Any detailed comparative analysis and running assessment with LGB from those who have purchased rolling stock (locos also?) and any other LGB-like products made by this company?
Is there evidence this company is intent on replicating a full measure of LGB track/locos/rolling stock in either “Western” or “European” motif?
Was Newquida making the starter sets for the now defunct San Diego replacement for LGB, Silvergate?
Further, did they have a contract with Marklin to make their replacement line of LGB products?
Any of the above two questions betrays how this company could easily replicate “X” LGB products on their own.
Have they been “shut down” by a law suit – say, from Kader (gulp!) to protect any suspected purchase of the molds?
Ah, far too curious. For many, here’s imagination at its worst: Kader (Bachmann) owning the pirated LGB molds.