Large Scale Central

New sidings at "Consolidated"

The Railroad Officials and the Yardmaster at “Consolidated” had a sit down to try to reduce the bottleneck of traffic tieing up the “Old State Light Depot” after the Spring OPs session on the KVRwy. Decisions were made to create a siding for out of service power and a small interchange or storage track for cars destined for the sidings on the “Cat Dump Branch”. Since we have 2 OPs Sessions scheduled in the next two months and the weather has started to moderate, work has begun to satisfy these improvements. The turnout was assembled at the “Southern Shops” (Assembly is describe in the “Articles” section of this website) and a MOW Extra was called in to service to haul the trackage to the location by the “KV Office”. Here you can see the MOW Extra waiting for clearance at the Southern Junction Interchange track.

A close look at the high sided gondola, shows the cargo inside.

Clearance is given and the MOW Extra heads “through the window” to “Southern Junction”.

Looking at the MOW Extra from the “Southern Junction” side.

A backing move, with the conductor standing on the back platform of the caboose, was used to get through the “Wye at Consolidated” and positioned the MOW Extra in the right direction for the entrance into “Consolidated Yard”.

The MOW Extra arrives at “KV Office” for instructions from the maintenance crew on where to position the turnout.


An aerial view shows that the MOW Crew is already there with the tools and the job should be pretty quick.


The MOW Extra is positioned past the “Old State Light Southern Passenger Terminal Southern Track Lead Turnout” and occupies the “Yard Lead” parallel to the location of the new “Power Storage Track”.


Right beyond the MOW Extra Caboose, you can see location for the new turnout.


The MOW Extra has backed away to allow positioning and ballasting of the new track.


Maybe the Yardmaster will be happy now. Maybe Hell will freeze over and there will be two chickens in everyone’s garage or something like that.

What chickens???

Looks nice, Ric… Will make a great ““Catdump”” interchange track…
That leaves the other two tracks open, for people to turn their engines at Old State Light… (except for Doug)… :slight_smile: hehehe

Congrats to the ‘track crew’ - very usable looking siding there. Just be careful or an industry will grow and you’ll loose the intended purpose :smiley:

Well, all ya need now is a Yardmaster who’s a little less grumpy and doesn’t disappear for a nap just before you arrive…:wink: And I think that’s “a chicken in every pot…” Maybe you can put the chickens in Andy’s garage…



Re-read what I wrote and then look at Andy’s answer. He’s already putting it to his own use, instead of what I want to design it for. It’s kind of like me creating my own Caboose Track at Craig Leigh, even though Fred and Doug want me to do something else with the track. A Yardmaster should have a certain amount of leeway to run his yard the way he wants to.

Looking good - and a nice story as well.

We’re anticipating seeing this later this month.

"And I think that’s “a chicken in every pot…”

I knew it was something like that. :wink:

I think he was born, grumpy.

Nice addition Ric. And remember it’s your yardmaster and he’ll run things your way( or somebody elses if they pay better :slight_smile:


Controlling Andy is like trying to heard kittens. You get one part going the way you want and you loose control someplace else. Somethings in life are better to just let happen and enjoy the experience. Besides, the results make great “sea stories”. :wink:


Andy Clarke said:
What chickens?????

Looks nice, Ric… Will make a great ““Catdump”” interchange track…
That leaves the other two tracks open, for people to turn their engines at Old State Light… (except for Doug)… :slight_smile: hehehe

How the hell am I supposed to focus with comments like that!!!
If were talking chickens and catdumps I’m in!
Yep Andy’s outta control unlike his laid back adopted son that he is abusive too!

David Russell said:
If were talking chickens and catdumps I'm in!
They are talking chickens, catdumps and kittens ;)

Cool pictures, Ric.
I think about you every time I lug my trains out of the house.

Very nice looking portals. I agree about the portable tools. Mine are not, so I load them up in the garden trailer and haul up to the railroad with a garden tractor. Much quicker working where the job is rather than traveling back and forth to the saw etc.

Jon Radder said:
Very nice looking portals. I agree about the portable tools. Mine are not, so I load them up in the garden trailer and haul up to the railroad with a garden tractor. Much quicker working where the job is rather than traveling back and forth to the saw etc.
This is exacty what happened to me last night in the summer thread when I stated never mind....I thought it was me but it's not ....huuummm

It sure isn’t easy being the supposed “Owner” of a railroad, is it ?

I was talked into yet another passing track at GlenHammond. The last time we added a track there, it was supposed to cure all the problems switching there… The original idea of building the “Bypass” track at GlenHammond, was to take pressure off the trackage at Nelson Yard…but we keep needing additional passing tracks, to the point on this latest addition, that we had to add additional legs under the benchwork, to stablize it…fun and games.
Next Spring the major project is to rebuild Nelson Yard.


I note that your railroad is much like our Congress. There seems to be a tremendous amount of give and take to achieve what each area, group or state wants. However, you guys don’t seems as corrupt as our Congress and you actually get something done. Watch those guys in Nelson’s Yard, they have thoughts of take over that will leave the IPP&WRR penniless and the Rat Portage owning all the stock.

David Russell said:
Jon Radder said:
Very nice looking portals. I agree about the portable tools. Mine are not, so I load them up in the garden trailer and haul up to the railroad with a garden tractor. Much quicker working where the job is rather than traveling back and forth to the saw etc.
This is exacty what happened to me last night in the summer thread when I stated never mind....I thought it was me but it's not ....huuummm
Me thinks it's a database glitch. I'm quite sure I posted that in the tunnel portal thread. Nothing stronger than coffee to drink all day. I Was confused this morning when it went missing from that thread. Maybe it's the Mad Cow coming back.

My thought was just humor him, Jon is trying to be part of the conversation, but can’t form the words correctly. Glad to hear it was a computer glitch. Or at least that is the story I’ll be telling. You need a vacation, Jon. Around the 23rd would be a good time to take a few days off in Southern Illinois. :wink:

Jeeze - I just had two long weekends in a row. How much rest could I need?

The weekend of the 23rd is booked with a trip to Keen, NH for Parents Weekend :smiley: