Large Scale Central

Nelsts 2025

Just got off the phone with Stan. The LSC Drag-n-Brag table is a ‘go’ for the show. We’re hoping to have the timesaver again this year. Looking at maybe six tables. Would also like to get some more people to bring their stuff to show off.

I plan to go on Saturday but am scratching my head on what to bring

The dates are May 3rd and 4th I do believe

I will be there with NHGRS & hope to at least pop by the LSC tables. We’ll see if I get time off work or not…

@rmccown-admin Let me know if you need help with anything, since I’m in the area.

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Funny, I was just looking at their website to check the dates before I saw your post, Bob.

Saturday May 3, 2025 - 9:00 am - 5:00 pm
Sunday May 4, 2025 - 9:00 am - 4:00 pm

Would love to go, but my wings are a bit clipped with much reduced vacation time at my new job. But, we’ll see.

I plan on bringing stuff

If I can get a day off, I’ll bring something over, probably Toby (and Henrietta, if I finish it). We shall see. This show is both right before my wedding and right when my new job position / schedule kicks in.

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Talked to my wife about going. Sure would be great to see you guys again.

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Can I come?

Wait, where are we going?

Be there or be… ovoid!


So how would you rank this show compared to other shows and national conventions?

I’m in future planning mode…

What route do you take when you visit your friends in Lebanon county ?

It depends whether :rooster: 's there I suppose.

Bill, to me, you ask many questions in one. Here’s the story, but only from my very limited perspective. I’ll apologize in advance for how windy this will be… But I’ll also thank you in advance for letting me spill my guts.

OK, I’m probably not supposed to say it I guess, but this new NELSTS show has replaced ECLSTS. Sadly, if one goes to, the site hasn’t been updated since over a year ago, and doesn’t mention a show at all – which should be opening in 6 weeks, in normal years. It’s just not there anymore, which is very sad to say, because Star Hobby performed heroic deeds to make the show survive. God bless you, Star Hobby. But it appears that ECLSTS has had its day.

I bring all this up because ECLSTS was a HUGE factor in shaping the community here, at least for the eastern faction. Many folks here, including many of our “fallen flags” which we sorely miss, used the ECLSTS as an annual gathering place for our team. This included the Drag 'n Brag (an evening event at the main hotel, where we’d do just that), and the Early Bird gathering (where folks might come a day early, and get happy the evening before the show).

I was a late-comer to all these wonders, and regret my tardiness…

Anyway, in the last few (2?) years, NELSTS has sprung up and been enormously successful. I’m pretty sure it’s bigger in size than ECLSTS ever was, and has new features such as the white elephant table, eateries, lotteries, etc.

As far as attendance being difficult, the northern folks and the central-southern folks have traded places. The new show is up in Massachusetts, which to me (I’m from California, and am not great with geography) seemed to be somewhere between the Arctic Circle and Maine. However, when I went there 2 years ago, I found that it wasn’t quite that distant. :grin:

The fact of the Drag n Brag being resurrected at NELSTS was, to me, a big deal in that first year, and things have been progressing and evolving nicely. For locals, the northerners are digging it, but for us more southerly, it’s more of a challenge. I hope to go this year, but may have to wait until next.

The good news though, for anyone around the country and around the world, for that matter, is that NELSTS exhibits much vibrancy in our large scale hobby, and people are attending. And even though some of us can’t attend, we’ll all have boots on the ground, friends right there, to ask questions of, share photos, and maybe snag a deal by.

OK, end of speech, sorry…

I’ll also add that the Drag-n-Brag was an after-hours event at, eventually, the largest conference room at the host hotel in York PA. At NELSTS, we’re an official part of the show!

Nice to have it open to all, but I miss the beer :roll_eyes:

At this point, I plan to be there. We plan to put our house on the market in the spring. If it sells quick, it might be a long ride! If I come, several models will come with.

I figured that Rooster, but I thought it might be rude if I asked. :kissing_heart:

Usually 95 hop on the Merrit parkway and after that I am a little fuzzy

Waze is usually in command

It will be great to see the gang back together even Rooster!!

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Sent in my contract and just grabbed a hotel room for Friday and Saturday.

Now I need to find where I put all the booth stuff last year. And figure out what I’m gonna bring to show off.

What’s the recommended motel?