Large Scale Central

MLS off line again

This started about 2 hours ago.

Anyone have any idea why?

Back on line.

I guess I have to ask the question, again, why do we care?

Are we keeping score? :lol:

Thank you Steve. :slight_smile:

Steve Featherkile said:
I guess I have to ask the question, again, why do we care?

Are we keeping score? :lol:

100% agree. I rarely go there now that the archives have been lost.

I rarely go there as well.
If I try to answer a newbies question to the best of my ability and experience, I’m usually shot down by a bunch of “know-it-all” rookies.
I gave up.
So I don’t care either.

Tony, it’s down again…


It’s down 20 % of the time… So who cares… I just store my stuff there for yrs back. Haven’t fig. out how to move it yet. As you can see whats missing now on here. geeeeeeeesssssss.

Noel, contact me some time, I can help you copy your pictures to a new location.


Sniff Sniff!! LOL Holy Noely, and Greg E. why aren’t ye out runnin a train??? Regal

Now What?

David Russell said:
Now What?
I dont know Rooster is this how the world is going to end? It was nice knowing you.

It’s not like the world will come to a end! Never seen a web site with so many problems.

The world isn’t going to end. There will just be a big derailment!

Doug Arnold said:
The world isn’t going to end. There will just be a big derailment!


Ah, but you’ll only derail if you are running on the wrong track :smiley:

Holy crap is that a dads (Andys) place?


I’m sure Bob never shuts his place down for upgrades?? I have to work for a living , I don’t have time to be on the computer so much…

Don’t some of you ever work on your RRs???

All of this going on at the M** site is why my $20.00 is still in my pocket. More fun here and much less snootiness…uh snobbery. If you know what I mean…

I feel sorry for the guy’s that gave $200 to up grade the site.