Large Scale Central

Joe Douglass

I hate to be a nudge but that ISN"T what your prototype looks like. That has a nice gloss black smoke box and a planished iron jacket. Now that the conversation has come up, it think this picture is just about the perfect look for what I imagine planished iron should look like. Its that graphite color and this is a nice sunny day so its reflecting back blue.

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Agreed. Except for the RI boiler jacket, which will be a serious PITA. I’ve been informed that gloss black paint won’t wash there.

We’ll see how far my give-o-crap holds…

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Yesterday afternoon I did the stack, which (per the museum’s drawing) is now taller and has a flatter screen frame. It will also accommodate a scavenged smoke unit. I printed 3 just in case, but all went well with the first one, yay.

I also worked on the whistle “pipe” from the steam dome. It’s a flexible tube (to be painted black) which has the ceiling light’s wires inside. The LBG whistle is in a hole topside.

A mini connector was added so that the light can be disconnected when the roof is removed (without removing the boiler from the chassis). The steam dome’s top has a hole big enough for the mated connectors to pass through (and shove into the boiler). The little disk on the tube plugs into this hole and trims things out.

This afternoon I worked on handles and steps, 4 pieces on each side. The brass strips will have a small “wooden” step CA’d to the top of their rungs. The 0-80 hardware is courtesy Mr. Chandler. :grin:

That’s all for today. I’m working only mornings this week, so it’s nice to devote whole afternoons to this project.


Be careful, Cliff, very very careful ……. Else you might fool around and finish this thing :smiley:. Really looking great. I see new details I’ve not noticed before each time you post new photos.


Everything is looking good Cliff. Great progress. Aren’t those miniature screws great?


Thanks Dan!! I’m glad you’re noticing whatever those details are, thanks! But no fear, there’s a month of (re)painting ahead I think! You’re right though, I’m trying to get over the model / assembly hump during this holiday time, cuz I need to get to other stuff in January…

Thanks very much Doc! And did I mention I saw your amazing mogul in the recent Gazette? Those screws are indeed great. Bruce gave me one size smaller, 0-90, super tiny. I’ve not gotten into 00 or 000, because I don’t know if I can see them, let alone assemble them! What’s the smallest size you use?

Current painting plan, as of 12/29/21 (subject to revision):

  1. Smokebox & stack: “graphite” dark gray, using Devon’s idea of (flat) chalkboard paint
  2. Boiler jacket: “planished” steel, using Devon’s powder-on-paint method
  3. Pilot: red (with gloss black pilot beam)
  4. Cab interior: leaf green
  5. All other structures: gloss black
  6. Lettering: white*
  7. Handles, grab rails, driver tires: white (per photos)
  8. Brass (where practical): brass-looking
  9. Seat pads: black (leather)
  10. Drive rods / running gear: “natural” bare / polished steel, as practical
  11. Roof: copper sheet, tarnished
  • I’ve been encouraged (by the main historian involved with the upcoming Joe Douglass assessment for rehab) to “have fun” with the lettering, since the painters would have, back in the “hood” (as Rooster would say). Gold, yellow, shadows, etc., are options. But at this point, with the raised lettering (vs. decal) approach, this needs to be a monochrome solution, nothing super fancy. So while the museum uses white, yellow or gold (must be high-contrast) are options.
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Holy moley! I’m running out of adjectives! VERY nice work!


The smallest I use is 00-90. I managed a number of them on my Mogul.

Cute picture Bruce. My how you’ve changed.

I’ve always liked your Avitar Don. Looks like Rooster is a puppet head on your shoulder!


So, it’s TRUE??? :yum:

Shades of “Hitchhiker’s Guide to the Galaxy.

There was a rooster there??? I need to reread :joy:

Jon, I’m also a huge fan of Doc’s, but not so sure about avatar licking…

HA! Your not supposed to read it the way I wrote it, your supposed to read it the way I meant it!

J.D. is looking awesome, BTW.

And you are worried that my paint scheme might be “over the top”??? Honestly, cliff I think you are one of my favorite humans. Who in their right minds complains about a tedious paint process and then prints 3 stacks “just in case”. Lol. Love you brother, carry on.

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I have become seriously fond of 0-80 and 00-90 brass screws, nuts and washers. They are so much nicer than cast, printed, or hex styrene. I use them a lot. I even bought some crazy microscopic metric suckers that I can’t even see.

I love Model motorcars for small hardware. They have some neat small hardware. These things are awesome for brake linkage hardware.

They even have tiny acron nuts and tiny wing nuts.

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Back in the day when I was experimenting with building my own turnout points I used 0-90 nuts and bolts to hold things together. I recently found the last of that tiny screw order that had some 0-80’s as well. I discovered that with a tiny, tiny bit of solder and some flux you can actually flow solder into the space between the nut and the bolt if you want a really permanent solution. I tried it on the 0-80 with success but I don’t have enough 0-90 to try.

I need to order up some more. I’m starting to feel like I’ve got a whole hobby shop worth of building supplies on hand.

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You might want to try this place instead for micro screws.
A lot more for the same price.

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