the presidents layout got finished last year. He finally just set a deadline for a club meeting.

That’s exactly how it got finished. Truth be told, that’s how it got started.( (

And if I recall a certain person burned the midnight oil to help him get it finished in time!! wonder who that guy was??? Wonder if he is available???

Of course. I’ll make him an offer he can’t refuse.

I am sure at some point I will be enlisting volunteer labor.

Started a build article for this. No backing out.

Great start on the build log Devon! You’ve certainly put a lot of thought into this.

Question, will your ladder be entirely raised off the ground? Or will you move in fill dirt beneath the track as it rises? If the latter, you might consider doing some of the heaver earth-moving before installing the ladder system, just because it would be easier.

Best luck, and I’m looking forward to seeing your work!


All of the ladder portion will have dirt filled to the top of the ladder. It won’t look like there is a ladder. Of course that might take years to accomplish where bridges and stuff will get cut in, but for the most part it will look like the track is on the ground. I have thought about the heavy dirt work first and in a couple places this will likely happen first. But in this space it really will be the ladder that determines where the dirt will go. Some spots especially the areas I know will be fairly high I can get much of it.

Another thing I haven’t mentioned is the need to reside the house, especially in this area. This is my southern exposure and the 40 year old siding has taken a beating. So we are going to reside the house. With knowing the RR will be here we need to do that first before anything gets in the way. We also want a siding that can be painted with something that will last and can take having something against it permanently. I am thinking that cement hardi plank siding and then painting the area behind the track with something like foundation sealer.

Devon Sinsley said:

I am sure at some point I will be enlisting volunteer labor.

Or conscripting slave labor?

David Maynard said:

Devon Sinsley said:

I am sure at some point I will be enlisting volunteer labor.

Or conscripting slave labor?


Devon, my former layouts i did build in stages/sections. when one was done, i started the next.

i finished them all (save the last, that was interrupted by moving)

for my actual layout i decided to do everything in one run. and…

… i do here a bit, there a bit, place a house over there, build a tunnel right here…

and haven’t run trains for the last six years or more.

so, if your purse is a little short for the total cost, do better, than i.

divide your layout in six or eight sections. build section one plus some provisional track to complete a loop. then add section two plus the needed provisional track, and so on.

that way you will get more satisfaction, quicker play-possibilities and an overall shorter building time.

I will be watching intently, as soon as I can come up with some kind of story to fit, and some things to get the ball rolling I am hoping to put down some of my newly aquired track on the ground and maybe see some kind of self propelled train move in my back yard. Putting some track on the patio and scooting cars back and forth doesn’t count according to CEO/CFO/SWMBO/wife. Good luck Devon right now I am wishing you were much closer as I would love to stop by on weekends to see progress/help.

By the way this plan has been thrown out already


If what I think is going to happen happens then I will have enough funds to complete the entire thing. However if that plan falls through, and it very well might, then the project could come to a screeching halt. I like your idea very much of making in sections, for the very reasons you mention. Phase one would almost have to be, for my interest, the yard, wye, and upper loop. This would allow for a complete switching layout. The the rest could be built on an as you go basis.

Its good advice, advice I will take.


Feel free to stop by anytime. Beverages of choice and 10hr smoked brisket to all that pitch in.

Devon Sinsley said:

David Maynard said:

Devon Sinsley said:

I am sure at some point I will be enlisting volunteer labor.

Or conscripting slave labor?



Pete Lassen said:

I will be watching intently, as soon as I can come up with some kind of story to fit, and some things to get the ball rolling I am hoping to put down some of my newly aquired track on the ground and maybe see some kind of self propelled train move in my back yard. Putting some track on the patio and scooting cars back and forth doesn’t count according to CEO/CFO/SWMBO/wife. Good luck Devon right now I am wishing you were much closer as I would love to stop by on weekends to see progress/help.

It helps if you make “whoo whoo” noises while you are pushing them along.

Dave, I run diesels, so engine noises are much more difficult to imitate, although when I played with dads Lionel while the loco powered F unit was being repaired, the dummy F was put into service with hand power and my sound system. Devon I am doing ribs tomorrow, if its not pouring like it is now!

Yes it has been raining here and so no working on the layout and no brisket. The weather is supposed to clear and I have taken the rain day to get homework done so hopefully tomorrow I will be free to work and BBQ