Large Scale Central

More 3d printing mayhem

Today’s entry in the “What the heck is Bob printing this week?” category.

Printing them at 39.4% to give me 1:20.3 sized blocks. Casting up a bunch should be good for that salvage yard I’m planning.

Dude your making Legos these days?

Wouldn’t regular Lego’s be about the right scale? :joy:

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Now that’s big boy legos :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:

Yep. These things are used all over the place around here to separate items, from salvage yards to recycling centers to construction material dealers to garden centers.

retaining walls etc …

Yep , hauled loads of them to new landscaping center. Easy to haul, and the work was hourly, easy money

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Started casting these about a week ago. Not too bad!