Ken Brunt said:
Sorry I missed it. Had originally planned to attend, but you know how that goes................Thanx for the pics…
Me too, and I have less distance to use as an excuse than you do. Pictures look great guys !!
Ken Brunt said:
Sorry I missed it. Had originally planned to attend, but you know how that goes................Thanx for the pics…
[b]Guys I made it to Deb/Stan’s on Sat and Wes’s Branch Bridge Garden Railway on Sunday. Wes our host showing his Rotary work-in-progress blower.
The visitor’s entry freight yard…I SEE SPOTS…
The exit of the visitor’s freight yard.
Wes even has a bit of “THE LOOP” (eastern version).
the_Other_Ray [/b]
Good stuff guys!
how much of that loop is underground? Nice pics Ray thanks
Dave Marconi said:
how much of that loop is underground? Nice pics Ray thanks
[b] Dave Marconi: ~15 Feet - Your Welcome and I will have to ‘pick-ur-brain’ on the Articulated car. Here is some more “EYE CANDY” of Wes’s layout…Enjoy… the_Other_Ray
O.K. Here are some pics. from Stan Ames layout! I’ll try to give you some Idea how big this layout ( INSANE ) is.
I’ve seen this train some were else!
Dealers row. Bachmann ( Ray ),Train-li ( Axel and Dan ),Remote Control Systems of New England ( Don Sweet )
Tom Lapoint’s train
Hay I even got a shot of Stan!!
Nice, thanks.
Great looking layout. Hopefully they will do it again and I can get up there.
Man, that’s a nice size layout.
Stan, how did the operations session go on Friday? Did you have a full house? This is exactly what I like to do - operate!
Bruce Chandler said:
Man, that's a nice size layout.Stan, how did the operations session go on Friday? Did you have a full house? This is exactly what I like to do - operate!
We had 18 at the ops session on Friday. 9 were regulars who had registered for the event. Full house at our place is 30 so we could have taken more. The session went well and we got some excellent ideas on further improvements.
I was surprised that we did not instantly fill up Bob’s session on Sunday. I think the concept of operations has a way to go in the large scale community. I am not sure why more do not take the opertunity to try it out.
Next time you are in the area look us up and we will sehecule an ops sesssion.
Thanks, Stan. I’ll sure keep that in mind. Looks like a lot of fun to run there. Do you operate in teams?
Wooooow! The pics are beautiful. What great trackage…
Wonderful scenery.
This is a real bummer. I could have gone to that, but I just now found the post. I’ll try to get to it next time.
It looked like a great time for all. Wonderful pictures.
Great trackage.
Thanks for posting I’ll have to get up there next time.
Bruce Stan is very close to Bob’s you could hit both in a weekend.
Perhaps we can work something out for TrainOps 2011
Now you’re talking, Jon!
Be happy to arrange an op session for TrainOps 2011 if we are around.
Let me know the dates and I will let you know if this is a possibility.
Not sure how I found this exactly while pokin’ around. There are a lot of great pics here! I’ll have to see if there’s a newer one?? (2012)
2012 did happen, but i think it was a near washout, This didnt happen this year, (2013) seems the folks who were going to put it together in CT decided otherwise. Not sure if Stan wil be puting one together for 2014
Al P.