Large Scale Central

N.B.R.R. Construction Begins!

Cale, I had typed a paragraph about how much you are getting done and how I couldn’t keep up that pace looking after baby Allison, when she pulled out the plug to the computer. She must want to join the Battery Mafia, cause she turns off the ac power strip to my drums also.

Yep, she has the right idea! Remember, mine are 21mo and 3.5 years, so they can “help”…well when I’m not chasing Luke ‘round the yard, or fixin’ a scrape on Eli’s hands…I’ve been in the planning mode for 2 years…don’t get in a hurry, it’ll happen! I’m just at a good spot right now…good weather (almost) and understanding wife----she has about 4 weeks left, then I REALLY get busy again! Bring it on! What a Beautimous day it was, although I didn’t get too much RR work done…the Honey Do was a mile long (baby shower here tomorrow!) But here are some pix from the little I got done today

laid out my “big” mountain again, the meter box will be installed for access to center of 10’ tunnel. Yellow paint will be mountain connecting the two tunnels.

Worked more on the curved tunnel, this pipe is impossible! You can see that I trimmed off what I though made it strong-Nah! not even close to bending yet!

This is the lower curve on the small loop…showing where I’ll need cribbing.

Finally got around to installing the passing siding for the station on the “Main Line”…this is center of folded dogbone.

Test laid some track just to see how it looked…getting close…too bad none of my engines are ready to go yet! Y’all have a great day! cale

Day 7: After a “Gully Washer” yesterday and All last night, I have foregone any Outdoor RR work today…didn’t help that the Bride had a OB appt. this am (baby is good and all on schedule!) Recovered from having 38 women in house yesterday (baby shower) and I had some Radio duties to attend to today. I am the music director and DJ on Hangar Radio Z, WHRZ here in Spartanburg SC. But, early this am, my new neighbor came by to ask if I needed more rock? Yep, I’ll take 4 Tons more, and they delivered-nice dude! Of course they were looking for work today-too wet to do anything else!

here is a shot of the “main”…it held up pretty well considering all the rain we had. Kevin Strong, had written to water down the ballast to help it settle…hadn’t had to do that yet…it’s been wet a few different times since application.

And upon returning home from the radio station, I had these in the mailbox!

They are plans for trestles, Cribbing, and Tunnel Portals from my friend Bob at Garden Texture. I was amazed at the detail in the drawings, but I need to tell you how detailed the instructions are-WOW 7 pages f/b just on the Trestles…I’m looking forward to digging into this for sure! I was really impressed with the Magnitude of the package he sent. I’d strongly recommend Garden Texture to anyone who is wanting to build a structure for their RR! Yeah, I coulda’ came up with my own drawings and such, but I really like what Bob is doing up there in NC and want to help support his efforts! So there you go…not too much today, but this week has been pretty productive! I have a few HLW cars that I have begun to paint with Acrylics, we’ll see how that goes… Be Blessed![:D] cale

I want to seriously ask a question here, what is the pvc pipe for? I saw Kevin Strong also used this in his article in GR about building his railroad. It has never been clear as to what is the value of attaching the track to the tubing.

Ric Golding said:
I want to seriously ask a question here, what is the pvc pipe for? I saw Kevin Strong also used this in his article in GR about building his railroad. It has never been clear as to what is the value of attaching the track to the tubing.
Hey Rick, I'll answer with some of the emails Kevin and I have traded the last few days:

"I studied all methods, and even considered a few of my own before starting, then your series of articles was released and I liked it the best. Mainly for 2 reasons-cost and ease of install…Ladder was my next choice, but was out of reach mainly in the cost and labor required.

I knew I didn’t want to just float the track, that woulda lasted a week maybe with the boys…"----cale

"That’s the primary reason I wanted to secure the track also–except it was a girl and a 60# dog. It’ll be interesting this summer, as she starts walking around the back yard, so see if I can “train” her to stay off the railroad.

Yeah, I know, fat chance. But it’s good for a laugh first thing in the morning. :)" ----Kevin

No other reason for the attaching (for me) other than those mentioned above! I want my boys to enjoy the layout—even if they are kneeling in the middle of it pushing a car down the line…My boys are pretty rugged, “All Boy”, so my track needs to be tough too! I already have them stepping over the PVC when reminded, but, well… they are boys…
hope that makes some sense!


I guess I understand. We have had track down and just floating in ballast for 10 years. It has survived 2 labs and 3 grandchildren, but has had to be clamped together in some places, more from expansion/contraction than anything else. I had an idea it was to hold it level and couldn’t figure out how that was going to work, since the ballast would have to be equal on both sides of the conduit to keep it level. I do realize all construction is site and region specific as we all deal with different climates and elements, even 2 and 4 legged ones.

