Large Scale Central

Joe Douglass

Funny though because I have had more spinal taps than I can count. And that process is much more like having a sight glass and tri-cocks installed. They stick a needle in my backhead (spine) and literally attach a sight glass that measures the pressure. And if its high they drain it off.

Maybe my boiler is no longer certified and I should just be scrapped.

Thanks for all the kind remarks guys! Very much appreciated.

About the backhead stuff.

Dave M, Devon, thanks for that confirmation and background info about the shelf, very cool. I saw a photo last night of Doc Watson’s latest loco, wow, what a drool fest, but it also has that little shelf, and an oil can on it.

Devon, great points on the “bi-cock” and funnel, I have no idea where the third valve is. I should ask.

Either way, I may have to upgrade the backhead from its standard LGB appearance…

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About painting, thanks for the photos Rooster, and color ideas Rick and Devon.

At first I’d expected to be that typical pastel green, and I ask Doc yesterday for the color he used, and it was Krylon Catalina Mist.

But then I looked back at the photos I took, posted those, and I agree Rooster and Rick, it’s like that green. So I’ll check out the Leafy Green, Rick.

About the black, Devon, I’ll probably feel compelled to make the Joe look kinda like it does now – cleaned up, in the museum. I expect that’s how the crews kept it up, back in the day, they were very proud of their only loco. But I don’t like glossy, so probably satin.

However, the chalkboard paint and chalk ideas are great, I’ll use those on another project for sure.

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I mentioned earlier that I’d been in touch with Doc Watson, and that he’d shared some pics with me on his latest.

I’m afraid this will derail my thread completely, but I HAVE to show you this simply amazing backhead detail he’s created on the loco he and his son have made.

We’ll have to wait for Doc’s thread on this, maybe in January. But he’s given me the ok to tease you with this.

Between this and the “shelf” discussion, now you see why I think I’ve got to do a new backhead that’s better than the standard LGB. It won’t be anywhere near like Doc’s, but I’ll shoot for something in between.


Bruce, thanks very much. I’m nowhere near your craftsmanship level, but I’m trying to learn here and there.

BTW, throughout this project, I’ve been making heavy use of your drill press and sweet drill bit set (with each one stamped, wow, I’ve never had nice drill bits, just ones from HD or Harbor Freight), so I’ve thought of you with every bit change practically. So many thanks again for those!!

I’ve asked a couple of knowledgeable friends about the missing tri-cock valve, and also about roofing type and cab flooring for the Joe D. I’ll post on what they say.

Due to practical issues of access to parts and being able to replace things that will surely break off, and also due to being shame-spired by Doc’s and Devon’s backhead works, I’m pulling the plug on my current cab print and am redesigning it.


  • removable roof (will make everything easier)
  • replaceable side handles (4)
  • interior wood sheathing (just because)
  • plex windows (those were there, but I’m pointing them out here to get credit)
  • separate Joe D name boards (I want to be able to paint the otherwise inset letters)
  • separate seat pads (to paint them easily, and maybe make them poofy)

All this in anticipation of…

  • the new backhead
  • a ceiling which has a light fixture to accept the LGB bulb
  • probably a new / replaceable whistle & roof penetration

OK, it’s easy to see that other things will be needed…

  • Flat head screws on the floor, allowing
  • A floor plate of some sort
  • Window trim
  • Etc.

I’ve requested pics of these details, and those will help in those efforts. Since I don’t know what they look like.

Down the rabbit hole…



Make sure to pack a lunch

Watch out for the Red Queen, you know her favorite saying ………. “Off with their heads” :grimacing:

Cliff, I like the redo. Much more in line with your exceptional skill set and we get to watch the sequel :blush:


Sorry Cliff,

Not really. That cab will be very nice

Thanks Dan!

I thought you were going to say “Watch out for Devon when you get down there,” haha!

Well, you might want to watch out for him, too. But I’m sure the Red Queen will take care of him. :wink:

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Wow! Pretty neat stuff. I really can’t wait to see your prints for this!

Not necessarily for your floor, but when you do need a screw or bolt, think about the hex head ones that you can get (or you may already have :innocent: ) - they end up looking VERY snazzy.

Thanks Bruce! You bet, I love using real hardware when possible, and thanks for your stash!

I’ll be using micro hex lag screws to attach the lower handles, might find another spot or two.

Well, I KNOW that whatever YOU use it WILL look AWESOME! Glad I could help!


Bruce, I’m using a couple of your 0-90 hex screws & tiny nuts to hold the lower handles. Normally I don’t use parts that I can’t see, but this is a special situation!

And some of your smallest brass brads on the seat cushions. I’ve looked high and low for this size but haven’t found them. Do you recall where you got em?

The interior plywood sheathing didn’t work out, too much trouble to trim out, and all to just be painted. But I had reasonable success on reworking for removable interior frames to hold the “glass” in. Also added molding, wainscoting grooves and a few other details.

The main cab body is printing now (a 10-hour print! very tall when tipping it 45 degrees) and will be thru the night.

The remaining item is the backhead area, which will have a piece of floor integral to it. This will help hold the rear of the boiler down; and the new countersunk flanges on the adjacent lower cab walls will secure that to the chassis as well.

The backhead area floor will have a few details, and that’s the other reason to make it part of the backhead proper. So, next will come the details of this new separable part.

That’s all I got today,

888:> Cliffy


That’s all, you got to be kidding :grinning: What, that took you all of maybe 10 minutes … uhhh … ummmm … I mean 10 hours or days :crazy_face:

Its looking great, Cliff. Lots of parts to print and keep up with. Looking forward to seeing it all come together.


Hi Dan, haha! No, I’m no Speedy Gonzales, it’s just that I had expected to have the backhead designed by the end of today. I had a rare and entire day to put into the project, woo hoo! But – as you’ll understand – the deeper I dug into the cab interior design, and whole bunch of other detailing had to come before that.

Glad you’re liking the project!

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Nope, not a clue. Sorry… :upside_down_face:

I’m betting he had to clean the work room - there was a speck of dust that bothered him! :innocent:

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