Large Scale Central

LGB Threads, again

LGB ist verbotten.




You idiots cant behave, so its over. If any LGB thread filters to above this one, the culprit is getting banned, no reprieve, unless there’s a VERY good explanation.

If you want to post LGB info, send it to me, and I’ll post it in a locked thread, so you children cant bicker at each other.


You can talk about LGB trains, LGB track, etc, but anything about the company gets nuked from orbit, and so does the deliverer…

Hi Mr McCown

I’ve heard about this through e-mails and on other sites.
Had to come and visit.
Been really busy this spring with jobs.
I hope all is well with you.

Is there any chance you may be able to come visit this sept steam up??? We all have to behave there, My wife carries a big stick.

Have her join this forum Marty! Maybe a big stick is what it’s going to take!

Hi from Greg in San Diego…

Great! just Great! 3 forums now, no discussion! Aaarggh! To those in the know- please e-mail me with the latest, keep me informed, thanks in advance.

Discussion is fine…its the petty bickering that comes after that that annoys most of us…and then when kids can’t play well together Bob gets nasty grams…Bob doesn’t like nastygrams…
It should work like this…

Post#1 “LGB in Trouble”

Hmm thats not good…

Post #2 “LGB Still in Trouble”
Hmmm thats still not good…

Post #3 " Someones doing something to help LGB"

Hmmm Thats good…

Instead, we get…

Post #1 “LGB in Trouble”

Hmm thats not good
Yes an your mother had something to do with it!!!
But you don’t speak German so how can you tell?
I own a Whtchamajigger in purple color so that means I know!
Why don’t you go play with your toys?
They AREN’T Toys!
My Friend’s brother’s Cousin’s uncle’s college roomate saw this written on a napkin in the local coffe house…
Thats not right! I saw it too and it said this!
I still think your mother had something to do with it
YOU were the SHooter on the Grassy Knoll!

Post #2

Might I add this is a hobby for Bob? And that its possible he could get fed up enough to pull the plug on all of us? Perhaps he would like to spend more time with his trains than monitoring and maintaining this site? Mebbe everyone should realize that keeping Bob McHappy is how we keep LSC a going concern! Do NOT IRRITATE THE BOB!


Overnight, Ive received about a dozen or more emails, and a couple phone calls, about this issue, so I thought Id take the time and publicly answer these questions. The first, and most often asked question/comment pair is:

You’re more patient than any other forum that this has happened on, why not just ban the two idiots that are involved in it?

Good question, and I’m pondering this still, depending on circumstances. The principals involved in this have been banned for this exact behaviour on other forums, so I wouldnt be doing anything new to them that they wouldn’t already be used to. However, both of them do provide other information that is often valuable. I am more patient than I should be, but by now, both involved should know they’re living on borrowed time here.

Why does this happen in EVERY forum that the subject of LGB comes up in?

From what I’ve encountered, there are a few types of large scale people, when it comes to LGB.

LGB Foamers, who believe that LGB is the be-all/end-all of LS trains, and therefore should be treated with reverence, and the business kept going regardless.
LGB Purchasers: Who buy LGB stuff, but also buy other LS stuff. They buy what they like
LGB Agnostics: Who dont care one way or the other about LGB
LGB Detractors: Who take any chance they can to take potshots at LGB.

I’m in the LGB Agnostics. I dont give a rats ass about LGB, and dont have much of their gear; a starter set around the christmas tree, and some track here and there.

But this is a religious question to many, and they get offended, and start acting like jerkwads around everyone else.

So, we can’t talk about LGB products?

Yes, you can, and I thought Id clear that up again.

Will we ever be able to talk about LGB as a company? How will we get news about LGB?

Right now Ive implemented a ‘send it to me, Ill post it’ idea, and we’ll live with that for the time being.

Ill keep this thread updated with questions/answers as they come in.


Would it be possible to create a 'talk about the grossbahn brand ’ forum here , and when clicked on , it would take them to a Yahoo Group [ to be created ] for really getting into the discussions , with a no holds barred and no rules open match ? There could even be tag team matches .

Dennis Paulson said:
Would it be possible to create a 'talk about the grossbahn brand ' forum here , and when clicked on , it would take them to a Yahoo Group [ to be created ] for really getting into the discussions , with a no holds barred and no rules open match ? There could even be tag team matches .

Bob’s suggestion is good. Original together with the translation: lock the thread.