I don’t think (I know it won’t) it will hold it level side to side…but it will be held to grade end to end, I think that is the crux of the entire idea…hold to grade, hold for foot traffic…ballast for side to side level.!

not sure if that makes any sense! maybe we can get Kevin to chime in here too!


Even though it’s 71 degrees here now…I still can’t seem to get anything done! Argh[:(] I haven’t worked outside all week…been too busy with others things and the ground has been wet all week long too! So, I tried my hand on a few inside projects Painting and weathering a HLW Flat…

Disassembled my 2006 Annie to prep for paint then RCS!

Built some cribbing for a turn in track. from Garden Texture Plans…then ad-lib a little.

Laid in place to “check”

on the bench…more to build… Still pondering the curve tunnel with the culvert pipe…Father-in-law is still outta town, so that means a few more days w/o Bobcat to finish Mountain then complete Sub-roadbed! Getting closer to the little girl too! WOW! I did some swaping this week…traded/sold all my Bmann Coaches, received the last package from TOC with KD’s, SV Wheels, and 2 Bmann Combines! This whole Fn3 thing is kinda buggin’ me…I wanted to model 15mm because that looks like where the hobby is going to an extent…but with the acquisition of 2 more Annies (now 3), I needed some rolling stock…so I bought a few 1/22.5 cars to hold me over for a while…we’ll see I guess, main thing is I get-er done!


To answer your questions directly, the PVC is a supplimental support. I’ve floated track on previous railroads with good success, but would invariably catch something on the rails at some point during the year that would pull a large section of the track up and out of the ground. (Feet, electrical cords, hoses, etc.) In most cases, the track could be set down without incedent, but occasionally sections had to be worked over to remove kinks. Obviously, stronger rail material–either via different metals or larger rail–would mitigate this.

The PVC gives me something to attach the track to, so if (read: “when”) something gets caught on the track, it stays where it’s supposed to. This was proved very effectively last winter when I tripped over a bridge buried in the snow. Everything stayed where it was supposed to, and no realignment was necessary. El Poocho has since made the occasional excursion over the track with no ill effects.

The PVC also works to hold the track level–at least to an extent. I found that over last winter, as some of the internal tensions released in the PVC, it had a tendency to twist the track here and there. Simply removing the screw and replacing it with the track level seems to have remedied this rather nicely, and I had even track all summer long last year. In some areas, simply backing the screw out slightly was enough to remedy the problem. It will be interesting to see how things look this spring, that is assuming the snow melts by then. :frowning:

Support aside, one of the coolest things about the PVC is how it inherently lays out nice, smooth curves for you. All you need to do is stake out the general location where you want the track, and let the physics of bending the PVC lay out the exact locations for you.




What size air nailer is that you’re using?


PS. RESIST the temptation to buy 1:22! If you need temporary trains, I’ll lend you as many cars as you can handle… but no sense in us BOTH having piles of “inactive” equipment once the real thing gets going!


That is a great explanation on both keeping the track in location and the ease of the curve. As I stated, I had followed your article, plus the previews you have given us, but the reasoning of the pvc was lost in my grey matter.

On the note about whether the snow will ever melt, it always has and even most of the EBT has stayed in place year after year. The latest “Timber Transfer” arrived yesterday. Great reading on a cold, grey winter day.


that is an 18ga Brad Nailer…a cheapo from Tractor Supply-Campbell-Hausfeld or something like that! Using 1" brads on 1/2 x 1/2 stock…building to 1/24 to make my trains look bigger in compairson to trestle and crib.

Rolling Stock:
Right now I just need some cars to pull! I’m not saying that from now till Jesus comes back, I’ll have a 1/22.5 RR! I’ve got little boys (real boys) and they can tear up anything! So as time progress for them and the RR I plan to buy the bigger stuff…but right now it is easier to imagine them dropping a USAT refer than an AMS Stock car…It’ll all come in time…

And as an aside, I think that 1/22.5 will be around for a long time as an easy scale to model, since there is soooo much right now avail! So in the future to fund 15mm purchases, I can sell off the old stuff, just like RR’s do every day.


Thanks for your input…the garden looks Great in the Mag this month!!!


Here is what is happening this week on the NBRR… Started the painting of No. 703…(July 2003 month of Eli’s birth)

Eli picked the color…Hunter Green Krylon in Satin Finish…I like it…between the ET&WNC and Southern Greens. Here is the Crib I built the other day, finished with some sort of “Copper Preservative” bought at Lowes…nice color on the Cypress

This was taken outside on the Driveway late afternoon. A shot of the Tender with letters as supplied by Brother Cedarleaf…

Now Firming up my confidence to begin RCS/Sierra Install…

As posted on MLS…thought some here would like to read…don’t think he’d mind…


You’re making quick progress on your RR. Glad to see you’re trying the PVC pipe subroadbed.

