Large Scale Central

Miks build challenge 215 ShawV

I have two ideas so far. When my stupid Achilles heals I can get down to the basement to check on supplies.

Idea 1: a portable still. The backwoods boys need a better way to disguise their moon shine business. Having to tear it down every time the Forest Rangers are near, waste too much time. Plus that pesky Rooster cant keep his mouth shut. I portable still will allow the operations to be moved on a regular basis.

Idea:2 This will depend on parts. A clockwork backwoods engine.

As soon as I can hobble down the steps the napkin plans will be started.

Bob can you add the 0 to the 215 and then n to my name. The meds must be effecting me lol…

I really like idea #1 . Just love seeing all of that bare copper. Although I would also love to see where you would take Idea #2. Give that leg some rest because the starting gun is about to go off.

Make the still sudo functional, Added steam for the engine pulling it, or as an added “Hot water tank” Perfect hiding place for a backwoods still.

Good idea Dave.

Dave why pseudo functional??? I would be very impressed to see a fully functional still in g scale

If asking I think that the portable still would be very fun, and build the clockwork lokie to pull it


Man, all my employees are thinking about leaving my outfit for a taste of “shine.” Way to go.

Doc Tom

Vic Smith said:

If asking I think that the portable still would be very fun, and build the clockwork lokie to pull it


Now thats a great idea. I might have the parts to do it.

I decided to go with option 2 since someone else is doing the still.

The Swamp Logger

The Swamp Logger is going to be a clockwork backwoods engine. Something similar to my other backwoods engine. This will have sides going halfway up. The clockwork motor will act as the boiler. Ill probably come up with a plan to wrap a boiler around the motor and face it with wood strips. I might go with a set of trucks in the back and a single axle up front (All depends if I can find something that will work). It will be chain driven the same way my live steam version. Hopefully the gearing will be good enough. Might have to find the correct combo. Im thinking of painting the sides green but very worn look.

Once I have the flat car built I will be to see how everything will fit together.


Cool. Like the drawing.


Haha Boomer. This is a special one :wink:

Since Im out on injury I got more work done on the swamp logger. I got the journals and wheels fitted and the gears put on the axle and the Meccano clockwork motor. The flatcar was modified a little. Rather then running the side board along the edge I put them underneath to keep the journals at the proper width. Next step is to glue the boards on top and then secure the motor for the test run.



Neato. That is turning out great.


Very interesting. Are those the Busybody figures you were waiting for?

Ron Tremblay said:

Very interesting. Are those the Busybody figures you were waiting for?

Hey Ron. No Im still waiting. I spoke to Rob the other day. He said in the next week or so. These are Busy Bodies that were made from a mold by Si (something) forget the rest…

Looking good so far Shawn. Maybe you guys need a category for disabled and retired entrees. They should start 10 days later so everyone else can keep up!

Sorry guys Im a little slow with my build log and story telling. I have made some progress on the swamp logger. I got the motor hooked up and tested. It runs at a nice slow pace. I got the gearing perfect. I started to build the boiler and fit it over the motor. Next step is to paint boiler, add wood siding and then build the cab. Ill try to post pictures after the weekend (working). Progress is slow, trying to build with no work bench and half my tools and scraps are still in boxes from the move grrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr…

Keep tinkering Shawn yours is a very interesting build that I want to see completed.

What Todd said.
We shall be patient, Shawn… If perchance these diffficulties cause you to miss the Challenge target date (sounds so much more positive than ‘deadline’ dont’cha think?), I hope the finished contraption will be ready to bring to York in March.

(Shawn has a delightful collection of old “O” gauge clockwork engines, with track and turntable, and they all work magnificently on the little display layout he has made for them.)


The snow has been keeping busy. Between shoveling and skiing I haven’t had too much time.

So far I got the boiler started and painted. I need to put some wood around the boiler and wrap a band around it. Then add some details to it. The sides and the roof should go together fairly fast. Hoping to start that Friday.
