Large Scale Central

N.B.R.R. Construction Begins!

Look for some Flox
Likes to hang down / flowers
like on top of the hill

looks great

cale nelson said:
I got “Green” today! The Boys and I made a run to Lowes and HD and picked up a few things that I couldn’t order…here are a few shots…

Here is a list of what I “planted” Blue Rug Juniper (1) Juniperus Horizontalis “Wiltonii” Green Mound Juniper (1)Juniperus Procumbens Tuscan Blue Rosemary (2)Rosmarinus Officinalis Choclate Chip Ajuga (6) Ajuga Irish Moss (6) Sagina Subulata Wooly Thyme (20+) Thymus Wooly Dwarf Mondo Grass (12) Ophiopogon Japonicus “nanus” whew that was harder to type than to plant… there was one other, but the card is outside…Both stores guarantee the plants for a year…We’ll see! This is the first time I have ever planted anything-hoping it would grow! Green Thumbs Crossed! cale Side Note: for those of you just starting out in LS Trains…Whew…this has been a long process, that seems now just beginning! Not to discourage you…but as a realist I feel I must tell you: If you are not Wealthy and Have a ton of time on your hands…this project you are considering will take more time than you imagined…Even today, where I’m at…running Trains and planting “Green stuff” I still have sooooo much farther to go…so if you decide to continue (and I hope you do!) expect to be discouraged, but know, the “trip” is the “destination”! I’m having fun, just wish I had more Time and Money, I’m ready to sit back and sip a C2 Coke and watch trains run in circles! cale [:D]

Your best bet for keeping plants alive is a good growing medium. My son, who is in the horticultural business, and knows a lot about plants, has them die on him occasionally. Mix some potting soil in the hole you dug for the plant and make sure you mulch it and keep the soil moist. Don’t plant it too deep either. Keep the root ball even or above the level of the surrounding soil. A good slow releasing fertilizer helps too. The number one mistake most people make is not making sure the plant they purchase is hardy for the area the wish to plant it in…

Ken…thanks I did plant with the Peat Moss in the hole…ur walk is lovely! An Idea…or something… I was out watering the newly planted flora this afternoon and had a thought… Why not a water feature here?

down from top of hill, with pond-less stream… here is a shot from above

I could still have a train on the top of the Mnt., a tunnel under the fall and complete these loops kinda as planned…

another shot looking down from top of ‘mtn’

I have a few ton of Rip Rap left over…I could use that…I could cut into the Mtn and build up for the tunnel and falls with Brick and mortar… what y’all think? Flowers doing pretty good… thanks cale

Cal: I think I would start consisdering some major track work to cut down on the possibility of derailments. Photos look good except for the poor looking track condtions. FRA definatley would shut you down. Later RJD

R.J. DeBerg said:
Cal: I think I would start consisdering some major track work to cut down on the possibility of derailments. Photos look good except for the poor looking track condtions. FRA definatley would shut you down. Later RJD'on RJ..thats the in'famous Evil Kenevil Grand Canyon/Snake River Train Excursion Test Track......................


Definitly need a water feature. I have one planned for mine, just haven’t decided where or how…:wink:

Cale, thanx for the comments on the walk…that was another contribution from my son…J.P.Henry block at his cost.

Cale even if you do not have water it would look great as a dry river bed!

Well not much has changed here on the NBRR of late…except the added child seems to have slowed down const…Hard to leave that pretty little thing in the house by herself! today though, she went to work with Mom, and the Boys and I spent some time outside…While they played and the Thommy Mack ran…I built a bridge…over a Dry Wash I dug so I could build a bridge…and there needed to be some drainage here… In less than 1 hour this is what I came up with…

(inspired by our very Kevin Strong, and his “Simple Bridge” article a few months ago in GR)… I also used bricks for abutment’s (borrowed from house const. next door-remind me to thank Roy next time I see him) Here is a shot with our Need to Be Re-lettered Switcher…and I gotta get some Batteries for this thing…

