Large Scale Central

Lets see your track plan.

Heading into the build season there has been a lot of chat about track plans and designs. I have always thought that track plans for indoor layouts don’t usually translate to the great outdoors due to trees, boulders, grades and other natural obstacles. We who choose to model outside need to approach the laying of rails much like the real RR’s do which of course adds to the fun.
I did a sketch of my track plan that is continually evolving. it is not to scale for instance the tighest curve at the top left corner is only 4’ diameter hence the need for the pass by track. At the far right my sketch was cut off where the track curves back around a tree in a 8’ diameter curve. The widest curves I have are 10’ diameter.
Yes the track goes under a addition on my house. The overall foot print is about 19’ wide by 128’ long and the newest section that runs in front of the decks is 34’ long. I had to use lots of loops to keep the grades down since my yard slopes off. There is about a 3-4’ difference between the highest and lowest spots. The tallest grade is 3% with a average of 2%.
I don’t have real running water just dry runs that are bridged.

I’m curious as I’m sure others are as to what your track plan looks like and why you did it like that.

Not to scale but it goes something like this. Even had to break out the paper towel for this one :wink:


I couldn’t find the napkin version so this will have to do.

This is the ‘serious’ layout, in the back corner of the garage, Gotham Transfer RR, a NYC harbor themed layout somewhere between 1/24 & 1/29-ishy kinda…also on hiatus till I can permanently clear a ton of junk out of the way.

Track is down…mostly. I need a little rework of the upper left section then cut out the water basin section. All very doable. just need the clutter problem solved, which I could do with a trash can and a match, but the missus would be a might displeased…and the smog control folks.

Some have a wrap-around porch, we have a wrap-around layout. Strictly Point to Point with plenty of railfanning spots — the operators won’t have time to railfan.


I drew out my track plan with an unserviceable garden hose in my yard. The funny thing is, when I finally laid track, my mom came home and said “I didn’t know it was going to be that big.” Ah, huh?


Here’s mine; a double reverse loop that runs the perimeter of the yard. Designed primarily around switching, the reverse loops allow for continuous running as well. Overall dimensions, approximately 60’ x 35’; around 300’ of track total. The idea behind the design was also to allow the middle of the yard to be open for kids/dogs. Now, if I could just get the kids and dogs to play there instead of on the railroad…



indoors, two levels, eight trains automated (four in each direction)
lots of stoneage electronics.
benchwork 80% finished
trackwork 60% finished
electronics er-hmm…

Kevin, just a quick look says those reversing loops are made with around 8’ diameter curves, is that right?


Here’s mine.

Like most it looks a bit complicated. It’s meant to have two purposes-

two separate, continuous runs as shown in the red and blue here:

Or for serious operating, a long single line with five crossing loops from Termite-Melaleuca-Maple Jn-Lilyvale-Ti-tree-Blackwall-Sandstone, as shown here:

Here’s mine -

A 27 foot diameter O, inside a 28 foot diameter O.



Here is the plan for the Little River RR. It has 20’ diameter curves and a 2% maximum grade.

The plan was enlarged from that of the Miller Creek Moss Rock Railway in GR magazine.

Doc Tom

Miller Creek Moss Rock Rwy
Miller Creek Moss Rock Rwy

Hey Doc, where is that station from? I really like it. Never mind I used that rock between my ears and found it. It’s scratchbuilt. I may have to make one myself.

I don’t have a picture of my track plan, sorry.


I never did draw out a complete sketch of the railroad as a track plan. I have various sections in RR-Track, but it doesn’t scale well for posting. These are the latest schematic diagrams…


this is what I was initially thinking, but not so sure now that I’ll use the Split-Jaw trackbed…missing just a few pieces to complete this anyways:

thx Joe, my Hotspot is causing me a hotspot on my rear this morning!

Here is Cale’s track plan…

Since mine is all spread out accross the back of the house, I’ll do it this way…in 3 sections. The first one is Delores, located at the driveway end, with Burns Jct entering the garage window,

The second section is Manco, which is on the west end of the porch. The track leaves Delores, crosses the walk then curves up into Manco.

The largest part is Hesperus, which occupies the old Above Ground Pool area on the eastern end of the porch.

This way it shows all the industries that are switched on the layout.

Well, no need to show my track plan. This spring we are going to chainsaw the layout and rebuild. After a few years of running and discovering what works and, more importantly, what doesn’t work, we are going to do an entire redo. Move more dirt, haul more stone, get more blisters.

I’m glad that Todd started this thread. I’m certain that I’ll get a lot of great ideas by checking out what you guys have done. Post a lot of pictures!


Well here is my track plan roughly drawn and not to scale…