Large Scale Central


Guys, I just hafta say it - this business with LGB is like watching somebody take out an appendix with a spoon through an incision in the sole of the foot, dragged out over a period of four months on a daily basis.

Howsabout we get a weekly update, rather than a ‘Flash!!! Breaking news!!!’ event every hour or so?

Ottawa Valley GRS

Terry A de C Foley said:
Guys, I just hafta say it - this business with LGB is like watching somebody take out an appendix with a spoon through an incision in the sole of the foot, dragged out over a period of four months on a daily basis.

Howsabout we get a weekly update, rather than a ‘Flash!!! Breaking news!!!’ event every hour or so?

Ottawa Valley GRS


Now that it starts to be “interesting”???

Terry A de C Foley said:
Guys, I just hafta say it - this business with LGB is like watching somebody take out an appendix with a spoon through an incision in the sole of the foot, dragged out over a period of four months on a daily basis.

Howsabout we get a weekly update, rather than a ‘Flash!!! Breaking news!!!’ event every hour or so?

Ottawa Valley GRS

Gawd yes. Puleeeezzee !

I’m all for keeping the LGB crap to a minimum. I was pointed to this thread by an email. I dont read the LGB news (see website forum for details), but Im tired of ‘mark all as read’ in the general forum when all the new messages are about LGB.

I call for a moratorium on LGB news.

Bob McCown said:
I'm all for keeping the LGB crap to a minimum. I was pointed to this thread by an email. I dont read the LGB news (see website forum for details), but Im tired of 'mark all as read' in the general forum when all the new messages are about LGB.

I call for a moratorium on LGB news.

OK, the moratorium is on.

How about a Digest on Saturday? :wink: :slight_smile:

I’m of the opposite persuasion. This is the first place I look…hoping to find some real news that might breath hope into the whole fiasco. But then again I do like circuses.:smiley: I find this one most intertaining.

Hans-Joerg Mueller said:
Terry, Now that it starts to be "interesting"????

I guess some folks collect used paper-staples, too. But I ain’t one of 'em.

I have a deep and abiding interest in ecclesiastical ironwork, in particular wrought-iron square-cut clench nails used in the construction of church doors in the Baltic states between 1481 and 1603. By confining my area of research to this vital but small area, I can keep my lifelong passion in check while I write the definitive descriptive volumes concerning their design and evelopment in Riga and the former Swedish Vasa empire prior to the invention of the round nail drawing tool by Bjoern-Ettil Viltaipas the Younger in 1589. You will all be pleased to learn that Volume V - 'Church doors of Kunmaderas, Yytiilaassa and Blorgholmen/Vasteras - Part 18-49] will be published in Budapest later this year. Not cheap at Eu650, but a great read, I promise you.

But I don’t care to talk about it on a train forum.

In the same way the business ramifications of a failing toy-train empire hold no thrall for me as they obviously do for some.

Each to their own, I guess. I’ve said enough.

Ottawa Valley GRS

Terry A de C Foley said:
Hans-Joerg Mueller said:
Terry, Now that it starts to be "interesting"????

I guess some folks collect used paper-staples, too. But I ain’t one of 'em.

I have a deep and abiding interest in ecclesiastical ironwork, in particular wrought-iron square-cut clench nails used in the construction of church doors in the Baltic states between 1481 and 1603. By confining my area of research to this vital but small area, I can keep my lifelong passion in check while I write the definitive descriptive volumes concerning their design and evelopment in Riga and the former Swedish Vasa empire prior to the invention of the round nail drawing tool by Bjoern-Ettil Viltaipas the Younger in 1589. You will all be pleased to learn that Volume V - 'Church doors of Kunmaderas, Yytiilaassa and Blorgholmen/Vasteras - Part 18-49] will be published in Budapest later this year. Not cheap at Eu650, but a great read, I promise you.

But I don’t care to talk about it on a train forum.

In the same way the business ramifications of a failing toy-train empire hold no thrall for me as they obviously do for some.

Each to their own, I guess. I’ve said enough.

Ottawa Valley GRS


I’ll keep the Saturday Digest to a minimum i.e. I’ll pick the most relevant and leave the rest. I’ve translated “the venerable Nürnberg model railway producer” often enough that I should have boilerplate text for some of that “stuff”. :wink: :smiley: :wink:

Agreed Warren…how about one area for everything LGB so those who don’t want to peruse them can’t hit the button or ignore them all together without fear of missing something else they would like to read?

