So I have an idea that is cruising through my head for a winter project once I come inside. I am already building the very small logging loco out of a B-Mann Lil Hauler.
This is how it sits at the moment. I also have two more Lil Haulers that I want battery power R/C. One is the saddle tank loco with no tender. The problem with these guys is the very limited amount of space to work with. Del Tony has a Viper ESC which is tiny and is advertised to run on 6-14.8V. I am excited about this. After seeing how long 14.8v 2600 mA batteries last in my GP9 I am thinking I can get away with lower voltage and way less mA hours on these smaller locos. Its just the motor and head light and small light loads being pulled.
So this brings up the idea of custom making battery packs for these locos so that I can split cells and shove them where I need them. Such as in the saddle tank loco making the tanks into battery packs. I know they make tabbed batteries for soldering too. So what is involved in making battery packs out of say NiMH cells. Is this worth even exploring or am I better off trying to shoe horn in an existing product? I would make the batteries more or less permanent and use on board charging jacks.
Thoughts on how to get R/C equipment and batteries into tiny locomotives? Minimum voltage required to run a Lil Hauler reliably? What about good old fashion 9v batteries?