Large Scale Central

MIK16 A Whale's Tale

My hands are still hurting… yesterday was Earth day. I had to make a platform for my Scene. Mostly it’s my thumbs from holding the triggers as the Sawzall cut off chunks.

This is the first look. Swingset in center and Colossal Fossil up on pile on the right. A cave entrance in the far mound.

Too big!

I forget how quickly space disappears!

The fossil goes where the peanuts are and a smaller base will be cut for the submarine ride.

You may have have noticed that this is on wheels, the layout is on the other side of the house …

I just grabbed chunks off the scrap pile for the bluffs. I’ll bring in rocks next.



I like where you’re going Johnny C.

Several years ago I was the victim of an impulse buy. How handy I thought, a neat battery powered screw driver! That should save me some wear and tear on me poor old hands. $10 sold!

It sat in it’s plastic case for several years, holding down a rocker switch while it s l o w l y turned a screw was awful!

At scale speed the kids will be thrilled!

Batteries go in the bottom.

The base is now the top. I colored the top with a Silver metal Sharpie…

It will look a tad funky compared to Taylor’s Tin wrapper:

Yes I thought about that…

I keep a paper punch in my tool box.

Til my next thrilling installment,


The Tortoise report; The first time er trial was frustrating and put me off. 3 different not so super glues would only stick to my fingers… tonight 15 second glue had to be held for that many minutes! Perseverance!

The bare part gets wedged into a hole in a block of wood and then a wooden floor covers the wood chunk. I have 2 brass I beams that I cut in half to make the arms…

Instead of the sketched beach ball, I found a nice clear faceted acrylic drawer pull for the finial

Got a deep freeze going on tonight, I’ll be cozy at my indoor soldering bench tomorrow.

Wouldn’t be too hard to use your extra tin in a small silo. Glue it to a plastic jar…


Are you making a culvert?(

OOOOOOOoooooo Good idea for use of the leftovers Devon (

Yeah I have a couple of cutoffs that would look great coming out of a little stone wall. I mean you only need just a small piece.

Mine are electric!

Yes first culvert I have seen with a switch in it. Figured it doubled as a fish elctroshocker

Sunday? Already, that’s the deadline?

Aw shucks, ain’t gonna make it, I’ll soldier on as time permits but… The Docs froze the tip 'o me nose and ordered me out of the sun.

I tried, stayed under the deck’s roof, but when I snapped the band saw blade and only have resaw blades left, my doom was complete.

Sometimes opportunities are ‘now or never’, 2 weeks ago I was given that choice. The contest took the second fiddle’s chair and Completing my foundry/casting shop took the first.

The day after the electrician left and I could access my workshop area, I saw the Docs…

Even if I pick up a blade …

If you don’t look good in blue, … I wouldn’t hold your breath, but I’ll try to at least get the sub swing done(ish).

The electric culvert will rise! Someday…


Oh sure spread nasty rumors …

Mr. Culvert lives!

I couldn’t give up on my subbies! They hang funny, but once they get up some speed, they line up like the Blue Angels, mostly.

I’m surprised how well they spin, the arm assembly was built around a tube that is a friction fit on stepped tubes. Turn off the power and she slows gently as the little kids squeal for Mommy!!!

If I can figure the path I’ll post a poor vid… I have sun restrictions so my back porch time is in spurts… As time runs out like grains of sand through the hour glass …

A roof would be nice… could even make it tin… ya think?


That is Cool…Best “A”-round (and a-round and a-round…) thing!

John the big floppy hat should keep direct sun offa the noggin. My family tree is full of light skinned peoples, and I almost always wear a hat when out side. Love my Dr that freezes (why does freezing it BURN LIKE HELL?) suspicious moles every visit. Nice job cant wait for the video

Pete Lassen said:

John the big floppy hat should keep direct sun offa the noggin. My family tree is full of light skinned peoples, and I almost always wear a hat when out side. Love my Dr that freezes (why does freezing it BURN LIKE HELL?) suspicious moles every visit. Nice job cant wait for the video

Got a big floppy, but I like my 10 gallon better, but my hands break out too and the doctor wisely scolds me. Side effects of beating lung cancer the hard way.

I got the vid on the laptop, but can’t get it out of 8.1 oh woe.


Still plugging away. Since I had the wood cut I assembled a walkway and I burnt the tin with a too strong brew … I want to have some tin in play…

I shot this out the door, in the dark 'cause it’s a tad crude …

Foolish me this day, not only did I think I could ‘quickly’ neutralize the acid with handfuls of baking soda … it foamed all over … I hosed off the table… inch thick glass is a great work surface… Did get a cleaner area, if you don’t look below… Same area as the previous pic, the carousel had been moved.

Not only…

My lower thigh wears a welt… seems my pinner has a hair trigger! Picking it up off my thigh… I heard the 1/2" pin land so I know my jeans saved me, but dang it feels like a bit of fire.

See ya tomorrow.


walking in we see the Submarine ride … centrifugal force really enlarges the foot print!

I’m glad I tried it spinning before building the cover and these batteries are waning. The finial will spin above the roof.

The swing really needs an upper bearing to contain the wobble as each sub has it’s own weight. Yes one sub is backwards …

My foreman claimed there were no instructions with the tins … he said the Milwaukee Road Ribs will grow on ya. Caused a pause to remember their cars and an old suit.

After installing I polished the tin’s surface with a paper towel, I like the high lights.

Dead line schmed line, I really need to know where it’s going and I haven’t even raised the track yet. I also realized after assembling this ‘ground’ I couldn’t use the dolly it’s on, to bring the Colossal Fossil back to the build!

John that looks really cool!. Cant wait to see the video. Nice work.

Too cool, but I’m thinking you have to have the Beatles singing “Yellow Submarine” for the music.

Looks fantastic!

Very cool the swing is sweet.