Hey, no problem here on Saturday Digest.

As long as you all understand that a whole group will have gotten the information and started asking a whole new set of questions, seeking answers, by the time you get the “old” news.

I’m just a lurker,never posted before, but I like the LGB updates. They are far and away the most informative source of news on the LGB fiasco on any english forum. Things like the news of the Piko bid are quite interesting. If anyone’s not interested, they just don’t click on the topic.


Personally I want to hear more about Terry’s innovative and creative new surgical procedures ala the appendix! :wink:

If not I guess we can discuss it over fish & chips at Crazy Norwegian’s this summer? :smiley:

I personally dont need to see a need for any moritorium. How about just one tread where everything is posted, not spread out over 4 or 5 different topics.

This way those of us like me who would appreciate timely updates can get them without having to wait till Saturday(?) like its the 18th century and were all standing around waiting for the stagecoach with the mail on from St Louis to arrive to find out if Aunt Tillie is alive or freakin dead! Com’on guys this is the freakin 21st century, get use to information overload.

Its also makes it very simple, if you not interested, dont click it.

Another option, an e-mail list where those who want updates can be sent direct bypassing the forum altogether, but I hardly find that very informative to other readers who might be interested.

Any way I saidz all I had to say I wont sayz no more. :slight_smile:

Richard Smith said:
Personally I want to hear more about Terry's innovative and creative new surgical procedures ala the appendix! ;)

If not I guess we can discuss it over fish & chips at Crazy Norwegian’s this summer? :smiley:

1983…awoke @ 4 am, stomach hurting beyond anything I’d ever felt in my short Ten Years…nausea, wait a minute, I just blew chunks on my Teddy Bear and myself…starting to Cry,… Louder, here comes Dad, he knows that cry…something is wrong…pain is wracking my body…up we go into the shower to clean off and hopefully relieve pain…nothing is helping, Mom calls Dr. at first light…“Get him here, we need to see him”…after a very interesting exam…I was shuffled right off to the Hosp…

Emergency Surgery that afternoon…Appendix was rupturing…surgery went well, recovered pretty quickly…on the way home! (Maternal Grandparents gave me an X-Wing fighter to help me feel better-now Eli plays with it)

A few nights later “the Creature from the Black Lagoon” was on TV in 3D none the less (free glasses at local Mr. Zip)…when the fever/pain came back…Mom checked it…103.5…OK stuff starts dying at 105/6…rushed me to Emer Rm…Doc on duty comes in…touches me…we gotta open him back up…wait where is the pain meds…not even some local???NOPE…

there he goes…is that his entire hand down in my Guts, and what in the is that Green stuff coming out of my body…(Lymph nodes infected…death knockin’) .I think I was in shock…never cried this time…although Mom, Dad, and Grandmother Nelson were wailing…Doc gets all the green gunk out and leaves me open…puts a big MAXI pad on the hole and sends me home…“Flush 4 times Daily with 1/2 bottle of Peroxide till it heals itself, bring him back in a week!”

All went well from there thank you Jesus!

Yeah, and now my wife wonders why I can’t sit thru those birthing shows on Discovery Health…still gets me…nice scar too!


cale nelson said:
Richard Smith said:
Personally I want to hear more about Terry's innovative and creative new surgical procedures ala the appendix! ;)

If not I guess we can discuss it over fish & chips at Crazy Norwegian’s this summer? :smiley:

1983…awoke @ 4 am, stomach hurting beyond anything I’d ever felt in my short Ten Years…nausea, wait a minute, I just blew chunks on my Teddy Bear and myself…starting to Cry,… Louder, here comes Dad, he knows that cry…something is wrong…pain is wracking my body…up we go into the shower to clean off and hopefully relieve pain…nothing is helping, Mom calls Dr. at first light…“Get him here, we need to see him”…after a very interesting exam…I was shuffled right off to the Hosp…

Emergency Surgery that afternoon…Appendix was rupturing…surgery went well, recovered pretty quickly…on the way home! (Maternal Grandparents gave me an X-Wing fighter to help me feel better-now Eli plays with it)

A few nights later “the Creature from the Black Lagoon” was on TV in 3D none the less (free glasses at local Mr. Zip)…when the fever/pain came back…Mom checked it…103.5…OK stuff starts dying at 105/6…rushed me to Emer Rm…Doc on duty comes in…touches me…we gotta open him back up…wait where is the pain meds…not even some local???NOPE…

there he goes…is that his entire hand down in my Guts, and what in the is that Green stuff coming out of my body…(Lymph nodes infected…death knockin’) .I think I was in shock…never cried this time…although Mom, Dad, and Grandmother Nelson were wailing…Doc gets all the green gunk out and leaves me open…puts a big MAXI pad on the hole and sends me home…“Flush 4 times Daily with 1/2 bottle of Peroxide till it heals itself, bring him back in a week!”

