Large Scale Central

Loop Rebuild

Bob, it all looks great! Who makes the bridge supports that I see hanging from your bridge? I already have the bridge built and I was going to use the bottom section of a wind mill I got at Harbor Freight but those look alot better.


Those are from Empire Rail Works. Never heard of them before (I guess they have an ad in GR?) but they were at York this year. They fit the bill nicely for what I want. A nice spindly look.

Tell em I sent you!

Thanks Bob I’ll do that.


Bob, so if all those rocks are numbered and you just put them in to place, why does it take so long?

Great bit of work done for a few hours labor, even if they are prenumbered. Nice looking improvement Bob

I’m tarred just lookin at it…:wink:

Ken Brunt said:
I'm tarred just lookin at it.........;)
Me too. I moved a couple of hundred pounds of dirt today. It was already in the garden trailer and I moved the trailer from the front yard to the back yard with the tractor ;)

Looking good Bob. I’m glad you had the good sense not to organize a labor party to move rock :slight_smile:

Nice dry stacked wall!!

You are on a roll! That going to be great!

that wall looks like hard work…

A bit of work this morning. Moved 5 more wheelbarrow loads from the big pile, to the back yard. Then I backfilled the pier with smaller broken rock.


The I loosely placed some bricks to get an idea of the final course of bricks. This needs to be wide enough for the bridge girders to sit inside of. I wont know the exact width until I get the first trestle bent in place, and measure overhang of rolling stock. I suspect they will need to be about 8" apart. I’m settled on a ballasted deck girder bridge. Something along the lines of the second picture.



Looking good Bob. I used to have a ballasted girder bridge, or at least a representation of one. I gave up on ballasting it a few years ago since it was made from wood and the fines would never really dry out. When it needs rebuilding it will be made from aluminum and composites so I can go back to ballasting it again.

Yea, I think tim going to deck it with aluminum grating from the hardware store. About a 3/16 mesh. Should hold the stuff I use for ballast just fine.

Bit of work at lunch today. Test fit of the cinder block sub-footing with a flatish rock on top of it.


The wood spacers are taking the place of mortar between the rock and cinder block, and a PVC footing between the upright and the rock.


It will be back-filled up to the level of the wall and rock, and planted with low-growing thymes, etc.

Looks good Bob. Are you going to fake a bridge around the ladder roadbed ?

Yea, the plan is for some 3" or 3 1/2" high deck girder sides, in 3 foot sections, attached to the spline at each end, and a couple points along the center. Im pondering getting some of the individual girders from these guys.

Pricey, so im not sure. Might just make my own from pvc board. :slight_smile:


Bob McCown said:
Yea, the plan is for some 3" or 3 1/2" high deck girder sides, in 3 foot sections, attached to the spline at each end, and a couple points along the center. Im pondering getting some of the individual girders from these guys.

Pricey, so im not sure. Might just make my own from pvc board. :slight_smile:

I’d see if you can get them to be a sponsor first! :wink: