Friends… Mik’s 2021 build Challenge is but a few weeks away (10) !
I would like to put out some thoughts and some request for opinions in regards to the 2021 Challenge.
I have two options I’m toying with for the Challenge.
Option 1: Would be what I think would be a great starting point for all involved, but the out of pocket postage costs have climbed to the point that would re-quire that those that want to enter would need to cover the postage. I’m concerned that doing so would put a limiting factor on some participation in the fun, and limit the numbers of entries. If covering the postage doesn’t bother you, and would not be a deciding factor… how much $ limit would be OK?
Option 2: Would be what I think would be a lesser starting point, But would require no shipping costs. This would open it up to all, at no additional expense.
I have thought about having both options, and have concluded that one of the big draws to the annual Mik Builds, is that we all start from the same point and amazes each other with our diversity comming from the same starting point.
Please openly share your thoughts on this…
Dave T.
PS: I have been absent from here of late, While doing maintenance on Loco 315 in Chama NM. I had a Heart Attack. I survived, and doing Cardio-Re-Hab now. I nearly joined Mik, and John at the great build in the sky. I’m on the road to recovery, and looking foreword to Mik 2021.