Here is my “napkin drawing” I will be building a flat bed car with steel, PVC and/or wood. I will be adding a siding this spring for a Blue stone quarry, so the RR is in need of a flat bed to move the stone.
Checking to make sure it will go around the smallest radius I have.
The drawing I found online that I am using.
The two pieces I got made this after noon after taking the Miss shopping this morning.
That will be a nice heavy duty car.
I did the same thing with my build today. I mocked up a piece to ensure it would go through a tight curve.
NOT in any way meaning to be critical; only for NA railroad practice information.
This type of rail equipment is known, in North America as a “Flat Car”. Of which there are many types.
Flat Bed is the name of a type of ROAD transportation equipment.
In case anyone cares, or would like to be informed of Rail Transportation terminology.
I always liked the look of fish belly flat cars.
So it has a name did not know that, I like the design too, it’s different.
Not much progress today with church and family over to help rearrange the bedroom because the Mrs bought a new to her dresser that would not fit where her old one was.

Already with the excuses? Lol
Yup Even though I am sure I can finish, being retired is great
are you just going to make the outside sides the same as the two inner ones or are they gonna be different?
Same shape but not as tall. If you look at the section lines on the drawing I am using as a guide the out side is smaller.
Some rivets and stake pockets. Was not sure gluing the small strips was going to work but they are holding together.
Progress for today, put rivets in the two main beams , glued on the out side rails and both ends.
Today I put on the stake pockets, painted and cut the deck beams and boards, will be putting them on tomorrow.
wow fantastic. This is a true MIK build. I love the entire thing being build from scratch. You are doing a right nice job.
Wow look at all those rivets and on the underside too.
Thanks, having fun too, stay tuned I am thinking of another car to build, a lot more involved.
Did not count them, but they are upholstery nails and I had to grind every head to get them round so they would look like a rivet head, then cut off the sharp end that stuck through.
Well, I did Mark. Let’s just say there are whole great pile of rivets. That means there are a lot of them where I come from
Fantastic work. Looking forward to continued progress.