Large Scale Central

Locomotive plumbing

David Maynard said:
David Russell, A.K.A. Rooster, has built some impressive Am track rolling stock.

I know he has, he has shown me pictures. I do admire the work. Amtrak may not be my cup of tea but I still stand by what I said that it would be tougher to model than a steam loco.

Devon Sinsley said:

Amtrak may not be my cup of tea but I still stand by what I said that it would be tougher to model than a steam loco.

I know, it is!

David Russell said:

Devon Sinsley said:

Amtrak may not be my cup of tea but I still stand by what I said that it would be tougher to model than a steam loco.

I know, it is!


It taint my cup ah tea neither. But I can appreciate the time, effort and skill that goes into building things, even if I am not a fan of the prototype. But Amtrak? Seriously?

David Maynard said:

It taint my cup ah tea neither. But I can appreciate the time, effort and skill that goes into building things, even if I am not a fan of the prototype. But Amtrak? Seriously?

And this comes from a man that models Penn Central in HO? Seriously?

Yea, Seriously. Ya gota problem width dat? (

In Large scale I scratch-built these cars and kit-bashed this locomotive.

So its not all Penn Central, all the time, here.

Hmmmm … You do have a point it doesn’t look like Penn Central to me …

Really, I done did PC just to torque off the PRR foamers and NYC foamers, at the same time!

I like these cars

David Maynard said:

In Large scale I scratch-built these cars and kit-bashed this locomotive.

Those are seriously awesome!!!

Thanks guys.