Large Scale Central

Mik's 2021 Challenge Thoughts

Friends… Mik’s 2021 build Challenge is but a few weeks away (10) !

I would like to put out some thoughts and some request for opinions in regards to the 2021 Challenge.

I have two options I’m toying with for the Challenge.

Option 1: Would be what I think would be a great starting point for all involved, but the out of pocket postage costs have climbed to the point that would re-quire that those that want to enter would need to cover the postage. I’m concerned that doing so would put a limiting factor on some participation in the fun, and limit the numbers of entries. If covering the postage doesn’t bother you, and would not be a deciding factor… how much $ limit would be OK?

Option 2: Would be what I think would be a lesser starting point, But would require no shipping costs. This would open it up to all, at no additional expense.

I have thought about having both options, and have concluded that one of the big draws to the annual Mik Builds, is that we all start from the same point and amazes each other with our diversity comming from the same starting point.

Please openly share your thoughts on this…

Dave T.

PS: I have been absent from here of late, While doing maintenance on Loco 315 in Chama NM. I had a Heart Attack. I survived, and doing Cardio-Re-Hab now. I nearly joined Mik, and John at the great build in the sky. I’m on the road to recovery, and looking foreword to Mik 2021.

Good to hear from you, Dave. Glad you are recovering and still vertical( I don’t mind paying postage for the Challenge but realize that may limit participation and the more we have building, the more fun we all have. Looking forward to January.

Take it easy Dave and get well.

Don’t put a scare into us like that, Dave. You take care of yourself and follow doctor’s orders exactly.

Wow! Glad you are recovering Dave. hope things continue to improve for you.

As for the challenge - I agree that some of the best challenges have been when a part, or parts, were supplied and everyone was left to their imagination to build something using it. As far as cost, I can’t speak for everyone, but if what you have in mind will fit in a small Priority Mail flat rate box, they will go anywhere in the US for $8.30 which would work for me.

Glad to hear you are with us.

I agree with Jon about small Priority Flat Rate box. I try to chip something your way. You should not have to subsidize out hobby. Your good intentions are enough.


Glad to hear your doing well after your medical event. As was stated above, follow the doc’s advice, he gets all those big bucks because he knows what he is talking about!!.

I feel, as has been stated, that having a common starting point and then watching the scattering in every direction is not only fun but educational. Although a couple years ago when it was build what ever you want was fun also.

Mailing costs are just a fact of life now days and in this case it is pretty cheap for the fun that it creates. Wait, we don’t have to charge the mailing cost against our build allowence do we?(

Can’t wait to see what you have come up with for this year.


Now I understand the silence on the Week in Silberton thread. As others have said, follow doctor’s orders and get well.

Might I offer an Option 3? Choose an item that can be locally sourced (eliminates mailing costs) as the starting point. My first thought might be an animal, or a particular detail part that can be mail ordered by the contestant. Just my tuppence worth.

Bob C.

Dave glad to hear you are recovering!!!

I would love the everyone has the same starting point, a new Dave Taylor business venture along the lines of the Taylor Tin and the Dave’s stoneworks. Get well stay well and bring on the Challenge!


Uff-dah! Take it easy! First things first…Let the Mik be a source of joy that speeds recovery and not a source of stress that impedes it. I think saddling you with mailing things, whether we pay for it not, leans more towards stress than joy. if it doesn’t it adds to my stress worrying about it!

That being said, I am with Bob C. above. I’d have the Mik be something folks could procure locally, similar to the 2x4 challenge of a year back. That way, no one is precluded from challenging based on material availability or shipping. My only suggestion were you take Bob’s approach is that you choose an item that does not need a special tool to render it into a railroad item (12 oz beverage can, pack of coffee stirrers, toy animal, whatever…). If it needs an arc-welder to cut it up, for instance, I bet you are going to limit the folks that are trained and equipped to participate!

The family and I, of course, always appreciate your efforts on this competition. It got me wondering if you could use the challenge to encourage others to join the hobby. Maybe instead of an item, the challenge would be to involve a neighbor / child / grandchild? Or maybe there should be a 16 and under challenge (Yes, I am trying to encourage secessionists at home ( These might require you to get a sense of who is participating, though, first.

Stay healthy! Team Mueller is ready!




I would prefer you take it easy and stay on top of the dirt. As far as Mik’s goes, it’s either way for me.



although I have not participated in the past, I think the small flat rate box is the best way to go. consider it as a baseline cost not included in the total build…

Sorry to hear about you heart issues, myself not having had a heart attack per say, have had my heart totally re-plumbed several years ago. it can drag you down.

hopefully the events planed this year on the C&TS can go forward in 2021.

Al P.

Dave certainly glade to hear that you are doing better and on the mend, I think any amount $15.00 or less would be acceptable, Bill


I’m sorry to hear you had a heart attack. I’m also very glad you survived it! Go easy, recover and move ahead! Best wishes from Florida. (


I’m keeping track of the comments, and paying attention too. I’ll leave this active for a number of days before I make my decision…

Thanks for all the well wishes… I’m getting along OK.

Dave & All;

I have not done a Mik Challenge since 2011. Mik was still alive then, and I may have won back then. At least Mik sent me a handsome dragon (may have been an ashtray) as a prize for my Brandywine & Gondor Railroad train protection vehicle (aka the Balrog catcher). Obviously some things have changed since then. I was unaware of folks being mailed items as a starting point for the project. I must confess that I prefer the idea of everyone starting out by procuring a few common elements for the project and keeping the costs within a specified budget. The Balrog catcher is shown below.

Regards, David Meashey

How about this? Everyone starts at the same point, with no shipping involved.

Everyone takes a rock(s) and does something with it. Can be any rock of any size and it could be carved (e.g., feather rock) and/or painted to a shape, used in a scene (e.g., ore, loading rocks to clear an area, laying ballast) or incorporated into a ???.

Of course all of the usual costs/expenses would apply, but the rock is pretty much free, unless you purchase it (e.g., crystal/geode/pyrite) in which case, you would count it in the expenses.

@ Dave M. Welcome back, and I really hope that you join in on the Mik 2021 challenge. Things have changed a bit, I think for the better.

Here is a link to the 2020 Mik Challenge. Spend some time and review. In the past there was NO charge for the “Kits” that I sent out, nor was postage requested, to keep it on the cheep.

Also spend some time looking at some of the builds, either in the “Picts for Voting” or the individual build threads.

Dave T.

Dave i am good with what ever. I don’t mind paying postage but I also want the largest possible participation. So I defer and am willing to do whatever.

Devon Sinsley said:

Dave i am good with what ever. I don’t mind paying postage but I also want the largest possible participation. So I defer and am willing to do whatever.

Devon makes a good point that we don’t want to eliminate those who might have a hard time with pay to play. So how about this: Those who are OK spending a few bucks chip in $10, the extra $1.70 is pooled to subsidize those who can’t pay? Only Dave would need to know who paid, and who didn’t.