Very cool Shawn! Fun to see alternative energy applied to our little world!
Wow, that’s nice. Maybe you can go into business making them. Il buy it.
That is one sharp logging critter.
Doc tom
That is cool ! I’ll enjoy watching it tick around your new pike. Better hurry… The clock is ticking!
I really really like this… There’s something fundamentally cool about real clockwork. I’ll have to get some mechano for my bits box…
Thanks guys
The clock is really ticking now. I made a lot more progress the last few days. A good portion of the body work is completed. The next step is to paint the body a worn green color. Then I have to add a roof, smoke stack and put some details on it and it should be done. I going add a small wood car for it to pull.
Wish I could compete with some of the stories but been super busy.
The key comes out and will be hunk on the outside like an axe or something.
Cool, glad to see this one moving along nicely.
I’m getting a little worried, we have alot of entries this year but alot of the logs have been dormant. We got one more weekend, maybe Dave will extend it a week if needed.
Nice work Shawn. The clockworks are interesting to say the least.
Very cool! I have never seen a clockwork loco before. i can’t wait to see it done.
Like the rectangle cut outs on the roof ends. How long/far does it go on one winding?
Looking very nice. I am enjoying this build.
Doc Tom
I am liking this. I might just have to finish of the circus train with a clock work loco.
Hey Shawn,
Could you give a little more detail on how you hooked up the clock to the axel. I am very intrigued by this an it would make a great little indoor train.
Thanks guys
I got a lot more done but not sure if I can get all the detail work done on time. Ill be at theScranton steam up the next three days. Hopefully I can get some done in the next few nights.
Devon Ill get some pictures of how its hooked up. I put a sprocket on the Meccao motor then cut a square hole in the flatcar. Another sprocket was added to the axle. I used a chain from the clockwork motor sprocket to the axel. Realy simle.
Forget the roof. just put that potted plant inside of it. And Crank up Spring!(
I got a little more accomlished although there is no way I will finish on time. The only thing left is adding the details and weahering it.
Very cool, Looks like Otto. I see it runs nice and slow, great job. So how long does it run on a full crank?.
Well done! Shawn. That runs perfectly and looks better than perfect!
Very nicely done. The video shows a very realistic speed as well. Impressive.
Thanks guys. I get around a minute run time. Thats not too bad for clockwork. Looks like I might be able to add some finishing touches today. Had to cancal my trip to Scranton Steamup because of whiteout conditions on the roads