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News Alert

This just dropped into my inbox

L P said:
ARISTO-CRAFT TRACK SALE! We Feel Your Pain, So We're Doing A "Buy 4, Get 1 Free" Track Sale All Year Long!

June 23, 2007

Valuable Aristo-Craft Customer!

We can't do anything about the cost of raw material skyrocketing prices, but we can soften the sticker shock with a sale. Yes, the ever-popular Aristo-Craft track sale is back! The sale is back-dated to June 18, 2007, when we announced the price increase and will last until February 28, 2008. Please follow all the rules of our regular sale, including sending the original dated receipt in and a payment for the shipping. We'll post the shipping charges again when we do an email in the next few days, but we wanted to give you an early notice of this sale. The sale is for all of our track, including Stainless Steel and Brass track. 

Please note this is a consumer direct sale, not for dealers/distributors. 

For more information, please call us at 973-351-9800 or visit us at

All the best,

Lewis Polk 
Aristo-Craft Trains</blockquote>

Have their sales have ground to a halt?

My guess is that they hit a brick wall…at 90mph…:confused:

What good does it do to back date the sale? How many people hang on to receipts for things like that unless they know in advance they’ll need it?? I sure don’t.

Ray Dunakin said:
What good does it do to back date the sale? How many people hang on to receipts for things like that unless they know in advance they'll need it?? I sure don't.
I guess it doesn't hurt to be seen to be making the offer. Good PR.
TonyWalsham said:
Ray Dunakin said:
What good does it do to back date the sale? How many people hang on to receipts for things like that unless they know in advance they'll need it?? I sure don't.
I guess it doesn't hurt to be seen to be making the offer. Good PR.

Those of us over here in UK have really got caught out by the initial press-release, and many of us have up-fronted all our train spending money on Aristocraft track ahead of the impending price hike.

And here is Mr Plok giving the stuff away…

Boy do I ever feel -

a. A fool, and

b. that I have been made a fool of. :mad:

Don’t rightly know which is worstest.


Terry A de C Foley said:


Those of us over here in UK have really got caught out by the initial press-release, and many of us have up-fronted all our train spending money on Aristocraft track ahead of the impending price hike.

And here is Mr Plok giving the stuff away…

Boy do I ever feel -

a. A fool, and

b. that I have been made a fool of. :mad:

Don’t rightly know which is worstest.


I wonder if you are on your own? Somehow I don’t think so.

On the other hand being seduced by the WOW!!! factor can’t be all bad. Can it?


If it’s a contest between “Hmmmmmm?” and “WOW!”, WOW will win hands down. Or at least that’s the way it looks most of the time. :wink: :slight_smile:

Well, it should reduce the price on the track I just ordered!

Just means the spanking will be with a cricket bat and not a canoe oar…its still a spanking.

Victor Smith said:
Just means the spanking will be with a cricket bat and not a canoe oar....its still a spanking.
What's a cricket bat? Over here the bats aren't big enough to catch a cricket.

I hope that you are not labouring under the misapprehension that the game of cricket and I have ever been introduced.

You would be 100% mistaken.

I am as ‘English’ as the Pharoah Ramses II.


Terry A de C Foley said:
Victor Smith said:
Just means the spanking will be with a cricket bat and not a canoe oar....its still a spanking.
What's a cricket bat? Over here the bats aren't big enough to catch a cricket.

I hope that you are not labouring under the misapprehension that the game of cricket and I have ever been introduced.

You would be 100% mistaken.

I am as ‘English’ as the Pharoah Ramses II.


Well, Terry, with all your Canadian experience I would have thought that you comment on the canoe oar , but it looks like we’re up the creek without a paddle. :wink: :slight_smile: :lol:

IMHO cricket is somewhat related to baseball; I’d rather watch paint dry on a hot Okanagan day, there’s more action.

Hans-Joerg Mueller said:
SNIP IMHO cricket is somewhat related to baseball; I'd rather watch paint dry on a hot Okanagan day, there's more action.
Ah yes!!!

