Large Scale Central

Looking back - Post some before and after shots of your RR

Hey Ralph, Remember this ?

Just saw it pop up on the home page. Shows how far you’ve come with your RR. Do you have a recent shot from a similar angle? Anyone else care to share early and recent comparison photos? I’ll try and find one or two.

On my railroad, Coal Dump Curve is probably the place that has changed the most. Slightly different angles but I think you can see what has changed :slight_smile: Early on - the day it was named…


Last Summer…


Your turn :slight_smile:




And now…






and now…





and now…



Bluefield 8 Oct 2006




Bluefield, Nov 2012




well, the first pic shows the first layout-idea in the still unfinished hobbyroom. the second does not show “after”, but “during”. after is not reached yet.



Korm Kormsen said:
the second does not show “after”, but “during”. after is not reached yet.

Korm, I think you can always say that about all of our layouts :slight_smile: I thought of another one. The Wye and Crossing at Walk… Before -


After -


And it’s come a long way since then…






Korm Kormsen said:


Hey Korm, I see you have a panorama view set-up with your monitors. That’s one of the problems with tight aisles and not enough room to step back. :wink: :slight_smile: :wink:















Great pictures everyone. Sure is fun to look back. Thanks for the great response!

I’ll give Ralph a pass ‘cause he’s busy relaxin’ in sunny FLA. I’m sure once he gets back into the swing he’ll add a few.

I have a before. Or rather initials stages of planning.


And a during/ongoing pic


Nice pics all. Great to see the lines changing.

Here’s an old composite of our backyard taken in 1999, several years prior to construction of the layout:


This next two shots were taken shortly after beginning construction in early 2006:



This shot was taken in February 2010:


This one was taken in August 2010:


A lot has changed since 2010, but I don’t have a good, recent shot of the overall view of the layout.







Wow. Sure is a lot of changes showen. Here is one of mine off starting out in 1998 and photo of Swing bridge about 4 yrs ago.



I went thru some of my old photos and what a difference in 10 yrs or so…Kind of hard to believe.

Ray… after looking @ your pics, it proves that you might be seam a little nutter than the rest of us! Well done and I hope you don’t plan to move! Well here goes! Before:



Now :



So now we go to the other before pics!



Now we have the now pics:







This reminds me I need to take some up dated pics! Sean

Sean McGillicuddy said:
Ray.... after looking @ your pics, it proves that you might be seam a little nutter than the rest of us!
I admire Rays vision - to be able to look at that steep hillside where most guys would say it's impossible to build a regular railroad and be able to see how it could be done. Then I admire his drive to get it built including moving thousands of pounds of rock. And lastly I admire his modeling skills, to transform that hillside into a very believable and beautiful scenes.

You other guys done good too!

It only been just over a year, but here goes…


Before: About April 2010


After: The angle is close. I should make a new one shortly. I’m installing my trestle in the that bottom open area.


Another before on the top loop



Jon Radder said:
Hey Ralph, Remember this ?


Just saw it pop up on the home page. Shows how far you’ve come with your RR. Do you have a recent shot from a similar angle? Anyone else care to share early and recent comparison photos? I’ll try and find one or two.

:smiley: I guess the hackers didn’t get the LSC photo gallery :slight_smile: This part of the layout is still unfinished and hasn’t changed as much as the top half. I don’t have an overview of the “bottom” half, as I avoid taking pictures of the unfinished segment. This is how the left side of the picture above looks.


This is the bottom right.


And this is the right side.


Give me a few days to catch up and I’ll dig up some before and after pictures of the top half, where all the action is :wink: Ralph