Large Scale Central

Joe Douglass

Maybe you should look here Cliff

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Atlas track nails are pretty small heads. I used them for my trestle build.

Now this is turning into a proper Cliff build. That new cab will be awesome. If only there were a place one could get pre designed backhead details to print. . .

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All I can saw is WOW. Your attention to detail, and design skills to implement all that detail are awesome.

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That’s very generous of you Jon, thanks very much.

Thanks for the offer Devon, your details are excellent. This tiny backhead though will require pseudo-details all smashed together, so it’ll be a custom part.

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The main cab print finished sometime early this morning. In case someone’s interested, here’s how the finished print looks while still on the printer.


Thanks David! Those ARE smaller than the ones I’ve seen for sale (.028 dia), but Bruce’s pins are .020…

Your link though made me think to search for model ship nails, and lo and behold…

So thanks, I’ll bet Bruce got them from MM. :grin:

I seee what you will be doing for the next few hours :crazy_face: We need to figure out a way to recycle or otherwise repurpose all those supports :wink:

I have often looked and my supports and wondered what I can make with them

I thought I was saw someone build in small detail parts or something like that as the supports for a larger model. It looked like way too much work to come with with a design like that. But I guess in theory those supports could be really any shape.

Try Tichy. Those are the ones I used on my Mogul. They come in many sizes and shapes.


You’re probably correct, as I used to get a lot of my stuff from MM… BUT, I don’t really recall…

Supports? I’m trying to figure out what to do with all the unused parts. :flushed:

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Looks like a good scene for the engine house bone yard. I am being serious. Paint them up and make a scrap heap at the railroad shops

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Those boilers could be made into tractors or a sawmill/mine boiler.

I think Devon is on to something. Both great ideas. I would add, the boilers, cabs and bunker could be sitting in the shop getting much needed repairs and updating.

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I agree. From my post on 12/5: “Maybe I’ll use the others in a boiler room or something…”
Great minds and all that, hahahaha!

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No one saw my Bruce joke?

If I did, it went way over my head, which is not hard to do :grin:

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