Large Scale Central

Miks 2017 Vic Smith Build Mik's Grove Station

Okey Dookie here we go, not a napkin sketch as such, I’ll try to load a pic or something of one, but here is my entry. I’m calling it Mik’s Grove Station, it is a whistle stop that will go onto the outdoor Angry Beaver line later this year.

Plans, yes I know I actually drew plans for something, so pick you jaws off the floor your leaving a stain.

Its based on a Thomas Yorke kit that was based on a John Olsen originalm model I have always liked and wanted to model, but it was never offered in large scale, so…perfect opportunity to bash one. Here is the Yorke kit:

I am in essence also continuing LAST years challenge as I still have a bunch of corrugated metal left over from last years challenge. All for now.

Love It!!

Oh yeah, I see good things on the way!

That’s great and your napkin is way more sophisticated than my napkin.

That’s is a great little station just the kind of building I would expect from the king of micro.

I drew an obligatory Napkin Sketch during lunch break:

Holy crap your napkin is frickin artwork. I think you should frame that and offer it as a prize(

Well one of those words is accurate LOL, I just threw it in a drawer (

That looks like one of the drawings that used to appear in A.W.N.U.T.S.

Whew! Found the plywood I was hoping I still had. I can’t actually lay out the building panels until I receive the blocks as I will have to dry run lay out the blocks on the plywood to get an exact cut line for the edges and openings.

NO cutting until the start Date....




The Mik police is watching you!!!

Dave, too late. I got a paper cut on my finger while rooting around for supplies.

Dave Taylor said:

NO cutting until the start Date…

The Mik police is watching you!!!

Not much of a chance of cutting anything with a pencil (

I just realized I have a Yuge disadvantage this year, this weekend is the start, it’s also the first train show the GTE in Costa Mesa so between setup, show and take down, I’ll be effectively blocked from starting until Monday at the earliest, then the weekend the challenge ends, is my second train show of the year, the World’s Greatest Hobby show at Pomona, so I am losing two full weekends… bugger!

Poor Vic… Lets see, for the past three years you were always the first to get done, and even went on to do two or three challenges in the same time as it took us poor schulks to get to the un-done time line… Thats why it’s called a “Challenge”

Vic is worried about time? The guy builds entire pizza layouts including scenery in the time it takes me to watch the latest episode of NCIS. I think you will be fine VIC. One thing nice about Micro is the Micro buildings. Even though yours is planned for outdoors it is still a cute little bugger. You’ll finish

Vic Smith said:

I drew an obligatory Napkin Sketch during lunch break:

I think that’s the best napkin drawing ever. If there’s a prize for napkin drawing, you win in a landslide!

John Passaro said:

Vic Smith said:

I drew an obligatory Napkin Sketch during lunch break:

I think that’s the best napkin drawing ever. If there’s a prize for napkin drawing, you win in a landslide!

I know, Right?

Okay time to GO! …,…And load my car.

At least I’ve got my panel templetes printed out.

Are you done yet?

Looks a lot like sumthin from the “Birdwater & Rasberry”…(