I’ve been watching these challenges since Mik started them here years ago, but I’ve not participated except to comment and vote. This year, however, the concept fits perfectly with a simple structure I have been meaning to build ever since I finished Wall Station last spring. Recall that Wall Station was bashed from a wooden birdhouse (with many suggestions from Mik) to which I added a stone base and some plastic details…
Since this structure is so small, my little plastic people need additional space to wait for the train out of the weather. A free-standing roof type passenger shelter is what I had in mind but other than to research how it might be built I never started the project. Mik 2016 is the perfect opportunity as the corrugated roofing will complement the standing seam roofing on Wall Station.
For prototype inspiration I visited the Danbury Railroad Museum and took some pictures and notes on the re-created shelter attached to the Union Station that houses the museum. I studied the pictures to get an idea of how to use the construction techniques of the prototype on my model. This will not be a model of the existing structure, but a free lance model using some of the same framing techniques.
Lacking a suitable napkin on which to draw my plan, I quickly sketched the concept. I’ve yet to work out exact size and details so this sketch will be added to as I do. That is, unless I just wing it and build from my head
So here is what I have so far…
Interestingly enough something inspired me to find my work bench last weekend, before I had any idea I would join this circus…
Can’t wait to get started, but I will.