What other game can be played at International level for up to 5 days and still not get a result?

Terry A de C Foley said:

Victor Smith said:
Just means the spanking will be with a cricket bat and not a canoe oar…its still a spanking.

What’s a cricket bat? Over here the bats aren’t big enough to catch a cricket. I hope that you are not labouring under the misapprehension that the game of cricket and I have ever been introduced. You would be 100% mistaken. I am as ‘English’ as the Pharoah Ramses II. tac

Cricket Bat, noun, (1) long flat paddled wooden device with handle developed by early British Colonist in India to bash small noisy insects that keep them awake for weeks on end. (2) Weapon of choice for bashing in heads of pesky zombie invasions that occur every now and then. (3) used in some sort of bizarre and rarely understood British lawn game that involves a pitcher throwing a small hard rubber ball at a batter noids, the batter uses the cricket bat to protect his noids and to try to deflect the ball back off the head of the pitcher, however if the batter flinches an allows the ball to pass and strike a thinly veiled Fruedian stack of wooden sticks called a"wicket" its counted as a hit on the batters noids. The batter then has the option of using the cricket bat on the pitchers head in much the same manner if it was being employeed in zombie elimination. …Well thats what MY dictionary says :wink:

I think I’ll watch paint dry…:confused:

Wise decision…

Terry A de C Foley said:
I hope that you are not labouring under the misapprehension that the game of cricket and I have ever been introduced.
Lucky you. I was required to play it at school, until they allowed me to escape to track&field.

…involves a pitcher throwing a small hard rubber ball…

Tain’t rubber, it’s leather … and it hurts like the bejaysus … don’t ask :frowning: (no gloves or mitts in cricket, save for the wicket keeper).
And the bowler ain’t allowed to throw the ball, or the umpire will whack him with a spare stump. (There’s an arcane difference between bowling and throwing).
Guy at work was going through a book of strange sports t’other day, and came across a page describing cricket’s fielder positions. He said only a Brit could have devised a name such as “silly mid-on”. I replied that it was an extremely accurate term: no one in his right mind would stand about 20 or 30 feet from a good batsman right in the natural line of fire (see ball, leather, hard, and no gloves).

Perhaps I read this wrong and maybe I’m outta line being a newbie? But… “It is what it is?” You have people bitchin’ about gas prices at the pump while they fill up their Ford V-10 Excursion but they still pay for it?
Milk is like $5 / gallon but people waste so much of that it ain’t funny (but they don’t complain about it?)
You wanna play ya’ gotta pay. Besides I would rather put my hard earned money into trains that I can run in my yard for entertainment (and a lot of it) rather than put my money into the gas tank to drive somewhere and spend more money? I think Aristo is a great company…I believe it was Ric that posted his story about his Train Engineer that they fixed for free even though it was his fault? PLus the buy 4 boxes get one free?? Good deal. The hardest thing I have found is getting track…Demand and supply, since the LGB ordeal, has been huge IMO?


It was me that publicly thanked Aristo Craft for the service on my TE. And yes, it still was my fault.

Right now, I really don’t have a dog in this fight. I guess sometime I’m going to want some more LGB 1600 turnouts and will have to make a decision at that time. I truely feel for those that were just getting ready to buy track. Their budget has changed and adjustments will have to be made, somewhere. The big railroads have always had to deal with the same thing. Industries closed, wars started and unions went on strike, price of steel went up - all part of running a railroad.

In the vague recesses of my memory I recall a cricket match between England and the West Indies. Michael Holding was bowling while Derrick Willie was batting. Coming back from a TV ad’ break, the commentator brought the viewers up to date. He said, “The bowler’s Holding, the batsman’s Willie.”

When cricket is played in Australia the tv camera-persons will scan around the crowd (in those rare moments of inactivity on the playing field) and for some strange reason they tend to zoom in on busty women.

On one such occasion the commentator thought he was off air. He looked at the monitor and said, for all Australia to hear, “Je… Chr…! Look at the t.ts on her!!”

Howard Cosell was never that eloquent.