Large Scale Central

NMRA Tackles Large Scale Coupler Compatibility

Currently customers in the smaller scales (Z to O) can buy rolling stock from any manufacturer and be confident that they will couple easily, reliably, and securely to other units in the same scale. The large scale (#1 to Fn3) community is not so fortunate. Each large scale manufacturer equips its products with its own coupler design, many of which are not compatible with each other or Kadees.

The NMRA hopes to correct this situation by creating a Recommended Practice (RP) that specifies mating contours and other parameters needed to make large scale couplers compatible. The goal is to provide manufacturers with the information needed to ensure that future large scale coupler designs are compatible.

The NMRA working committee on coupler compatibility has submitted a draft of the RP for comment as part of an NMRA Technical Report on large scale coupler compatibility. The report is posted on the RP page of the NMRA web site and can be directly accessed at:

The report and RP are currently posted “for comment” by the model railroad community. Based on comments it will be revised and presented to the MMRA directors for approval in July 2010. Please make comments in this forum or directly to Steve Seidensticker [email protected], moderator of the NMRA working group, or Didrik Voss [email protected], head of NMRA Standards department.

Steve, we already have a Practice in Large Scales. We use couplers which we like;-))) More seriously, apart from gauge 1, and 1:29 standard gauge, I do not believe that there is a need for a standard coupler, narrow gauge is not really about standards… It may be more practical to suggest a recommended coupler pocket/mount. Best wishes from Tokyo, Zubi

Dear God, not again!

Couldn’t you guys go regulate some other scale this year?

Thank you for keeping us posted.

Imagine one of these 3/4" large


I’ll stick with my Kadee couplers and then I don’t have to worry about it. Besides, I like how they look!

I thought that’s what the new couplers from Kadee and Aristo were.

There was once a railroad, in the US of A, that proclaimed to be the “Standard Railroad of North America” (Or was it The World?). It was the Pennsylvania Railroad. Then there was the coupler that never thought of itself as the “Standard coupler” of model railroading; but for all intents and purposes WAS…The Kadee Coupler. (Still is in a lot of peoples’ minds)

Like trying to build a better mouse trap; many have tried to develop a better coupler, and a few have come close; but the Kadee has still held the spotlight, and has even improved.

Yes, it would be nice, and handy to be able to purchase a piece of rolling stock, that, out of the box would couple and uncouple with any other manufacturer’s product; but the standard coupler would NEVER please everyone, and never will. Taking scale, and era into consideration, there can never be a standard coupler.

I happen to have standardized on the Kadee “#1 scale” coupler. It serves my needs very well.

I happen to be deeply involved in operations, and am always observant of the market place, for new and better coupler products in order to improve operations.

Some claim that couplers that are operated by some device for “Pulling the pin” are the cat’s meow…maybe for them, but even in Large scale, the lift levers in long term will look nice but soon wear out or get broken. It is also rather hard to get our "VERY LARGE scale fingers down in between the cars on parallel tracks, in order to uncouple. The long handled, slot type screw driver does the trick with the good old Kadee.
Link and Pins are nice to look at and are dependable, but are a bitch to try to couple and uncouple in any real operation…then of course there is the scale question, and looks…

Yes, we can always go backwards in technology, and try to actually believe that we could be happy looking at the old Loop and Hook. Yes, they came free with most LS rolling stock (Saving a lot of money that can best be used for other needs. BUT…even the most devoted fan of the Loop and Hooks, cannot swear that they wish they looked a bit better, and were easier to uncouple…at times.
Then of course, when open mindedly debating the “Standard Coupler of the World” (!) issue; we always trip over the body mount, or truck mount disagreement.
It usually comes down to what is really wanted by a LS World, that is divided between people who are just wanting a simple loop or two in the garden to watch trains of any/all scales run around while they sip Mint Julips, and the other group that are more into scale, and operations. Standards might be of some interest to one group, but not the other.

My only suggestion is; that we might find some help in developing a standard mount. for couplers of some types on all rolling stock, that taking the scale of the rolling stock into consideration, could be used for any coupler the purchaser desires. The question of body mount or truck mount might be hard to answer, but at least there might be some help in that standard.

As we all know; no mater how much research and effort, by a lot of dedicated and well meaning individuals goes into any NMRA Standard; there will always be disagreement and rebelion…just like the old "Track power/Battery RC debates of old, and now the latest Battery Rc/ DCC/DCS debates of today…it’s a free World, last time I looked…Having fun in Model Railroading was supposed to be the only standard worth worrying about…!!!

…just one last line or two…

When I started in Large Scale Model Railroading, there were no real options…just loop and hooks. That was back in the very early 1980’s.

To my eyes, that had been looking a HO gauge operating railroading, I needed something that looked and worked better…I adapted the good old “O” Scale Kadees to my LS cars and locos…way under size, YES…but they worked…unti Kadee came out with their New #1 Scale couplers…my eyes were at last seeing something that pleased.

The years have passed…about 30 of them…and looking around today, we are spoiled rotten…

Count how many different couplers are available.....go ahead....choices, that allow almost everyone to find satisfaction......or close to it.....any standards will be hard to find, that will fit all those products, and there are still the manufacturers to keep in mind. 

Would young Mike Wolf, give up his independant thinking......would B'mann change their couplers....young Lewis Polk has just invested a load on his new he going to start changing......What about the others with their investments....


…just like the hobbiest…they will stick with what is best for them…

A standard mounting pad would be nice.
Bachmann’s “finescale” 1:20.3 cars (for the most part) have 'em.

A lot of us don’t drag our cars around by the trucks. Some have to, due to tight radii.

With all due respect Steve, just give us mounting pads for KD, and we’ll be happy.

Besides, all of the Manufacturer’s think they already have the best coupler in the world, or they would have standardized a long time ago.

This is going to be very interesting! While I like Kadee and body mounting as in HO, it will not work on the tight radiuses that we use and there in NO compatability between body and truck mounting except on very large radius layouts. I have a couple of house cars (3) with body mounted Kadees on the center car and have run them on the CCRy and SVRR (my layout) with out any problems. However the manual uncoupling is a real pain in the posterior, and no, Father Fred, I am not that good with the “screw driver” uncoupling method.

I do have a mix of Couplers which grind out a bit so they all work fairly well together.


Bob McCown said:
Imagine one of these 3/4" large


I think I used something like that for fishing. I use the hook and loops on all my rolling stock. I know it wont pass for the detail minded, but they work well for me and what I do with my rail road. I thought the standart was “Run what works for you” but that is just me.

we do have a universal standard coupler, been there since 1968


How can we have standardized couplers when we don’t even have standardized scale and gauge?

I can see them now one coupler to fit all scales. Or is that one scale to fit all couplers?

Well guess what the HO makers had a standard coupler and coupler box on most equipment. Every body was happy. Then came along Kadee and all changed over. Why because folks wanted a more prototype coupler. I agree we need to standardize couplers and the mounting areas on the cars. But you will never get the manufactures to agree to this so looks like back to run what ya got or like. Later RJD

I’m happy to use Link & Pin as I only have logging engines with log cars. The coupler has been a thorn in the side of large scale for a long time. I suppose non-compatability will not change anytime soon. I did not like the LGB type of coupler but it sure does work good. Gee I remember the time many years ago in HO when I had at least 10 different types of couplers until Kadee came along and wow, end of that saga.

What ever turns your crank is good.

Cheers TOF

"It’s a “guberment” plot to take over, and force us to buy an expensive piece of equipment and herd us all into conformity to what they want us to buy, NOT what we have a choice to use!! Hah LOL Regal I can continue to use paper clips for non-conformity, and go against the system if needed!! yikes I’ll start a paper clip movement and go against em!! They’ll hunt us down and lock us all up!! Der goes another “choice or freedom” slip slip slippin away!! Hee Hee

Bob McCown said:
Imagine one of these 3/4" large



Aaaaaaaaah!! the joys of X2f.

About as difficult to uncouple by hand without a tool, as the good old LGB hook and loops.