Large Scale Central

Miks 2017 Vic Smith Build Mik's Grove Station

I have a long tradition of posting lousy photos, so here’s another. Blocks going on. Tricky parts going to be the roof assembly.

All blocks are on, had alot leftovers so added blocks around the deck as well. It’s absolutely sloshing down rain here so I can’t cut the roof panels yet. Waiting for the block adhesive to set now.

Looking great vic

your rain today is my rain tomorrow Vic! Looks good

For some reason I can’t post images from my Album on my phone :frowning:

I can access everything but there are no image or anything tabs, just a text only box quick reply

Back on my Tablet now so progress. Sunny day so roof panels are now cut and sanded. Started the overhang canopy support rafters, they will be key to keeping the roof square.

Scale check with the other buildings for the layout.

Looks like we’re in for real gullywasher of a rainstorm today! Got stones painted, but my lousy tablet camera really doesn’t capture the effect… Doors and windows get paint today and roof gets work.

Rafters in place, hey I think this is going to work!!!

I sure hope EVERYONE has included the provided cornerstone (

Yeah, I’m putting our Time Capsule behind it as an explanation for it’s being so Proud!

I had a half an hour of sunshine for plannin’ this morning between the storms you sent our way (


Hey John got a bigger rain maker on the way to ya! So far not the rainpocalypse the newscasters were fretting over but very wet.

Roof is on! Painting it as I go, decided to drop the lighting for now. I can add something up into the interior from the bottom down the line if I want to. The signal pole is only test fitted. That still needs work. Waiting for everything to dry right now.

Looks great Vic. Are you using wood veneers for part of the structure? I do here and it works well if the wood is well sealed and kept out of water. Not too big a problem in Taos. Also, my layout is now elevated, which allows for good drainage.

Rich, it’s a thin 1/8" veneer plywood called Lauan, I get it through my local Orchard Hardware or Home Depot. It can take getting a little wet but but’s not really good for permanent outdoors application as when exposed to prolonged water exposure it will delaminate. But I’m planning to store most of the buildings under cover when the layout is not in operation.

Hugely productive day today, being sequestered inside due to deluge. Eaves painted, windows installed.

As I said at the beginning of the challenge that this would be an extension of last year’s challenge in that I would be using the remnants of last years tin roof panels. And after going out for some Pho noodles I am now installing the tin to the station.

Nice work Vic…

Thanks, still alot to do, the signal pole has me stymied for the moment.

Looking great as always Vic. I always like your builds. You make me realize small buildings can still be cool. And on the indoor I have to,adopt this mentality.