Large Scale Central

New England Large Scale 2011 Get Together

To all,
A few of us up here in the frozen Northeast came up with an idea last year on having a get together this summer. This will include open houses. Please click on the link below for more information.

As more information becomes available the site will be updated.

Hope to see you there.

That sounds like fun…:wink:

Might be a possibility. Stan’s place isn’t too far from Bobs and the nice campground.

Here’s an update for the NELS2011 event in the NH, MA area.

Mainline Bridges has indicated that they will attend the event.

Other manufacturers currently attending and presenting demonstrations are : Remote Control Systems of New England and Train-LI-USA A few others may also attend.

Bill, Liana and Drew Hewitt’s - Southpark & Dogbark Garden Railway has also been added to Sunday’s layouts that will be open.

There are still spaces open for the operating session of Friday afternoon and we will have a large part of the new section open for Saturday’s “bring your own equipment and operate session.”

Lunch will be provided on Saturday for those that preregister. Preregistration is easy either online

or via mail…20Form.pdf

If you are in the New England area the first week in June, we hope you can attend.

Stan Ames

Next weekend we will host Large Scale New England 2011

The intent is for a stress free enjoyable weekend for Large Scale in New England. We hope all that attend will enjoy the event.

Friday afternoon/evening we will host an operating session on the SJR&P. Space is still available for the operating session.

Saturday is a bring your trains and run day. We will subdivide as necessary the layout for DC, DCC, RC, and Live Steam. A no fee white elephant table for Large Scale items will also be available.

We now have 6 layouts open on Sunday for you to visit including Bob’s Pine Ridge Lumbercand Mining Co. Visitors are welcome on all 6 layouts during both the morning and afternoon sessions.

Bachmann Trains will attend on Saturday along with Remote Control Systems of New England and Train-LI-USA

Mainline Bridges has just moved to Arizona and unfortunately will not be able to attend.

Note: we will hold the event rain or shine. Some rain may occur during the weekend but rain in New England can be very local and not stay for a long period. Most layouts will be running in light rain but may not run in heavy rain. If in doubt call. If you get no answer they likely are outside operating the layout.

For more information or to register for the event the event www page is at

Stan Ames

I do plan to go Saturday!
Should be real fun!!

Just a little fun here:,17210.0.html

I ended up going. Well who should show up!! :o Ray (Mr. Bachmann) was there with his new replacement GEORGE !! ( mini Mr Bachmann )


Now this George guy was smooth!! He was running the Amtrack all by himself all over this vast layout! He had no problems and was very polite . Ray you better watch out he might take you’re job! :o Got to see a lot of friends and met a lot of new ones. Fun was had by all! Sean

I hope we get more than one picture :wink:

Ralph Berg said:
I hope we get more than one picture ;) Ralph
How long are you going to hold you're breath?

I’ll be taking photos at my place tomorrow, since I have operators showing up! Should be a good time.

A perfect weekend. To busy for photos for the ops session on Friday evening.

Saturday we had 60+ in attendance and had a great time. We generaly only have 1:20.3 equipment on the layout but it was fun to see a wide variety of different scales and trains running.

We posted a photo set from Saturday on flickr

Today we visit 6 railroads in MA, and NH.

More later.



Thanks for the pictures. I know many of those faces and its good to see them having fun.

Thanks, Stan :smiley:

Stan Ames said:
A perfect weekend. To busy for photos for the ops session on Friday evening.

Saturday we had 60+ in attendance and had a great time. We generaly only have 1:20.3 equipment on the layout but it was fun to see a wide variety of different scales and trains running.

We posted a photo set from Saturday on flickr

Today we visit 6 railroads in MA, and NH.

More later.


That’s a very nice layout… Tk’s for gettting the photos… Noel & Jane

Looks like a good time was had. Nice layout and some very nice trains

Everyone is finally gone, and the trains back on their shelves. Ran two freights, one EB one WB this afternoon, with new-to-large-scale crews. The had a blast. Maybe 20 people showed today, between this morning and this afternoon. Will upload pics in a bit. I’m pooped!

A few hilights





Looks good, Bob. The railroad has come a long way.

Sorry I missed it. Had originally planned to attend, but you know how that goes…

Thanx for the pics…:wink: