Large Scale Central

MIK16 A Whale's Tale

John, collateral and incidental expenses don’t count…for instance, you don’t need to count gas and mileage when you go pick up that 50-cent piece of balsa wood you have to have. or if you drive a nail through your hand building your project, you don’t need to count the cost of the emergency room visit!

But if your build turns out better than mine, I’ll claim you went over $30! (Just kidding!)


Don’t you recognize a cry for sympathy??? I don’t like working with batteries, imagine my joy of the prospectus of replacing the GFI outlet! (

Oh, I switched gears and moved indoors to the metal shop, the sub swing is to be motorized. A 2 year old impulse buy provides the triple A battery powered screw driver, a hammer and some brass tubing formed the connector with a bit and there are post-its for the arm designs and perhaps a rotating ‘crown’ as part of the canopy…

Sympathy, deserved more than I can say, for there’s a honking big splinter jammed into the end of my thumb! The pocket knife removed the flap of skin so I can barely see the black stub. Now it’s a waiting game until infection greases it’s exit!

So you guys go on, I’ll limp along as best I can… (


Awwww I feel soooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo sorry for you John. At least your not stuck 150 miles from your project in Canada. Better to limp along than stagnant… Do you feel sorry for me yet(

Yes oh dear! but I fear you are setting me up here, no I won’t say anything derogatory …

Sparky please come home!

I wondered why you’d been so quiet all of a sudden.

There’s a brand new GFI recept. in the house! One of these days… my guestimation was way off!

Stay safe.


What happens if we get a cold snap? Do I have to add the cost of a cord of firewood?

Gosh Doug, Do you think?

Since your weather becomes mine, I sure wish I had a fireplace!


Our only heat is with wood but we still have a cord so we should be ok. Usually our coldest weather is around the 24th and it is predicted to be nice this year. I may shift the Challenge back to the workshop!

Yes my son is playing hockey this weekend.

Shiver shiver!

John, have you tried the magic mixture to dull down Dave’s tin? Time to weather this stiff without making holes!

I can turn it gray.

Look in the challenge forum for the thread Aging the tin.


Poor me, still got that big honkin splinter in me throbbing thumb (… and football seems to hold my attentions… I did doodle my current inclination towards the carousel’s canopy;


See that’s your problem. Football. Now hockey distacting you I get but foot ball, yawn. No ascuse

Devon Sinsley said:

See that’s your problem. Football. Now hockey distacting you I get but foot ball, yawn. No ascuse


Having lettered in football, I know where the ball is , a puck - not so much luck.

I was bragging about being able to doodle too.

After posting that pic I realized why you didn’t take it serious…

Post its!


See now that you added the post it notes I can follow it and I have to say it genius. Mama says foolsbal is the devil.

Well you can’t call me Curly, the new GFI receptacle is in and has been tested. Seeing others assemble, I’m getting itchy to get the scene set and the pins a pumping!

I now have a better idea where I’m going. Up, that’s right my 60 lb fossil is going up to perch precariously over the playground. Yes it all makes sense now. Plus I have a simple solution for any pesky tins left over! Ride the Flume (hopefully) Like the loggers did! Grab a sheet, peel back the leadin’ edge and give a leap! Hurrah!

Race up the rickety walkway and touch the past then take the fast ride back! Warning ride at your own risk.

The bone will be supported and rocks will be spot glued in place. The walk way will wind it’s way up to a couple of viewing platforms…

Tomorrow I make saw dust! Then set up the pinner and begin framing!

Sympathy report; big honkin’ splinter is still deep in my thumb, hard to use and sore… oh well I’ll just add it to the list!


You didn’t check the socket by putting your tongue in the socket, did you?

Nope it seems to set it something needs to be plugged in when you throw the breakers. Touching my nose is about the reach of … well anyway I just spent 2 hours making quality red cedar saw dust! All fingers whole, still.

It happened…

It was unplugged before I started, so the dust on top is new.

An odd build only need framing and floor timbers …

A good time. Also set up the compressor and pin nailer, felt good to fire off some rounds… (


The lumber mill is busy!