All went well from there thank you Jesus!

Yeah, and now my wife wonders why I can’t sit thru those birthing shows on Discovery Health…still gets me…nice scar too!


Well Cale,

Close call, but you’re still here :wink: :D. It wasn’t time to go yet! :wink: :wink:

It ain the snippit’s o’ snewz which be the problem…It be the daily constant bickerin, gripin, an snipin in place of said snewz… circus is a good word.

When you fellerz get th urge to call someone a moron, go look in th bathroom mirror first… :smiley:

cale nelson said:
Richard Smith said:
Personally I want to hear more about Terry's innovative and creative new surgical procedures ala the appendix! ;)

If not I guess we can discuss it over fish & chips at Crazy Norwegian’s this summer? :smiley:

1983…awoke @ 4 am, stomach hurting beyond anything I’d ever felt in my short Ten Years…nausea, wait a minute, I just blew chunks on my Teddy Bear and myself…starting to Cry,… Louder, here comes Dad, he knows that cry…something is wrong…pain is wracking my body…up we go into the shower to clean off and hopefully relieve pain…nothing is helping, Mom calls Dr. at first light…“Get him here, we need to see him”…after a very interesting exam…I was shuffled right off to the Hosp…

Emergency Surgery that afternoon…Appendix was rupturing…surgery went well, recovered pretty quickly…on the way home! (Maternal Grandparents gave me an X-Wing fighter to help me feel better-now Eli plays with it)

A few nights later “the Creature from the Black Lagoon” was on TV in 3D none the less (free glasses at local Mr. Zip)…when the fever/pain came back…Mom checked it…103.5…OK stuff starts dying at 105/6…rushed me to Emer Rm…Doc on duty comes in…touches me…we gotta open him back up…wait where is the pain meds…not even some local???NOPE…

there he goes…is that his entire hand down in my Guts, and what in the is that Green stuff coming out of my body…(Lymph nodes infected…death knockin’) .I think I was in shock…never cried this time…although Mom, Dad, and Grandmother Nelson were wailing…Doc gets all the green gunk out and leaves me open…puts a big MAXI pad on the hole and sends me home…“Flush 4 times Daily with 1/2 bottle of Peroxide till it heals itself, bring him back in a week!”

All went well from there thank you Jesus!

Yeah, and now my wife wonders why I can’t sit thru those birthing shows on Discovery Health…still gets me…nice scar too!


Hmmmm… That reminds me of the time in Korea… nah, never mind, even I get sick thinkin’ about it.

Glad you came through that Cale. What did they leave in the first time?

Just so you are aware, and it may or may not be important to you:

We have had at least two now attempt to start a “smear”, claiming someone said something they never did.

I would expect this to get a lot nastier before it quits.

I am reasonably certain some folks are tearing up Google trying to find something that isn’t there, but lack of facts hasn’t seemed to slow them dopwn before, so why now?

Just be advised.

I think Victor has it right. Just one post or maybe a heading on this Lgb froth circus. You can add to it to your hearts content. It ain’t a horse race or a prize fight so I don’t need a blow by blow.

Hi all,

As some of you may know, the originals and the translations of the “Snewz” are not an exclusive to LSC. They are also posted on the RhB Forum and the BTO Forum.

Why do I mention that?

Simple, I keep reasonably close track on who shows up as a guest on the RhB Forum. Yesterday we had a guest who could be traced back directly to “Deutsche Telekom” in Nürnberg. No, not one of their subscribers but the main office in Nürnberg. Must be someone who is interested in the RhB, right? Right! :lol: :wink: :lol:

If for some strange reason the RhB Forum should be hacked - could happen, even though I warned the hosting company - I would not be surprised.
Nor was I surprised when LSC got hacked not long ago. There have been thinly veiled threats on this forum. Yes, I take them seriously! :frowning: :frowning: