Large Scale Central

Mik's Build Challenge 2016

Dont we all just naturally hoard potential project building stuff away as part of our daily routine ???

I know I do. It aggravates my mom sometimes, but I have a decent supply of junk stuff laid in.

I tell my wife I am not a hoarder I am prepared for the build challenge

Whats pathetic is when you want to build something feb-dec but wont use the part in your bin because you might need it for the build challenge.

I still have some model rocket engines that I desperately want to use.

Oh and campaign signs, stock up on campaign signs. I have never used them but i will be shopping for them on November 9th

yes on the signs, a soon as polls close I will be helping clean up my neighborhood. public duty and all

I have a pile of them suckers, but I could always use a few more.

And I should pick up some more glue, a few rattle cans of colours I don’t already have, any assorted bits that catch my eye at the craft store and find my “Someday” list.

I also need to lay in some more band aids, antiseptic, aspirin and Alka-seltzer. Sharpen up my pencils and make sure the heater in the shop works.

I have never seen a coroplast stock car, Wow that could be very interesting design and build. I’m looking forward to see the steps. Especially the bolsters.

Dave Taylor said:

I have never seen a coroplast stock car, Wow that could be very interesting design and build. I’m looking forward to see the steps. Especially the bolsters.

Was that a hint Dave? (

That’s what I am wondering, that was somewhat a random statement

Lets see, I have coroplast, a box full of spare trucks, a few bundles of brass rod, some wire, and I just got in a bunch of brake wheels. I have various paints, some Goop. (Note to self, buy more Goop). Yea, I think I can pull that one off, if I have to.

More Napkins!

Re campaign signs… I have seen a grand total of 2, of for each…and they were paper. :frowning:

Vic, yea, many of the signs now are like plastic bags on a wire frame. But some are still corrugated plastic. So, after the election, I need to try and snag a few (dozen) of the proper ones.

oh crap, If it is slip of the tongue by David I have no parts for building a car, more than likley his is doing a fake to the right when he is planning to go full left on us. Wish I had ordered some tin from him, I guess I will have to get some crimping scissors and beer beverage cans and start hitting the craft stores every weekend. Sent my order for Akbars Plutonium Sales for enough to cause problems with power here, cannot find any anitmatter, but have a good selection of unobtainium pieces. As a possible first timer to this, I am looking forward to making my disasterous debut in this challenge that really me interested last year.

I think everyone should post a picture of last years build and where it is on their layouts (if it is) now.

Be sure and stock up on Leaverite, you always get home and wish you hadn’t there.

It shore looked purdy, jes’ like gold! Kinda crumbly tho’.

I doubt if’n we’ll build another car, n’or a building, n’or nuthin’ with tin! While Dave’s hints always leave a fuller junk/parts box, I don’t recall any being used. Variety and The Spirit of Mik, hints at a repurposed item to me.


John, oh. ( have so much stuff here that could be, and needs to be, re-purposed, I would not know what to use.

Looks good there David. Like it has been there for a long time. Tick Tock Tick Tock, the anticipation to the build is building.

56 Days To Go

Less then 2 months + we get Christmas in there also

Been working hard to get ready and prep. I have got 16 kits assembled, and basically ready to send out. Anyone want’s theres early? Promise not to Peek, Shake, Rattle, Bend, or otherwise cheat! Well actually… I do have a dilemma, I’m always trying to guess how many to make, and then what to do with the leftovers ( anyone need any 1:30 doors ). The other side is that I can’t let on about what the challenge is to be.

So I guess the question is, How many of you will commit to the build challenge ahead of time, No matter what is is, So I have a better guess as to how many kits to make up?

I’m in