Large Scale Central

Mik's Build Challenge 2015

In Memorial to Allan Bupp, aka: Mik, Mik just Mik. Founder of the challenges.

Train Guy, Builder, Scrounger, Steam Guy and friend to all. We miss ya buddy!

MIK’s Build Challenge 2015

Let the fun begin. All aspects governing the Challenge are to be applied under Mik’s build challenge Rule #1

Rule #1: Remember this is a “Fun Build Amongst Friends”

The 2015 challenge shall be: Build a Whimsical, Magical, Inventive, Fanciful, Over the top, FUN CREATION of your wildest desire on the provided “Shorty Flat Car Kit”.

The “ AH NUTS” type or Dr. ZUESS unleashed, or Rube Goldberg contraption, or Circus Wagon for the “Three Headed, Bearded Fat lady”, comes to mind.

TO KEEP THE PLAYING FIELD EQUAL (and here is 1/2 the challenge):

Each participant will be provided a Scale 16’ “Shorty Flat Car Kit” to build upon. The same car in 1:20.3 scale, 1:22.5 scale, 1:24 scale, 1:29 scale or 1:32 scale. You will have to provide your own trucks, couplers, and all detail parts that you want to use.

The Final Car can be any size or shape that can be run around on your layout, but it must be built upon the provided kit.

If you have a 3ft tall tunnel, and your car is 2’-11’ tall and can make it around your layout, then more power to you.

The same goes for width, If it can make it around your layout, put the 22’ Merry-Go- Round on it if you choose.

No limit on what you build Above or below the base flat car. Go for it if you want.

You can Build as small as you would like.

The car can be powered or not. Could be an engine to pull other cars, or powered to provide animation.


Jan 1 thru 14, Sign up and let me know what scale you will be working in.

You can start planning, drawing (napkins not included), gathering, but No cutting or building.

Jan 6 thru — Car kits mailed to each entry. If you live out of country (USA) enter as early as possible, and Kits will be shipped ASAP.

Jan 14th, Build Logs to be posted in Annual Build Challenge forum on LSC, Construction begins.

Jan 14th thru Feb 15th up-dates to your build log posted.

Feb 15th building ends (extended to local sunrise on the 16th if you must put in an all nighter to finish).

Feb 17 and 18th Posting pictures to the “Official Finished “ forum post [ I will start ] for judging. Also post your total “out of pocket” cost.


Actual building starts on JAN 14th and Ends on Feb 15th. That gives you 5 weekends to get it done.

$30 (US$ or your local equil.) is the max you can spend on materials, paints, glue etc.

Any item that you already have in your hands as of 1 Jan 2015, does not count towards the limit. Any “Free” item you can procure, is free.

This is on the honor system guys. Refer to rule #1

All contestants MUST post a “Build Log” in the Annual Build Challenge forum section of LSC. You have to declare your intentions of what you will attempt to build in the initial post. You can change it if you want to but you must post it. NO phantom builds to pop up on the last day! Progress posts ( preferably with pics ) need to be made often.

Recommended Model forum Title “Daves 2015 challenge log”. something along those lines so every one will know, and be able to follow along.

If you choose to participate in Mik’s Build Challenge 2015, Post a reply to this thread.

The Prize pool for 2015: In no particular order.

Vic Smith; Upland Trains resin building Best Napkin Drawing.

Dave Taylor; 16x20 Custom Canvas Print Grand prize Award. (your photo or mine)

Tony (from down under) Walsham; an ESC worth say A$80 (Details to be worked out.)

Peter Lucas, MyLocoSound; a large scale steam soundcard.

Stan Cedarleaf, Cedarleaf Custom Railroad Decals**; $25 Gift Certificate.**

Dave Taylor; 11x14 Custom Canvas Print 2nd Place Award. (your photo or mine)

Boomer K. Set of 18 custom crates. Best use of a Round thing.

Devon Sinsley; A Custom turning. Best 1st timers build.

Dave Taylor; Mystery box. Spirit of Mik Award. It would even make Mik smile.

Dennis Rayon; Custom built Rustic Building. 1st Timers award.

Travis Dague; Bundle of strip wood General prize pool.

Cale Nelson; 2 Fn3 Boxcar kits. Best Fn3 (1:20.3) Build.

Ken Bianco, Trainworld**; TRAINWORLD $25 Gift Certificate.**

I will need a valid mailing address to mail the Car Kits to.

Send a separate e-mail to: [email protected]

Any contribution to offset postage expense will be appreciated.

Edit: Moved the prize list to this thread.

1:20.3 for me.

Thanks for sponsoring this.

1:24 here.

Yes thanks for all the work and effort you contribute to our fun!


Happy New Year to all. If you join this challenge, then may you all do very well with it and heed Rule #1: have fun!
If you don’t join this challenge, then may you enjoy the builds.

Dave, you can put my name in the hat @ 1:29 scale, mailing address in separate email.

1/29th scale here Dave

1/29th here.

Can we also use the given email address to send Paypal funds to help with costs? Give us an idea how much the cost is.

1:24th scale for me.

1.22.5 for me.

Clarification: Re the provided kit, is the challenge to be built upon the kit, or out of the kits components, or is that up to us to decide?

The Mad Scientist Division at the Borracho Locomotive Works have been promised an extra ration of their special pork treats if they come up with something special


Could we build more then one car? I had an idea for a small 3 car train I have been playing with for a while.


1: Challenge Car to be Built “UPON THE FORM” of the Kit. Use the kit car for the basis of the build. Cutting, chopping, drilling, boring and whatever is OK. But putting it on top of an 90’ car is pushing the intent of the “Shorty” aspect.

2: You can build as many cars as you want. Judging to be only applied to the “Kit Car”. Now if you want to articulate it in three sections on a 16’ car, I’ll stand up and cheer for your effort, would kinda be a neat build. My weird mind went to a “Slinky” holding the sections together, and it inch worming it’s way around the track.

Sounds like another fun build with friends again this year :smiley: Count me in :smiley:

1:20.3 for me please :slight_smile:

Happy new year!

Please pit me down for two 1.22.5 flat cars.

Has anyone got a sale on trucks?

OK Dave I think I can make that work with my idea, I think =-O

Please provide cars overall dimensions, in actual inches, I need to verify some things.

I’ll give it try… 1/24 scale

Sounds like a fun challenge. The slinky idea is a good one. I recently saw a video of a slinky train using the dog character from the Toy Story movie. Whimsical… AW NUTZ… a tea pot comes to mind… how about a Beatles yellow submarine for a load… lots of ideas…
I might have to make a trip to the swap shack at the local transfer station.
Hmmmm the gears are turning…

Since I can never decide on a scale a 1:22.5 would be a good compromise for me right between Bachmann and LGB. Thanks Dave.

Cody and I are in again, 1:29 please

Tom h

I’m in…how about seven eighths scale? Just to be difficult! I’m a first timer to this.

The boys in the Tennessee Hills been thinking on an idear.

Sign us up in 1:20.3 scale…we’ll give er a go.

Doc Tom

I’ve already started scratching some ideas on paper, official napkin to follow.

I’m just itching to start…or is that just the rash