What’s there to discuss on a newspaper article or other news item? Not much if you ask me, unless you like to write a letter to the editor or the journalist who penned that item.

What’s there to discuss on a translation? Not much unless you are very, very fluent in the languages that are translated from and to; as well as having a good feel for both languages.

But of course, that’s just my opinion. :wink: :slight_smile:

Bob McCown said:

Will we ever be able to talk about LGB as a company? How will we get news about LGB?

Right now Ive implemented a ‘send it to me, Ill post it’ idea, and we’ll live with that for the time being.

Ill keep this thread updated with questions/answers as they come in.

Mr. McCown – an excellent idea. I beleive it will keep information available and to be honest reduce the mischief. I’ve learned a lot on this site and hope to continue to learn through continued participation.


“Stop it! Stop it! That’s enough sir,
I can’t say such silly stuff sir!”

I find that I used to be:

LGB Purchasers: Who buy LGB stuff, but also buy other LS stuff. They buy what they like.

Then, over the years, I find I have become:

LGB Agnostics: Who dont care one way or the other about LGB.

I have never been a “Detractor”.
I go after anybody and anything whose product does not meet scale, durability, or quaility standards.
If the “Foamers” (please note: Bob’s words) think that’s “picking”, well, so be it.

As a Purchaser, I do have an interest in getting parts or repairs for my stuff down the line, but as an avid modeler in LS I am far more interested in the health of the hobby, I see all that has been going on with this subject and how its being percieved and reacted to as a barometer of the hobby and I am keenly interested in its outcome.

I cannot give Bob any fault, its his website and he has to make it run smoothly. It just bugs me when the “religion and politics” aspect of even a subject like this gets in the way.

Lets see how Bobs “Send it to me and I’ll post it” idea works out, I assume that this will apply to replies as well?

If so, the subject “LGB” post should be a LOCKED topic with Bob adding replies to prevent any “offending” reply posts degrading into a poop throwing contest. Maybe that way we can keep the discussion going without one side or the other getting their knickers in a twist.

Victor …

I think Bob means the discussion is over. I don’t think he has the time or the interest to closely moderate any discussion.

Personally I’m glad this has finally come to an end.


Jon Radder said:
Victor ...

I think Bob means the discussion is over. I don’t think he has the time or the interest to closely moderate any discussion.

Personally I’m glad this has finally come to an end.



Maybe so, I thought of that myself but its still a little unclear which is why I asked to question, better to be clear and upfront about what - if anything - will get posted.

Quite frankly, I’m offended by those that have to bicker in the groups and doubly offended by those that go crying to Bob in emails complaining about the discussions. I feel my right to free speech has been stepped on by fellow modelers and I am not appreciative. To those that have been complaining behind the scenes (and I don’t want to know who you are) nobody ever put a gun to your head and made you read the first word of any of these threads. You had a choice to read or not to read, but you chose to deny me the right to read. THANK YOU.!..NOT!

Warren Mumpower said:
Quite frankly, I'm offended by those that have to bicker in the groups and doubly offended by those that go crying to Bob in emails complaining about the discussions. I feel my right to free speech has been stepped on by fellow modelers and I am not appreciative. To those that have been complaining behind the scenes (and I don't want to know who you are) nobody ever put a gun to your head and made you read the first word of any of these threads. You had a choice to read or not to read, but you chose to deny me the right to read. THANK YOU.!.....NOT!
Hey good point Warren...I haven't had too much to say...only read the post and ponder(although Vic's fairy tale was great)...I didn't really care enough to respond...

And I do understand this is Bob’s house and just like I wouldn’t want him Cursing in my living room in front of my kids, I will respect his rules…!

Bob’s idea of posting news updates in a locked forum seems like a reasonable compromise. It’ll keep the news available while cutting down on the pointless speculation and the (much more annoying) “attack the messenger” posts.

News updates in a locked thread are a good idea.

I assume Bob will accept translations made by Hans as being accurate.
If others do not like the interpretation then perhaps they could also offer such.

I look forward to such threads.

To all:

The status of LGB is worthwhile knowing.
My recent parts requests with two vendors involved a short discussion as to their large numbers of backorders. Surely, this statement singularly attests to the significance LGB still has with so many hobbyists.

Here’s hopes Hans’ translations are accepted as news for us.

How unfortunate that rude comments unfortunately achieved the outcome of curtailing meaningful information.
