Large Scale Central

Miks 2017 Vic Smith Build Mik's Grove Station

I think so too.

Ken Brunt said:

Looks a lot like sumthin from the “Birdwater & Rasberry”…(

Thanks guys,I was actually thinking about the Fiddletown and Copperopolis cartoons, but it’s way short in my overly critical eye. I’m a #$@& architect I should be able to sketch better than that. Anyway, back from setting up, 50 miles in bad traffic, and running around the grocery store for dinner, I’m pooped. Don’t think I will get much done this weekend. I just feel like switching my brain off and watching a couple episodes of James May, The Reassembler, which is surprising therapeutic relaxing.

Okay shows over I’m exhausted and still have a car full of pizza to unload…but MST3K is showing two of the worst movies ever made so the hilarious bot qwips will be flying, good evening to just hang out and finally start this project.


Love the plan and the drawings


Yes I am actually working on this.

Paper templetes on plywood, led to me having a full on fit of anger when my cordless skill saw met not one but three flat batteries despite being recently charged, $#_&-!!!

Had to use a bloody low tech but utterly reliable handsaw and got them cut, sanded and begin glueing.


Got the other two walls up and glued, floor inside is just balsa wood I dont plan to do an interior mostly because the Pikey windows are too small. But I might add some LED battery Xmas lights inside just because I can. This is what the sequence ob building is starting to look like.

  1. erect walls - done

  2. build surrounding freight platform and paint it. this will give me a starting point for the stones. - done

3 install doors, because the stones need to butt right up to them.

  1. install stonework. (somewhere in here add lights)

  2. install windows, because they have mullions that have to go in over the the stoned.

  3. glue together roof, but not install it down. make sure hole for signal post is adequate.

  4. add rafters to underside roof.

  5. add tin roofing and eave trims.

  6. paint roof/building

  7. glue down roof

  8. install signal post

  9. install signage and platform details.

finished…hopefully before the due date. A list like this is very helpful for me to get a scope of what work to be done.

I always make a list like that then do it in a different order

Gee, Vic, if I wrote out something like this this year, maybe I wouldn’t have to rebuild about a sixth of my project because I made things out of order (like attaching the roof before installing lights and window glazing, ya think???). What a thought.

Walls up, freight platform framing done. Paint next.

Paint and decking

For someone who wasn’t going to have the time to work on the project, it is coming along nicely.

Devon Sinsley said:

For someone who wasn’t going to have the time to work on the project, it is coming along nicely.

No kidding.

I think you’re nailing the proportions just right, Vic. Including the steep roof.

Thanks guys, Yeah that roof, I can already see I’m going to have to buy some hardwood stringers at the LHS and maybe build a jig to glue the lower overhang roof joints together. Kinda like to build it with a removable roof so I can store the battery pack for the lights inside but the signal pole complicates it. maybe half a removable roof?

Why is this picture ?drawkcab

I’m still getting used to the lousy camera on my Tablet, its the only one that doesn’t take 20million pixel photos like my phone does. I must have hit ‘reverse image’ when I was trying to rotate the image. (

Turn on the flash

" Rooster " said:

Turn on the flash

Did I mention that it’s a lousy camera? It ain’t got one (

Deck is done and weather stained with my patented “old used paint-thinner” brew. Started to glue down the blocks. Turns out I wasn’t quite as precise as I thought I was cutting the walls and now its just a tab bigger (3/32") than planned, so for some half blocks I’m having to shorten full blocks to fill the space, and my battery powered christmas mini-light set has disappeared…oops!

I hate when things disappear. I had a 100 LED string that I bought last year that I cannot find.