Large Scale Central

Name change

As usual GR got it just a little skewed.

“Q: What is happening to LGB of America?”
“A: LGB of America will continue to exist; however, distribution of existing inventory, current lines, and new product lines will transfer to Silvergate Distributing.”

When questioned on the content of their announcements they once told me they publish what is supplied to them by whoever has an announcement. That’s how I would do it, too. :wink: :slight_smile: :wink:

LGBoA announcement said:
First, we want to thank you for your longtime support of LGB of America. Now, in an effort to serve you better, we are excited to inform you that as of June 1st, in place of LGBoA you will be dealing with a new company, Silvergate Distributors, who will continue to bring you the same great products you already know, plus a growing variety and selection of new brands and products.

Second, we are moving our headquarters to a new facility in San Diego. This will allow us to better serve our customers with an enhanced infrastructure. In short, a better floor plan, working air conditioning and a non-leaking roof. Please note that the New Jersey warehouse facility will not be moving.

Hey, we’ve got it!!! What is it??? More Piko G-Track. Take a look at the updated PIKO Brochure. Yes, it’s the exact brass rail and UV-resistant HDPE plastic tie material that you have purchased from LGBoA for years. Yes, it’s compatible with other popular brands and yes, switches are in the works!

Speaking of some of the great new brands which Silvergate Distributors will be bringing you…
We think you’ll like the Motorart line of high-quality diecast and plastic vehicles.
And especially of interest to G-Scalers is the acquisition of the Original Hillman’s RailClamps line. More info on this will be coming soon.
Keep an eye on the website, which will be going live on June 1st.

Some Answers to Common Questions:
Q: Will I still call the same number?
A: Yes. Continue to use 858-795-0700 and all the 800 phone numbers for support. We will be announcing new numbers after June 1st 2008 to better to serve you, at which time these numbers will be automatically transferred to the new phone numbers.

Q: What is happening to LGB of America?
A: LGB of America will continue to exist; however, distribution of existing inventory, current lines, and new product lines will transfer to Silvergate Distributing.

Q: Will the new Silvergate company negatively affect product availability?
A: No, in fact you will see additional products available soon

Q: Will the management be changing?
A: We will continue to have the same management available to you.

Q: Is there an update on the status of LGB product availability?
A: Please see News section of our website. We are doing everything possible with what we have – so again we appreciate your patience and understanding.

I guess they just didn’t read far enough.

They mentioned

GR said:
More information will be posted as we receive it.
Can't post info which you don't receive, eh? Uh uh, there are exceptions to that rule, generally referred to as "Ventilator Mode". ;) :)
... Q: What is happening to LGB of America? A: LGB of America will continue to exist; however, distribution of existing inventory, current lines, and new product lines will transfer to Silvergate Distributing.
Maybe I'm missing something, but what [i]else[/i] is left for LGBoA to do?



Kevin Strong said:
Maybe I'm missing something, but what [i]else[/i] is left for LGBoA to do?



I would guess there is still the off chance that LGBoA will distribute LGB sometime in the future?

The link has been updated!

Jack Barton said:
The link has been updated!

Indeed, indeed!

Jack Barton said:
Kevin Strong said:
Maybe I'm missing something, but what [i]else[/i] is left for LGBoA to do?



I would guess there is still the off chance that LGBoA will distribute LGB sometime in the future?

I’m not a lawyer, and I know better than to step into this. But I would guess they are transferring assets to a new company and leaving a shell to hold the liabilities.

You may be close Ralph, but it appears LGBoA will retain what most would call an asset. TBA. I tend to think of it as a realignment of brands.

Kevin Strong said:
... Q: What is happening to LGB of America? A: LGB of America will continue to exist; however, distribution of existing inventory, current lines, and new product lines will transfer to Silvergate Distributing.
Maybe I'm missing something, but what [i]else[/i] is left for LGBoA to do?




Not much :wink: :), it’s a typical case of planning sooooooooo carefully that one outsmartens oneself and that usually smarts like hell. 12 months ago it was referred to as “Plan B” or was it “Plan C”? But I’m reasonably certain it wasn’t referred to as “Plan LGB®” :wink: :slight_smile: ;), that one popped up as a HUGE SURPRISE! Errrrrrr … at least it was for some people; there was enough egg on some faces it could have made a nice, big fat world class omelette! :slight_smile: :smiley: :lol: :lol:

BTW I like this one

TC relase said:
Second, we are moving our headquarters to a new facility in San Diego. This will allow us to better serve our customers with an enhanced infrastructure. In short, a better floor plan, working air conditioning and a non-leaking roof.
considering that EPL/LGBoA once owned that building, then sold it; that must have been a rock-bottom priced lease-back agreement that the new owners didn't see fit to maintain the upkeep. :) Probably waiting for a "more suitable tenant".

Does that mean Silvergate will be the exclusive distributor of PIKO G products in North America?

Paul Lambert said:
Does that mean Silvergate will be the exclusive distributor of PIKO G products in North America?
I thought they were already? Or is that the announcement that comes "next week"? :D

Unfortunately, LGBoA will most likely become the ‘sacrificial lamb’ to wear the flak of any potential legal disputes in the future. By being a shell company, in name only and possessing no assets, it will be the perfect scapegoat. King one day, dethroned the next. Mel Brooks (in the movie ‘History of the World?’) once said, “It’s good to be king (as he commenced deflowering a young maiden).” Not long after, I believe he lost his head on the guilotine.

Tim Brien said:
Mel Brooks (in the movie 'History of the World?') once said, "It's good to be king (as he commenced deflowering a young maiden)." Not long after, I believe he lost his head on the guilotine.
Rent it again Tim, he was saved by A Miracle (a horse), and then they had the "Big Ending" :D

However I dont think any creative scriptwriting will help LGBoA in this case :frowning:


You could picture it this way: LGBoA becomes one more skeleton rattling in a closet somewhere. :wink: :slight_smile:

“Silver Balls, Silver Balls (Or is that Bells)”, It’s Christmas time, behind the “Silver Gates”…Who theF***Cares"

Fred Mills said:
"Silver Balls, Silver Balls (Or is that Bells)", It's Christmas time, behind the "Silver Gates".....Who theF***Cares"
AMEN & So Mote It BE!

Funny, I take this as they really do not have the rights to the LGB name, and have lost it. I always thought it was impossible to believe their claim that “we own the LGB name worldwide except Germany”…

My guess is Marklin told them to give it up or else. The LGBoA people could fight a dying LGB… they could not fight Marklin.

Regards, Greg