The Switcher has stopped on the Bridge, while Carl the Engineer talks to Tiny who has parked his Ford near the wash, and walked over to chat about the weather…(all this is happening on the other side of the engine, sorry, I didn’t get a shot of those guys, but one was a Big Dude with a long white beard!) Not too bad for an hour I guess, …I think I will find some more locations on the RR that need better drainage! Oh yeah, and I’m deff going for a Waterfall, as soon as I can get moving that way! Cale

Somebody Stop ME! Well it looks as though Carl and Tiny figured out the problems of the world…Tiny heads back home, while Carl takes the Switcher back to the sheds for the night…

actually the boys and i went back out later this afternoon and while tey played, I built another tunnel entrance!

done for the day! cale

Here on the NBRR…we like to keep our engines Pristine and Shiny…

actually, I’ve just cleaned off all the gunk from “Bill” and I’m getting ready to RCS/Sierra it! cheers! cale Oh yeah…built another tunnel entrance on Sat…needs a few more details, but you get the idea!

Have Fun!

cale nelson said:
Here on the NBRR…we like to keep our engines Pristine and Shiny…

actually, I’ve just cleaned off all the gunk from “Bill” and I’m getting ready to RCS/Sierra it! cheers! cale Oh yeah…built another tunnel entrance on Sat…needs a few more details, but you get the idea!

Have Fun!

Cale, Looks nice. Now a technical question with a bit of a preamble, not long ago someone pointed out to me - in conjunction with the haybarn - that there are glaring differences between the Euro and the NA approach to many things. He mentioned the building of support columns for the proto haybarns as opposed to the “cut and fill” method used in NA. The next example was the “forget about tunnels, let’s just cut through the hill” approach. Which has me ask: “How long would a tunnel need to be for the proto to start drilling, instead of just cutting through the hill or building a ledge around it?”


Is it length of tunnel or height to daylight that would determine whether to dig and blast or not? I would also think composition of soil or rock would have an impact on what devision was made.

I would imagine cost would have a lot to do with it.

Death and Overgrowth consume the NBRR! I was thinking this am, while out with the kids…that while everyone post pictures of their layout in pristine shape…you rarely see those in need of a massive amount of TLC…so…Here are some shots of my GRR that has been neglected all Summer long! I had no desire to go out and play in the 100+ temps with the Humidity hovering around 85+% all day. I’ll post a few of the shots that I caught this am…I haven’t ran on the line since August…or July…

I have plans to get back to work, soon…esp since the weather has really been swell of late. This past Summer was Very Dry! Everything I planted is dead, and I have a mess…but no fear…I’ll order my Train-Li soon and get 'er done!

I’d also like to encourage those of you who have lines, or have abandoned them for whatever reason…to search for that motivation that began in you when you started…Today, that was my middle, Luke, beggin’ me to run "Tweetsie-our 10 Wheeler)…but alas the track was too messy and his baby sister needed some attn. I have to admit, again, that this is a great deal more work that I ever anticipated. My involvement in purchasing a New Travel Trailer and Tow Vehicle hampered much posting and even thinking of RR’s for the last little bit…but I’m back, planning and longing to hear that Sweet Whistle coming down the tunnel! Have a Great One! cale

Happen to us all at times…as Fr Fred says…moderation in all things…Especially Moderation!

Oh the horror!!! The southeastern drought of 2007 claims yet more innocent victims!

Outdoor trains are fun but lots of work! I don’t know how the guys with really big layouts keep up with it. My medium sized layout is enough for me. -Brian

My itty bitty railroad is almost too much for me!


Every forest needs dead trees for the woodpeckers to thrive. Should’a left them in.

I grow lots of weeds and my track needs leveling and reballasting. Other than that, mine is in perfect shape.

No, no pics, sorry.

The “Yardmaster” has been complaining.

Steve Featherkile said:

Every forest needs dead trees for the woodpeckers to thrive. Should’a left them in.

I grow lots of weeds and my track needs leveling and reballasting. Other than that, mine is in perfect shape.

No, no pics, sorry.

I agree with you Steve. Cale should replant them among some live ones (unless he got them at the home depot or lowes who have one year guarantees on their plants, no matter what). I planted 10 pruned up dwarf boxwoods earlier this year. One did not make it through the summer and is going to be left in place. Looks like quite a few of the real trees around here due to the drought.