Jack Verducci uses this pipe to lay out his railroads but removes it befor he puts in the track. When I did this method on my friends RR I decided to leave it in place and attach the track to it. Based on my experience with using it on two railroads I suggested Kevin to use it on his.

A few suggestions based on my experience so far. Expect the pipe to bow upward between the rebar stakes over time from frost action and heat expansion. This is why I now put my rebar stakes on a 2 foot spacing. The bowing is less, about 1/2". You can adjust the track level and smooth again as needed just by loosening some of the attachment screws abit.

Tug firmly on the pipe to make sure the plastice ties don’t slip. Tighten as needed or use iron tie wire, or my preferred method of a sheet rock screw through a hole predilled in the end of the rebar stake. The important thing is that the pipe would have to pull the stake out of the ground to move.

I spray paint the pipe flat black and leave it in place on bridges and tressels. The pipe blends in like a shadow and is not noticeable.

I think that Jack Verducci had a clever way of bending that corrugated pipe. If I remember correctly, put a length of chain through the pipe, then cinch the ends together on the outside. Should bend the pipe, kind of like a string on a bow.

Look forward to your progress.


cale nelson said:
[i][/i] Rolling Stock: Right now I just need some cars to pull! I'm not saying that from now till Jesus comes back, I'll have a 1/22.5 RR! I've got little boys (real boys) and they can tear up anything! So as time progress for them and the RR I plan to buy the bigger stuff....but right now it is easier to imagine them dropping a USAT refer than an AMS Stock car.....It'll all come in time....... [i][/i]

You are making great progress on all fronts. Keep up the good work !

I think you will find that the USA stuff is very fragile when it comes to details. Railings, ice hatches and the like will break off with little more than a cross look. If you’re looking for rugged and economical - go with Bachmann. It’s low on detail, but what is there is flexible and very forgiving of rough handling.


Thanks Jon!

I only have one USAT Car-a refer…I have a few LBG–seem real sturdy! (Box and Tank)…2 Bman Combines-Shortline Passenger service on the NBRR…and a Few Bmann kits coming in from a trade…I hope to move closer to the Fn3 Mark one day…right now I am bidding on a few “broken” Star Wars" ships to build up something for my oldest…he Loves “Star Wards”!!!

So even Whimsy will find it’s home on the NBRR, I just want the boys to have fun! I can model later!

thanks for the info and encouragement!


Built my Mountain…here are some pretty bad pics…sorry it was dark Bad Pics, but best I could do in the dark…

here is the cribbing in place and back filled

front view of mountain…over under figure 8 to run on top of Mtn…possible Garden Texture Coal Chute/Tower on lower Left mountain from that loop

side view of same…black area near center of pic is retaining wall where short tunnel opens up then back into tunnel…where curved tunnel was to be… lots of dirt moved thanks to S185 Bobcat… cale

Well it’s been a few weeks…the baby beat me! Mary Caidyn was born on Feb 2 2007 @ 1138. She weighed in at 9lbs 6oz! She was is big’un!

We are all taken with her, and most things that need to be done are placed on hold, just to hold the “New Kid”…Her Brothers are really diggin’ a little sister! ----------------------------------------------- I have completed a few task and thought I’d post them here. I did finish up my Annie/RCS install and repaint! Bench testing shows great results–many thanks to Coach Goodson!

Must finish the Banta Cab and she is Done! Stan supplied the decals-great stuff. ---------------------------------------------------------------- here is a grade shot, looking up hill towards the tripple tunnel!

This is the tripple tunnel-front of Mountain

A tunnel portal, based upon Garden Texture.

Upper loop on other side of Mountain. hope to install over/under figure 8 on top of mountain? Have plenty of 5’ curves, but it may take a smaller radius?

Looking down towards bottom loop…cribbing holding well…test laid track for kicks

Maybe a better shot up the hill

Preping what few tress I have to plant.

I hope to have at least the Main running by 3/17 for Lukes’ “Thomas” Second Birthday Party! (is it too much to ask for a little prayer?)[:)] Yall have a great 1! cale and the newly expanded Nelson Family!

CONGRATS!!! What a beauuutiful baby girl.
ps. the railroad ain’t to bad either.

Congrats on the new addition. Enjoy her while she’s tiny. It’ll seem like only a couple years and she’ll be a teen…:confused: My little girl just turned 40. :frowning: