What a week! Ive been under siege!
20 year old carpet has been condemned …
The 68 year old body has been declared worthy of further treatments!
I’ve been stirring up dust, packing away my treasures! My shaved cat and I have been ordered to move to under sister’s thumb… for the duration of treatments, oh my. My home will be sanitized for my recovery.
Same guest house I used last time. Minutes from the hospital, not the hour from my home.
The Cure-all operation was cancelled on the 9th, removing viable lung is not an option and the cancer is located near the airways. Sewing radiation burned flesh is not possible and I’ve got too much already…
I knew my options were being presented, but it’s been a long wait for the wheels of administration to turn…
Today I got the call; I get chemo and Imuno-therapy!
Feb 14 and Chemo begins; 3 days a week for 3 weeks…
Stay tuned for more exciting details!(https://www.largescalecentral.com/externals/tinymce/plugins/emoticons/img/smiley-sealed.gif)
Sorry about the Contest, Mik knew too well about life getting in the way.
I’ll be back.