How’s this project going Bob?
Since others are offering signage suggestion, mine is editing that CC sign to:
We accept Mastercard & Visa
In your dreams.
How’s this project going Bob?
Since others are offering signage suggestion, mine is editing that CC sign to:
We accept Mastercard & Visa
In your dreams.
Ahhh…I like it !
Will the gantry be operational for operations ?
Well, it’ll be movable but not motorized. Gotta load all the scrap somehow!
Does the scrap then head to port for barge loading?
Casting continues. I need about eight more blocks to get 3 bays for sorting scrap.
And still refining my scrap bundles. Need to add some color to them, they’re very “not painted or rusty”
Aluminum doesn’t rust
I let the rust activator set overnight. Looks pretty good; there are a few areas that need touching up on the lower edges, but overall I’m pleased with how this turned out.
What an amazing work of art!
A fine and highly detailed disgorgement of industrial scrap and waste, with a disturbingly uber-realistic flow to it.
I think it belongs in the East Wing of the National Gallery of Art on the Washington Mall. Everyone would be asking, “What is it saying about us?”
Seriously, I love it! Bravo!! Bellissimo!!
How did you make it??
You need to sprinkle some up onto the block and add a grimy wash to the top of the blocks
1/4 pvc board base, bent to shape using a heat gun. Cover with silicone adhesive and aluminum shavings. The attach various other pieces of scrap, rod, sheet, etc.
A little searching in the web and an hour in CAD gives me a reasonable scrap handling magnet. Need to scale it up maybe 50%.
Looks great. But if you’re going to string it up, I’d suggest holes drilled where your lifting loops are, and using brass cotter or loop-headed split pins to take that load.
Yea, I think I’ll end up slotting the top and making the lifting lugs out of brass. I’m going for this look.
and, fortunately, they have a drawing so I’ve been working off that. I guess the protected gizmo on the top is the electronics box.
Some real chain like that will look outstanding.
With FFF printing it is possible to print some negative space and hide a magnet in the print. Can that be done with resin?
In any event Bob, are you considering placing a rare earth magnet on your electromagnet? It might allow you to precariously attach bits to dangle without glue…