Large Scale Central

New Bachmann Turnout and ground throw released

Yea, a stainless 4 foot diameter switch would be really nice. Then I could put in the spurs I have in mind.

Bruce Chandler said:

I wouldn’t mind trying some of these if I could find them for $10. Any ideas?


The product just showed up on the Bachmann web store so I suspect it will be a week or so before it shows up at dealers and other online sites.

Here are a few links I found for pre-order


Thanks, Stan. I’ll check them out once they come off back order.

Well glade you said most. With mods it will most likely work with the Train-Li turnouts. Later RJD

R.J. DeBerg said:

Well glade you said most. With mods it will most likely work with the Train-Li turnouts. Later RJD

Tested with Train-LI turnouts. Works fine.

Train-LI is set up with ties 1 and 3 ready to accept a turnout control mechanism. The Bschmann (as well as the LGB and Aristocraft manual throws) use ties 1 and 2. Train-LI turnouts will need the end of tie 2 cut (like ties 1 and 3) and a hole drilled to attach the ground throw.


I saw the ground throw at the ECLSTS. It felt very robust and had a positive feel to the mechanism. If it does sell for $10 it would be a stellar deal and a great addition to the hobby. I like the tennmille throw but everything for it has to be custom built so when priced under that and almost ready to use it may be the best deal out there. My only concern would be UV protection of the plastic.

I really wish they Or somebody would make a larger affordable switch though.



Terry eludes above to the lack of clear definition of whether the switch stand is UV protected. The web site says for ‘Indoor and Outdoor’ use, but little else. Is there somewhere a clarification of whether this item is UV protected?

Terry Burr said:

I saw the ground throw at the ECLSTS. It felt very robust and had a positive feel to the mechanism. If it does sell for $10 it would be a stellar deal and a great addition to the hobby. I like the tennmille throw but everything for it has to be custom built so when priced under that and almost ready to use it may be the best deal out there. My only concern would be UV protection of the plastic.

I really wish they Or somebody would make a larger affordable switch though.



The Ground throws have the same UV protection as the ties used on the Bachmann brass track. I have had some Bachmann tie strips on the layout for around 5 years in the sun and it looks and feels like it is still new.


And a squirt or two of Armor All twice a year will extend the protection and keep the plastic supple, to boot.

Just for the record, I wasn’t implying anything about UV it was just a thought that crossed my mind. My other fear as with any other nice switch stand is my weed Wacker. I tend to put down some beers when mowing grass and once I get the weed Wacker in my hands nothing is safe!!!

Well, I would doubt that much could withstand a full on weed whacker assault.

I wonder if the post could be extended a bit, I am not sure I could see that target from my porch, if I were to install one up on the summit.

Get some binoculars David. (

However that switch stand does look more obvious to the eye than my Aristo lanterns and I will probably invest in some at a later date.

I don’t use a strimmer (USA = weed whacker) don’t really have the need and they are so darn noisy! My problem is - and that is why I have removed the Aristo lanterns from all of my switches - is a Danish/Swedish farm/guard type dog we have, who actually comes from Denmark, who will not tolerate birds on the ground. ( have had to remove a couple of small plastic structures and remove all figures and animals. Ah! well, he is only two years old and will quieten down I guess. Luckily my lumber structures are too heavy for him to move. This breed of dogs are known to even climb trees. At least he soon learned to avoid a moving train.

Stan, any idea when the ground throw will be available?


I already received 4 that I ordered for evaluation.

Joe Zullo said:


I already received 4 that I ordered for evaluation.

Who did you buy them from? Everywhere I look, I get the message, “Come back next month.”

How do you like them?

Steve Featherkile said:

Joe Zullo said:


I already received 4 that I ordered for evaluation.

Who did you buy them from? Everywhere I look, I get the message, “Come back next month.”

How do you like them?

I just used a few for the past two days on Andy’s layout.

They appear to be okay – but as they have no built in spring you have to do a bit of modification to attach them to Aristo turnouts.

I like the feel and look of them – very solid. Andy wasn’t using the targets so I really can’t comment on their durability or anything but the stand mechanism itself looks pretty good.

I got mine from Trainworld. Wholesaletrains also had them. I think they are both out of their first shipment already.

I like them. Like Andy, I am not using the targets. I have a ground level RR and I use a hooked stick (a golf club shaft with a piece of metal added to the bottom) to work my switches. The targets get in the way. I used them on Aristo, LGB, and Bachmann switches. On only one LGB switch, I had to make a throw rod since I could not find a combination of rods and crank positions that adequately worked for that switch. They are positive throws and negate any spring action the previous switch machine had. So far I like them. They clear all my engines and rolling stock. They also look more prototypical than any of my previous switch machines. JMHO (

I note the comment by Robbie regarding modification needed for Aristo turnouts and what Joe has to say, particularly the clearances with his stock. This all sounds good news so far.


I had no modification to make to attach them to Aristo switches. Like I said, they are positive throw and have no spring function. If a spring function is desired, maybe Robbie could illuminate on what would need to be done.

Joe Zullo said:


I had no modification to make to attach them to Aristo switches. Like I said, they are positive throw and have no spring function. If a spring function is desired, maybe Robbie could illuminate on what would need to be done.

Sorry – I wasn’t referring to the spring function but the fact that with a spring you do not need to attach the throw at the precise point at which it moves throwbar the proper distance.

I saw one switch throwbar which appeared to have been broken by the switchstand pulling it too far and snapping the hole in the end of the bar which it pulled from.