Large Scale Central

Locomotive plumbing

BTW: Not all loco’s had steam injectors for the sanding. Some also used just compressed air, Mainly so as not to add steam moisture between the drivers and the rail.

I haven’t decided on the sander but I am keeping it in mind. Plumbing wise I would think for a compressed air sander you would just come of the air supply line to a valve like a brake valve and then to the sander supply down by the driver.

“like a brake valve” Well, sort of, almost, but not quite. You would want a valve that opens and closes, controlled by the fireman or engineer. Not a valve that regulates the air pressure released, based on the amount of reduction of the air pressure applied to it…

Oh geez go an get all technical. That makes sense and I just meant a lever like a brake not so much the actual workings. But what you say makes sense.

Modeling Amtrak equipment is so much easier (or is it)?

Well I don’t know about that. Depends on if you model interiors or not. Stainless steel toilets would be tough to model.

Rooster doesn’t model interiors. But Rooster also doesn’t model Amtrak cars all mangled up and in a ditch neither.

David Maynard said:

Rooster doesn’t model interiors.

Once again …Are you sure about that?

As far as amtrak exteriors all you need is a motor block, a six pack of beer in the can, and a two liter pop bottle for windows.

Look Devon is using Humor! Ha!(

I was serious (

I mean what more do you need. Drink the beer cut up the beer cans and glue them together bend a bit here and there and presto an amtrak train. And after a six pack of beer the details won’t matter as much anyway, at least for me, I am a light weight. For the heavy beer drinkers buy a case and do the whole consist.

I find value in avoiding religious discussions. (

OK - Silly me. Thought the CD was at work in my laptop bag and it turns out it was sitting next to my PC the whole time. It was titled Straight Talk About Bent Pipes. It’s just one small PDF file. The opening page sez…

This disk contains the entire series “Straight Talk About Bent Pipes” by Charles
Givins that ran in the Narrow Gauge & Shortline Gazette from September of 1975
though the January / February 1979 issue. All material should be considered
copyright of Benchmark Publications and used for your own personal uses only!

I have put it up in my web space, but because of the copyright notice I don’t think it wise to post a link. If you would like a the link please PM me for it.

David Russell said:

David Maynard said:

Rooster doesn’t model interiors.

Once again …Are you sure about that?

Ah, um, maybe.

David Maynard said:

Rooster doesn’t model interiors. But Rooster also doesn’t model Amtrak cars all mangled up and in a ditch neither.

So… you are saying he doesn’t model realistic Amtrak equipment?


J.D. Gallaway said:

David Maynard said:

Rooster doesn’t model interiors. But Rooster also doesn’t model Amtrak cars all mangled up and in a ditch neither.

So… you are saying he doesn’t model realistic Amtrak equipment?


Well…Take it however you want to. It just seams to me, that most every time I see pictures of Amtrak equipment, something is smashed, mangled or no longer on the rails.

J.D. Gallaway said:

David Maynard said:

Rooster doesn’t model interiors. But Rooster also doesn’t model Amtrak cars all mangled up and in a ditch neither.

So… you are saying he doesn’t model realistic Amtrak equipment?



I think Maynard and Devon are both saying they are new to Large Scale Central and haven’t been around here very long. However they both seem to be a great asset to the forums with a wealth of knowledge.

David Maynard said:

David Russell said:

David Maynard said:

Rooster doesn’t model interiors.

Once again …Are you sure about that?

Ah, um, maybe.

I’d post a pic, but I like seeing where things go when people speak out of place

Well all kidding aside, I think Amtrak would actually be very difficult to model. It might be counter intuitive but in its seeming simplicity it would be very hard to get right. The eye would not be distracted by the business that goes with a steamer. Instead it is forces the eye to see the very symmetric lines and folds.

So even though I might have cracked a joke about how “easy” it would be to make it with beer cans, I truly have respect for anyone that would tackle it. Although I wouldn’t rule out beer cans for a supply of aluminum.

Devon, beer cans are a great supply of aluminum. I used them for the tin roof on my gas station and the awning on my saw mill. And aerosol cans are a good source for tin plated steel.

David Russell, A.K.A. Rooster, has built some impressive Am track rolling stock.