Large Scale Central

Just the begining

Matt I really like your process. Many of us that use the trech floating track method have a problem with migrating ballast. It just seems to disappear over time but with your method the ballast won’t be able to spread sideways. I’m sure you will have some settling but just add more on top.
I don’t know if you have been doing this but have you considered pounding in grade stakes before the gravel goes in so you can attach the track to it? What I have found happens over the years is the track rises up and out of the ballast. I have sections that are both tied down and totally floating and the tied down sections haven’t risen over the ballast. Just a late observation… for you.

As for weathering I believe less is more. On my RR I have some cars that I gave a light spray to from a rattle can. Consider the environment the cars are moving through or what they are hauling and use paint that matches. I have used flat paints like black, grey, brown, ruddy brown, on my hoppers and covered hoppers. For practise you could remove the trucks and wheels and do those first. I use a rusty colour like a red primer on mine. Less is more. Be sure to start spraying then move onto and across your part, don’t hesitate or you will get more than a mist on there. Experiment with different distances between spray can and part and you could try to bounce the mist off a piece of cardboard.

Most of my equipment is nice and clean besides some dust. My RR takes great pride in its roster and they don’t let it get all dirty.

Keep up the good work Happy RRing

Thanks Todd!
I didn’t do grade stakes, I’m just going to let the track float. I was originally going to tie it down, but was advised against it.

I didn’t get any real work done on it this weekend. I did run a train. It was late and I took the video with my phone. So it’s pretty dark. That dang csx grain hopper was squealing!!

I think I may get the sd40-2 out and let it stretch it’s legs when I get home today. :smiley:


Matt at least you know what car is complaining. When I run my string of 6 100 ton hoppers, one of them complains. I start removing cars to find the offending car and the noise stops. Then I put them all back on to find the complainer and the noise is still stopped, for a while. So all I know is that one of them complains, but I haven’t been able to figure out which one.

Well David, I ran it again yesterday and it didn’t complain. hmmmmm. Maybe it just needed broken in. lol. But the railbox car would constantly derail. It eventually pulled the entire train over, minus the engine. Weird, it ran fine the day before.

I’ve come to the conclusion that I need metal wheels on all those evans cars and I’m going to need to switch to body mount kadee’s in the near future.

Also, I need either a power supply and crest revolution or switch over to batteries and get the crest revolution. I know Robby and Andy’s feedback on that. lol. Really leaning towards just going to battery.

I have feedback??? :slight_smile:

The railroad looks great Matt , glad to see you are running now. The movie was cool too . You’ll get the kinks out of the railroad eventually . I had similar problems with my evans cars too. I like to mow the grass while the train is running around and more often than not a accident would happen (train rear ending ) as soon as I turned my back on it. Seems that a evans car would always be the cause . My USA stuff never derails on its own. So I switched the trucks on a evans car to the trucks that were under a USA covered hopper . Cant explain it but it doesn’t derail anymore. And changing over to body mounted Kadee’s is a great idea. You’ll like the reliability of them staying together (another cause of unexpected derailments). Plus the added coolness of taking out the slack in the train when starting out. What are you using for a power supply now ? I have been using a Bridgewerks 15 amp unit and the optional remote since 2003 and am very happy with it . So far so good , as I knock on wood .

Matt, yes, metal wheels WILL make a difference. Just double check the gauge when you install them.

Andy your feedback was MUCH appreciated. I can’t thank you enough for showing me around.

Thanks Mike! The only thing I have now is a crest 1.8amp controller. I’d bought it when I planned on just running the bachmann engine I have. Things kinda snowballed though. lol. What remote are you using? The bridgewerks wireless remote? I thought your engines all had sound?

Thanks David. The aml cars I have just roll sooooo much smoother. They also sound better going down the rails.

Matt Russell said:

Andy your feedback was MUCH appreciated. I can’t thank you enough for showing me around.

Thanks Mike! The only thing I have now is a crest 1.8amp controller. I’d bought it when I planned on just running the bachmann engine I have. Things kinda snowballed though. lol. What remote are you using? The bridgewerks wireless remote? I thought your engines all had sound?

Thanks David. The aml cars I have just roll sooooo much smoother. They also sound better going down the rails.

Matt, yes it does kind of snowball.

And I do like the sound of metal wheels on metal rails.

Not all , I have 2 with sierra sound cards and then my MTH stuff . I have the Bridgewerks remote.

David, my original plan was to run my Bachman steam engine and big haulers cars on small loop in the grass. lol…
I’m thinking I might have this section done by end of next year…then the rest of the back yard is mine. My wife aleady asked why I didn’t go all the way around the fence. God love her, she has no idea how much any of this costs.

Mike, I didn’t realize that. This may be a dumb question, but how do you control the sound on the engine. I thought the bridegwerks remote only had forward/reverse/and speed controls?

Matt ,the Sierra sound is controlled by track voltage. The sound changes as different voltages are applied to the track.

Thanks Mike! I thought they had to have a receiver of some sort to control them.

I did get a small amount of work done this past weekend. Nothing amazing, but the city is done. Well, it’s backfilled anyway. It took another 4 hours of hauling and shoveling dirt.

I’d been to RLD’s open house on Saturday. I came home with a new 55ft tanker.


Here are some pictures of dirt. lol. There is still sooooooo much more to do.


Here’s a quick video I took on Monday. I just wanted to run a train for a while.

And click the gear icon and switch it to 720. It looks much better, even if I video’d it with my phone.


The “TON of work” (in the video caption) is an understatement as I’m sure you’ll find out.

Hans, If I remember right I shoveled 5 loads in the back of my truck then shoveled it out. I don’t want to know the tonnage. On a positive note, the dirt is free. :smiley:


My comment relates to the 30 tons of stuff we have moved thus far - one advantage a lot got delivered by dump truck, but it still needed to be wheeled to the back.

Ahhhh. I see. You know exactly where I’m coming from then.

When, or if, I expand. I will have it hauled in too. I may even borrow a skid steer. lol. I completely underestimated the amount of work it was going to take to back fill this railroad.

It’s hard to get much done now that it’s dark at 5 o’clock! sheesh, I don’t like this time of year. Anyway, I got some more dirt hauled on sunday and one load Monday after work.

The sandstone you see under the track is just temporary. I needed something to level out the track so I could run a train. I will get some more gravel and then eventually ballast the track.







There is just a small amount of dirt left to fill that foreground section, but it’s raining today. I also need just a little more to finish the rolling hills farm. After that I will have to make a trip to lowes for supplies to build the fence that will be in front of my privacy fence. I could really use some more hours in the day!!